Almonds, peanuts, pretzels, peanut butter — if none of those chocolate-covered candies get your sweet tooth tingling, Mars is hoping its newest variety of M&M’s will: caramel covered with milk chocolate and of course coated in a candy shell. [More]

We May Be Facing A Future Without M&M McFlurries
If you’re the kind of person who likes to add extra sugar to your dose of sugar, your sweet tooth may soon have to accept a new reality, one where an ice cream treat isn’t dotted with brightly colored candy: Mars, the company behind the M&Ms in your McFlurry, the Snickers in your Burger King dessert pie, may be considering ending those kinds of partnerships with fast food chains. [More]

Easter Sundae M&Ms Feature Chocolate And Mysterious White Substance
Here at Consumerist, we love and love to hate novelty flavors of classic candies and cookies, like root beer float cookies or pumpkin spice latte M&Ms. The snack wizards over at M&M HQ now have to crank out multiple holiday flavors of their candy-coated chocolate treats every season, because different retailers want their own custom flavors. This year and this spring, they’re making “Easter Sundae” flavor for Walmart, which unfortunately isn’t much of a flavor. [More]

Pumpkin Spice Latte M&Ms Are A Thing, If You Were Wondering
Candy with pumpkin spice flavoring? That’s so very 2013. The flavor wizards at M&M/Mars have gone beyond the tepid cinnamon-ish flavor of their attempt two years ago, and have now added what we’re guessing is a faint hint of coffee flavor to the mix for pumpkin spice latte M&Ms. Yes, this is real. [More]

Pecan Pie M&Ms Spotted At Walmart
M&Ms aren’t as aggressively into new and exotic flavors as, say, Nabisco’s Oreo cookies, but they have experimented with holiday-themed flavors like gingerbread, pumpkin spice, vanilla shake, birthday cake, and candy apple. Now they’re expanding into another pretty standard flavor in the Flavors of Fall repertoire: pecan pie M&Ms have been spotted at Walmart. [More]

Boxes Of Plain M&Ms That Really Contain Peanut Butter M&Ms Recalled
I think that peanut butter M&Ms are one of the tastiest invention in candy history, but not everyone agrees. Some people are allergic to peanuts, and some people just don’t like ’em. These people wouldn’t find a box full of peanut butter M&Ms in a plain M&Ms box to be a pleasant surprise, so 36 lots of the candy have been recalled. [More]

Candy Apple-Flavored M&Ms Exist For Some Reason
A candy apple covered with M&Ms is a real thing that exists. However, that is not what you get when you buy a bag of candy apple flavored M&Ms at your local Walmart. Yes, M&M/Mars is using their fancy new factory to create more variations on the candy. Why? [More]

Mars Shells Out $270M For Its First New Candy Factory In 35 Years
There are some things you can bet on it’s that there will always be someone, somewhere who wants chocolate. Unless our future alien overlords deprogram our taste for candy, that makes Mars Inc.’s $270 million factory, its first new factory in 35 years, a pretty safe investment. [More]

Vanilla Shake M&Ms Exist In Australia, Are Boring
Ooh, more exciting international snack food news! Down in Australia, they now have Vanilla Shake flavored M&Ms. Does that sound tempting? Well, it isn’t. People there report that they’re similar to the boring flavor profile of Birthday Cake M&Ms, which just taste like boring old milk chocolate M&Ms. [The Impulsive Buy] [More]

Giant M&M’s Coming For People Who Need Triple Chocolate
Do you enjoy M&M’s, but find that they just don’t contain enough chocolate? We’re pretty sure that no one has ever had that problem, but M&M’s/Mars has solved it anyway with the creation of M&M’s Mega. Each candy has three times as much chocolate as a regular M&M, coated with the traditional candy shell. [More]

Christmas Is Coming, In The Form Of Gingerbread-Flavored Stuff
You can tell when fall is at hand, because items with pumpkin spice flavoring begin to fill store shelves. While retail has many other more obvious symbols of impending Christmas, one fits the theme of sweets flavored to taste like other things: gingerbread. No, not gingerbread cookies. Other things that are flavored to taste like gingerbread. [More]

Moms Ask Mars To Remove Artificial Dyes From M&Ms
Brightly colored M&Ms are surely attention grabbing, but the sponsors of a new petition urging Mars to replace the artificial dyes it uses to make those blues and greens so pretty say the colorings can cause some kids to be hyperactive. [More]

Birthday Cake M&Ms Are Coming So You Can Have Your Cake And Eat Your Candy, Too
Whether you see your birthday as yet another inevitable reminder of your mortality or a joyous day made for celebrating all things you, there’s always the fact that you get to eat birthday cake to mark the occasion. Because cake takes the sting out of/adds extra glory to this day, some might wish that every day could be birthday cake day. And it can be. Or rather, birthday cake-flavored M&Ms day. [More]

Pumpkin Spice M&Ms Exist, Mostly Taste Like Chocolate
Ten years ago, Starbucks introduced the Pumpkin Spice Latte, starting a trend and sending the nation into a frenzy of unbridled pumpkin lust. Pumpkin beer? Pumpkin spice Pringles? It seems like everything has been pumpkin-ified. Everything except hard-shelled chocolate candies. Until now. Pumpkin spice M&Ms have arrived. [More]

M&M's Is Really Nice After Accidentally Triggering Your Mint Allergy
How do you win over a customer after you’ve just accidentally triggered their mint allergy? M&M’s have figured the answer: lots of apologies and lots of free coupons. [More]

MMS For iPhone Rollout Begins, 2 Weeks Early
Reports are showing up online that AT&T is beginning a slow rollout of official MMS functionality to seemingly random iPhone users, from Manhattan to Idaho. The official start date is September 25, but it makes sense that the company would implement the change gradually to make sure the network can handle it.

Class Action Suit Against Apple And AT&T For Lack Of MMS On iPhones
No matter how awesome the iPhone is at multimedia, gaming, or taking money out of your wallet and mailing it to AT&T and Apple, it still doesn’t let you use multimedia messaging service (MMS)—you know, that thing where you send a photo to a friend over text message. Earlier this year AT&T finally said it would happen by the end of summer, but now a group of customers in Louisiana are tired of waiting.