
(Steven Pisano)

Man Experiences Every New Yorker’s Worst Fear By Falling Through Open Cellar Door In Front Of McDonald’s

You don’t have to be a New Yorker to fear the sidewalk grate — those shuttered cellar doors restaurants and other businesses have out front that are supposed to be safe to walk on — it can strike fear in the heart of any pedestrian, city dweller or tourist. One man embodied that common worry when he stumbled into an open sidewalk door in front of McDonald’s recently in the city’s busy Midtown neighborhood. [More]

McDonald’s Franchisees Aren’t Lovin’ The All-Day Breakfast Menu

McDonald’s Franchisees Aren’t Lovin’ The All-Day Breakfast Menu

While consumers might be excited to have the opportunity to order brenner (breakfast for dinner) when visiting McDonald’s after a long day of work, that doesn’t mean the people cracking eggs and flipping sausage patties are excited. In fact, franchisees say the rollout of McDonald’s all-day breakfast has been less “lovin’ it,” and more nightmare.  [More]

Teachers Call On McDonald’s To End McTeacher’s Nights

Teachers Call On McDonald’s To End McTeacher’s Nights

McDonald’s has several methods for marketing directly to children and parents, including McTeacher’s Nights, where educators will volunteer to work for the night at a McD’s in exchange for a “percentage of sales from the event” being donated to the school. Today, groups and unions representing some 3 million American teachers are asking McDonald’s to put an end to the program. [More]

(Click through for enormous full-size map)

Where Is McDonald’s Offering All-Day Breakfast Biscuits Or McMuffins? Here’s Your Map

Reader D. is disappointed in all-day breakfast at McDonald’s. Not because it exists, but because he lives in an area of Ohio that offers biscuits and not McMuffins on its all-day breakfast menu. He wondered whether we could provide a service to our readers by making a nationwide map that shows which markets have which breakfast breads. We can’t, because McDonald’s already did. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Is “Obviously” Paying Attention To McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Menu

Dunkin’ Donuts Is “Obviously” Paying Attention To McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Menu

Given the hoopla surrounding McDonald’s nationwide entry into the all-day breakfast market, one might assume competitors are a bit wary of how the move will affect their sales. But while Dunkin’ Donuts says that of course, it’s watching the Golden Arches, it’s ready to fight back with the weapons it has at its disposal: breakfast sandwiches, coffee and donuts. [More]

Four Major Sponsors  Call For FIFA President To Resign Immediately, He Refuses

Four Major Sponsors Call For FIFA President To Resign Immediately, He Refuses

Sure, sure, the president of global soccer association FIFA is under criminal investigation in Switzerland, but that doesn’t mean that he should make any rash decisions, like resigning in advance of the emergency presidential election in February. Now some of FIFA’s deep-pocketed sponsors are calling for Blatter to resign immediately, and he… refuses. [More]

Where To Get Free (Or Discounted) Coffee For National Coffee Day Sept. 29

Where To Get Free (Or Discounted) Coffee For National Coffee Day Sept. 29

If you need caffeine every day like you need air to breathe, tomorrow is your big day: National Coffee Day is Sept. 29, and with it comes a slew of offers from U.S. java joints for free or discounted coffee. We’ve got the goods on where to score your cheap fix in honor of such an important day. [More]

McDonald’s Now Offering A 100% Organic Burger… In Germany

McDonald’s Now Offering A 100% Organic Burger… In Germany

In an attempt to turn around sluggish sales and capture the always desirable millennial market, McDonald’s has introduced new and revised old menu items: offering kale, beefing up the Quarter Pounder, and adding all-day breakfast just to name a few. The company’s latest ploy: an organic hamburger. But there’s a catch — it’s only available in Germany. [More]

McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Menu Spotted In The Wild Ahead Of Nationwide Rollout

McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Menu Spotted In The Wild Ahead Of Nationwide Rollout

Despite the fact that McDonald’s new all-day breakfast menus are slated to roll out across the country on Oct. 6, it seems there could be a few locations who couldn’t wait: Consumerist reader Victor spotted an all-day breakfast menu at the drive-thru of his local Mickey D’s in Northern California this week, and sent in the evidence. [More]

After 50 Years With McDonald’s, Franchisee Declares “I Wanted To Get The Hell Out”

After 50 Years With McDonald’s, Franchisee Declares “I Wanted To Get The Hell Out”

Imagine you start with a company at the age of 16 and remain with it for half a century in a position that provides you with a not-insubstantial living. How does that relationship sour to the point where you pull the plug on it and publicly declare your frustration? [More]

Tampa Bay-area McDonald's restaurants debuted a new chicken burger on Monday.

Florida McDonald’s Franchisees Testing Ground Chicken Burgers

Who needs a regular old hamburger — or a turkey burger, or a chicken filet — when you can get a burger made from ground chicken instead? At least that’s the thought process for the operators of 202 McDonald’s restaurants in Florida’s Tampa Bay area. [More]


McRib Returning, But Only To 55% Of U.S. McDonald’s

Last November, the McRib returned in all its glory to nearly three-quarters of McDonald’s U.S. locations. This year, however, the (real) meat patty with (fake) ribs will be a bit harder to find, as many franchisees have decided to forgo the limited-time item. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Restaurants Prep For All-Day Breakfast Battle With McDonald’s

In just a few short weeks, McDonald’s will find out whether its move to offering all-day breakfast was a great idea or a rotten egg, but family restaurant chains that rely on breakfast to make their bottom lines aren’t waiting to find out and are launching promotional assaults to win the hearts (and wallets) of America’s pancakes and sausage eaters. [More]

McDonald’s Will Transition To Using Only Cage-Free Eggs In U.S., Canadian Restaurants (Eventually)

McDonald’s Will Transition To Using Only Cage-Free Eggs In U.S., Canadian Restaurants (Eventually)

McDonald’s is hopping on the cage-free bandwagon, announcing today that it’s going to transition to sourcing only cage-free eggs for its U.S. and Canadian restaurants over the next decade. [More]

Wendy’s Brings Back Pulled Pork Sandwich To Close Out Summer Of Fast-Food Pulled Pork

Wendy’s Brings Back Pulled Pork Sandwich To Close Out Summer Of Fast-Food Pulled Pork

For a while, it looks like this might be the Summer of Pulled Pork. Or like pulled pork would be the new bacon. There would be some very headline-friendly thing that would happen with pulled pork. Some regional chains picked up the trend, but now Wendy’s is only jumping on the porkwagon at the end of the traditional barbecue season, bringing back their pulled pork sandwich and fries. Yes, fries. [More]


Analysts Say McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Could Drive Up Egg Prices, Exacerbate Shortage

Before McDonald’s big announcement on Tuesday that it would roll out all-day breakfast across the country starting next month, we wondered if the fast food giant would scrap its plans because of egg shortages caused by the recent avian flu outbreak and the high egg prices that have resulted from it. While we now know that the Golden Arches wasn’t put off by the possibility of dishing out more cash for eggs, its new venture could further aggravate the egg-supply issues plaguing other businesses. [More]

McDonald’s Franchisees Vote In All-Day Breakfast, Will Start October 6

McDonald’s Franchisees Vote In All-Day Breakfast, Will Start October 6

After months of speculation, testing, and fretting over egg shortages, the day is finally here: McDonald’s franchisees have cast their votes, and all-day breakfast is going nationwide. Maybe they’ll use up those margarine stashes more quickly than anticipated. The menu varies slightly according to whether the restaurant is in a “biscuit market” or a standard breakfast market, but the important part is that it’s breakfast. All day. [More]


McDonald’s Can’t Use The Word “Artisan” To Describe Limited-Edition Burger In Ireland

In a world where marketers are constantly trying to catch the attention of shoppers with products that are seen as fresh, wholesome and healthy, there are some words that perhaps used to mean something more to people than they used to. Like “artisan” — in the past, this would’ve meant a skilled worker spending time and great effort on making something. Now, that could just mean more premium ingredients on your fast food burger. But in Ireland, it’s not so easy to use such words lightly, as McDonald’s recently found out with its first attempt at an “artisan” Irish burger. [More]