Washington state’s first bunch of licensed retail marijuana sellers are slated to open on July 8. But when they do, it looks like they might not be selling a wide variety of pot-infused edibles that don’t meet new packaging guidelines intended to make sure that the products A) aren’t marketed to kids, and B) won’t be confused with other snacks that don’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol. [More]

New York To Legalize Medical Marijuana — As Long As You’re Not Smoking It
New York is just about ready to legalize medical marijuana in the state for patients with serious illnesses — and no, your cousin Chad’s extreme boredom is not an illness — as long as patients aren’t smoking the stuff. [More]

Hershey Sues Edible Marijuana Maker Over Punny Product Names
We can’t imagine anyone with even the most basic grasp of the English language would confuse Hershey’s Almond Joy with “Ganja Joy,” an edible marijuana product. Nor do we think anyone will mistakenly buy a “Dabby Patty” thinking it’s a York peppermint patty. But we don’t work for the Hershey legal department, which has sued a Colorado company over punny pot product names that the chocolate goliath believes are too close to its trademarked brands. [More]

New York Times’ Maureen Dowd Eats Pot Candy Bar In Colorado And Totally Freaks Out
When well-known New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd eats edible marijuana in Colorado and freaks out about it, you better believe she’s going to write about it. You’ve might’ve heard of her tale of paranoia and extreme anxiety, because it seems like everyone else is freaking out about it, too. Of course, that’s not the actual point of her opinion piece. [More]

Documents Show That Big Tobacco Has Been Interested In Pot For At Least 45 Years
With medical marijuana now legal in nearly half the country and pot now a legal retail item in Washington and Colorado, it would make sense that the nation’s tobacco companies would be seeing the potential for making green from green. And a new report uncovers documents showing that the tobacco industry has been thinking about marijuana long before most of the people who smoke it today were even born. [More]

Hold The Onions, Add Marijuana? Man Claims McDonald’s Burger Came Topped With Weed
When ordering at the McDonald’s drive-thru one has to consider the chances of their order coming out wrong. But an Iowa couple says they got something in their hamburger they would have never expected: marijuana. [More]

Why Can’t You Get Medical Marijuana At CVS Or Walgreens?
Even though marijuana has been legalized by Colorado and Washington, and nearly two dozen states have laws protecting medical use of marijuana, you won’t be seeing it made available at your local pharmacy unless the federal government decides to legalize it. [More]

Denver Officials Not A Big Fan Of Bring-Your-Own-Pot Colorado Symphony Concerts
What’s an organization to do to set itself apart from others trying to raise money? Well, if you’re the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, organizing a series of bring-your-own-pot performances is one way to grab headlines and bring in bodies, but that doesn’t mean the city of Denver is cool with that plan. [More]

Colorado Won’t Be Getting Its Very Own Marijuana Bank Anytime Soon
In an effort one legislator likened to throwing spaghetti noodles against the wall to see what sticks, a proposal this week to set up a financial co-op within the marijuana industry has met with a swift death. [More]

Colorado Task Force Trying To Figure Out How To Keep People From Eating Too Much Pot
Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado for recreational use, that doesn’t mean necessarily that everyone is sitting around toking on pipes and joints, despite what your imagination has led you to believe. And because a whole lot of people, including pot tourists, like to eat their reefer, state officials are taking on the task of regulating those edible offerings. [More]

Banks Still Balking At Opening Accounts For Legit Marijuana Businesses
While medical marijuana is legal in more than 20 states and Washington, D.C., and legalized for recreational use in two states, pot-based businesses that operate out in the open and pay taxes are still having difficulty finding banks that will take their money, in spite of recent federal guidance intended to help them out. [More]

Pot Vending Machine Is Like That Awesome Idea You Had Once In College, Except It’s Real
It was around two in the morning one winter morning back in 1996 — or wait, was it three a.m. in 2001? You can’t remember. All you know is the brilliant idea you had that one time after watching Half Baked and smoking you know, “the reefer,” is now a reality. A new company has debuted its pot vending machine in the only place that can welcome it right now, Colorado. [More]

A Friendly Reminder For Those In States With Legal Pot: Keep Your Edibles Away From Pets
Just think about how much people food your dog could put away if given unfettered access to the kitchen. Now imagine you live in Washington or Colorado, where it’s legal to have edibles — cookies, butters, oils, bread, whathaveyou — infused with marijuana. Cue really important lesson for pet owners to keep the pot from your pooch. [More]

Colorado’s Marijuana Retailers Are Now On The Edge Of A Consumer Privacy Frontier
The right to privacy where you shop is something consumers hold dear, but at the same time, when your favorite stores track your purchases using loyalty rewards programs, they can better market you promotional offers or other discounts. But how’s that going to work in Colorado’s new legal marijuana industry, where privacy at the store is especially cherished? [More]

Family Claims Pizza Place Served Them A Literal Pot Pie
We’ve heard that pizza and marijuana can be a winning combination for a fun weekend night. However, one south Los Angeles family doesn’t agree after their experience with a local pizzeria. They claim that they ended up in the emergency department of the nearest hospital with acute marijuana intoxication after eating the mushroom pizza that they ordered. [More]

Colorado’s “Drive High, Get A DUI” Campaign: Because Having The Munchies Is Distracting
Just like Colorado doesn’t want drunk drivers swerving all over its roads and endangering people, the state doesn’t want anyone getting stoned and trying to operate a car, now that marijuana is legal in the state. Because if what we’ve learned from the movies about reefer is true, there are plenty of distractions when you’re stoned — food (Funyuns specifically), the way Willie Nelson’s braids sway just so and oh what’s that thing I must stare at over there? [More]

Woman Discovers Her New Car Has Not Only A Spare Tire, But Also 8 Spare Pounds Of Marijuana
Don’t you just hate it when you’re driving down the road, cruising the highways and byways as you please, when you suddenly realize you have a flat AND you don’t have any drugs left?* One Ohio woman is totally covered by her seven-month-old car that she bought new, because not only does she have a spare tire but she’s got a spare eight pounds of marijuana inside it. [More]