I’ve never mailed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of marijuana to anyone, but if I were going to do it, I’d at least make sure that it was properly addressed. But that’s apparently not the case for whomever sent 90 pounds of pot to one Philly-area clothing store over the course of two days. [More]

Bob Marley’s Family Is Starting A Line Of Branded Marijuana For Reasons No One Must Explain
In a branding combination that goes together like Bob Marley black light posters and college students, the late musician’s family says it’s starting a new line of Bob Marley marijuana. If you need someone to explain the relationship between Marley and Mary Jane, go ask your 19-year-old niece/nephew/son/daughter living in the basement. [More]

Of Course There’s An App For Getting Medical Marijuana Delivered To Your Doorstep In L.A.
As marijuana becomes legal in a growing list of states, whether recreationally or for medical reasons, it would make sense that consumers living in those areas would turn to technology to get the products they want. After all, who actually calls the delivery place on the phone to get dinner anymore? Calling a cab, how quaint! So to fill that technology need, a California company has set its app up to offer medical marijuana delivery. [More]

Voters In Oregon, Alaska, Washington D.C. Legalize Marijuana
Break out the celebratory brownies: Alaska, Oregon and D.C. are joining the ranks Washington State and Colorado, after residents had their say in last night’s vote and legalized marijuana where they live, in varying degrees. [More]

Dressing Your Baby In A Marijuana Leaf Costume: Totally Chill Or Completely Inappropriate?
On the one hand, marijuana is legal for medical and recreational use in some states in our fair country, and the plant’s leaf is just another green thing that grows in the ground. But on the other hand, babies and marijuana. [More]

Colorado Health Officials Pushing To Ban Most Forms Of Edible Marijuana
With Halloween coming up, law enforcement officals Colorado have been warning parents about pot-laced candies or treats that might find their way into kids’ bags this year, now that recreational marijuana is legal in the state. And in order to decrease the likelihood of pot product confusion in the future, health officials are now pushing the state to ban most edible forms of pot, including brownies, cookies, cakes and most candies. [More]

Hermès Customers Returning $20,000 Birkin Bags For Smelling Like Weed
When you’re paying $20,000 for a purse, it should be basically perfect, if not possess some kind of supernatural ability to lay golden eggs or something. That’s why some disgruntled Hermès customers are reportedly returning their pricy Birkin bags, claiming that the purses smell like stanky, skunky marijuana. [More]

Washington Stores Pull Exploding Marijuana Soda Bottles From Shelves
Now that marijuana is legal for recreational use in Washington, stores have probably not been surprised to see pot-infused products flying off the shelves. But when there’s soda literally exploding on the shelves, well, that’s not the best way to clear out the inventory. At least three marijuana product purveyors in the state have had to pull a sparkling pomegranate soda made with pot after bottles started exploding mysteriously. [More]

Seattle Prosecutor Dropping Seven Months Worth Of Tickets For Using Marijuana In Public
Remember that cop in Seattle accused of going rogue in light of Washington’s legalization of recreational marijuana? Officials in that city say he issued about 80% of all the tickets for using pot in public, and had urged ticketed residents to contest any and all marijuana tickets as a result. Now Seattle’s prosecutor is just wiping seven months of marijuana tickets from the board entirely. [More]

Washington State Just Says No To Mobile Weed-Smoking Wagons
In the wake of Washington state’s recent legalization of recreational marijuana, some businesses have popped up to cater to weed tourists who want to see the sites while also enjoying the cannabis they have purchased. But state regulators have now made it clear that smoking pot on buses — even chartered ones — is a no-no. [More]

Seattle City Attorney: Anyone Who’s Gotten A Ticket For Marijuana Should Fight It
After the Seattle Police Department announced at the end of July that a police officer had been reassigned and was under investigation for issuing 88% of the city’s marijuana citations, the city attorney is telling anyone who got a ticket to contest it. [More]

Cannabis Company Unveils Country’s First Marijuana Billboards In Seattle
Back in my day, the only billboards along the side of the road were for things like light beer, ambulance chasers, adult video stores, fast food and car dealerships. No longer will roadside advertising be limited to such things, as a new era of everyday legal marijuana use in Washington has made the country’s first cannabis billboards a reality. [More]

When Your Parents Don’t Let You Make Pot Brownies At Home, Don’t Break Into A Stranger’s House
First of all, let us acknowledge that it is unclear what kind of drugs two teens allegedly baked into brownies at an absent stranger’s house. But based on the pop culture knowledge we possess here at Consumerist (Have you seen Half Baked? That Dave Chappelle is going places!), we’re gonna go ahead and guess that they were making pot brownies. Allegedly. [More]

Colorado Marijuana Regulators Propose Emergency Rule To Clarify Potency Of Pot Edibles
When a New York Times columnist is writing that she hallucinated that she was dead after eating more than the recommended dose of edible marijuana, while other consumers perhaps unused to judging the potency of pot are also complaining about confusing serving sizes, there’s a bit of pressure on Colorado regulators to come up with a solution. That’s why officials are reportedly prepping an emergency rule that would make it easier to tell how much pot is in edible pot products. [More]

Seattle Police Officer Reassigned After Review Finds He Wrote 80% Of City’s Marijuana Tickets
While marijuana has been legal in Washington state since the beginning of this year, it’s not like the streets are filled with people lighting up bongs and toking on pipes. Because if you do, you’re going to get a ticket for public marijuana use. That being said, the Seattle Police Department says one officer has been reassigned after apparently going a bit ticket-happy and issuing about 80% of the city’s pot citations so far this year. [More]

Oregonians Get Another Chance To Vote On Recreational Marijuana Come This November
For the last two years, Oregonians in favor of marijuana for recreational use have had to stare glumly across the border at Washington State, where it’s legal, after a ballot initiative to legalize the stuff failed in 2012. But if at first you don’t succeed… You know where this is going. [More]

Washington State’s Legal Marijuana Shops Prepare To Open Their Doors This Week
Like Colorado before it, Washington State is now open for legal marijuana sales. With the first licenses for the first stores issued today — and a required 24-hour waiting period before sales can start — shop owners are preparing to welcome customers this week. [More]

Customer Surprised Because Sonic’s Menu Doesn’t List Chicken Strips With A Side Of Marijuana
Today seems to be the day when fast food customers end up with surprises in their food, like Cracker Jack! But not as fun/innocent: First it was a fried hand towel at KFC, and now a Sonic customer says she found a plastic baggie of marijuana in her order of chicken strips and fries. [More]