One of the biggest worries marijuana businesses have in states like Colorado and Washington, where recreational use is now legal, was that they’d be shut out of financial institutions and be stuck with cash-only transactions. That worry is now likely allayed today as the federal government has given the go ahead for banks to offer services to the legal marijuana industry, as it said it would earlier this year. [More]

The Denver County Fair Jumps On The Marijuana Bandwagon With New Pot-Themed Competitions
Times used to be, your Uncle Arnie would tend his prize pig all year leading up to the county fair, and when the time came the family could all go watch him accept the blue ribbon for his prime pork. But now that marijuana is legal for recreational use in Colorado, the planners behind the Denver County Fair have decided to join in and add a few new contests to bring ambitious competitors to the fair. [More]

Federal Government To Issue New Guidelines For Banks Dealing With Legal Marijuana Businesses
Now that marijuana for recreational use is doing booming business in Colorado where it’s legal (with Washington State to join it eventually) the federal government is getting around to answering some weighty questions. Namely, how will it deal with the revenue coming in from pot sales? [More]

Colorado Airport Installing “Pot Amnesty Boxes” In Case You Forgot To Leave Your Drugs At Home
It’s only been two weeks since marijuana for recreational use became legal in Colorado, but it appears that authorities are worried citizens will already forget pretty common norms. For example: Pot does not belong at the airport, and you most definitely can’t bring it on a plane. The Colorado Springs Airport is ready to help, however, with new “pot amnesty boxes.” [More]

Of Course The New Thing In Colorado Is Pairing Food With Marijuana
One of the trendiest things you can do to a food is to pair it with something else. Got some delicious, sea salt caramel chocolates? Here’s a beer to go with that. Love cheese? Here’s the wine you absolutely must drink with it, darling. And so it follows that now that recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado, someone had to be the first to pair it with a food. In this case, it’s sushi. [More]

Even Selling Recreational Pot For Twice The Price, Colorado Sellers Say They’re Running Out
In less than a week, Colorado dispensaries and pot shops report that they’re selling so much recreational marijuana, there could be a shortage basically any moment. After all, it’s not like they can just grab the plants your cousin was growing in the closet and sell them off. In the face of this supply problem, even charging twice the price for the recreational stuff over the medical version isn’t stemming the tide of eager buyers. [More]

CDC: 221 Sickened By Synthetic Marijuana In Colorado — Where Real Marijuana Is Legal
Did a mysterious forgetfulness sickness descend upon 221 sickened in Colorado by synthetic marijuana, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes happened? Did part of the population suddenly forget that they live in a state where real marijuana is legal? We don’t know but the CDC is not a fan of the fake stuff, which is illegal in the state. [More]

Wendy’s Employee Arrested After Dropping Joint In Customer’s Burger
It’s one thing to get caught smoking marijuana on the job. It’s another to be caught because a customer finds a partially smoked joint in her hamburger. [More]

Thrift Stores Can’t Resell Your Donated Marijuana, But Thanks For The Thought
It’s very kind to offer donated items to thrift stores, but the thing is, even if it’s a store in Washington, those places can’t resell your unwanted marijuana. Seattle Police Department issued a lighthearted note to its citizens that thrift stores don’t want your soiled mattresses, tires, laptops or weed after someone left a 2.5-pound bag of the stuff at a Seattle store. So just hang on to that, eh? [KOMO News] [More]

Washington State’s Pot Industry Gets High Taxes With Newly Approved Rules
After almost a year of researching marijuana and how to go about selling it legally, Washington state adopted rules yesterday for the recreational sale of pot, and everyone is watching. Well, everyone who’s interested in how to go about doing something similar in their home state or country. [More]

Denver Law Would Make It Illegal To Smoke Pot If Others Can Smell It
Even though legal retail marijuana sales will begin in January in Denver, city officials are doing their best to preemptively rein in pot use with a new proposed law that would, among other restrictions, make it illegal to smoke pot if your neighbors can smell it. [More]

Will Bank Of America Balk At Taking Washington State’s Marijuana Money?
We’ve already written about how owners of legitimate marijuana businesses are being forced to pay their taxes in cash because federally insured banks are unwilling to let them open bank accounts. These payments then pose a problem for the state, which has to worry about finding a place to deposit the tax revenue. [More]

Just Say No… To Marijuana Stock Scams
Look, we know that all the cool kids in the neighborhood have tried it, and some swear that it’s just the bee’s knees, but before you get lured into a mistake that will leave you penniless and regretful, you should learn to just say no to investing in scammy marijuana stocks. [More]

This Gun Safe Came With 285 Pounds Of Free Pot
Buy a large gun safe, get ten free bales of Mexican bud? That’s an appealing and potentially very lucrative promotion, but wasn’t an actual thing. Authorities are still trying to figure out who put 285 pounds of marijuana in a $1,700 gun safe that was shipped from Mexico to a customer in Ohio. They believe the customer that he didn’t order it, namely because he was the one who reported the shipment to police. [More]

Seattle Law Enforcement Going On Doritos Duty At This Year’s Pot Fest
Now that marijuana is legal in the state of Washington, the role of police at Seattle’s yearly Hempfest is changing just a teeny bit. While in the past, enforcing laws against pot smoking were already a low priority, police will be protecting and serving — Doritos. They’ll be serving chips. The munchies situation must be dire at this festival. [More]

When You Receive 11 Pounds Of Marijuana You Didn’t Order, You Should Probably Tell Someone
We’ve gone over this in the past: if you receive a package in the mail that you didn’t order, it’s yours to keep. You’re under no obligation to send it back or to pay for it. Things are a little different, though, when you receive something illegal on your doorstep. Say, eleven pounds of marijuana. [More]

Seattle Butcher Taking Advantage Of Legal Marijuana By Feeding It To His Pigs
When pigs fly, are they stoned? Or rather, are the pigs raised by one Seattle butcher feeling the effects of THC after eating leftover bits of marijuana plants? Probably not, but the butcher is all about trying out something new just for the heck of it. And now that marijuana is legal in the state of Washington, pot’s going into the trough. [More]

Your Teenage Neighbor Is Totally Going To Slap Washington State’s Official Pot Label On His Car
Now that marijuana is legal in Washington state, officials there are working hard to make sure this whole thing goes off without a hitch. That means branding, of course, hence the new green (natch!) label that authorities say will have to adorn every package of legal pot. And of course, it’ll surely make the rounds of music festival-bound vehicles, guitar cases and your teenage neighbor’s car bumper. [More]