Young adults are no longer interested in mediocre coffee. As far as Maxwell House is concerned, that’s okay. They don’t need the cool kids with their pour-overs and their burr grinders. Their new marketing campaign targets customers who want coffee that’s just, you know, good enough. [More]

Why Is Kraft So Darn Secretive About Its Bacon Planning?
You should know better, Kraft Foods, than to put a job that relates to bacon out there on the Internet and then not have answers for us when we inevitably come knocking. Because while yes, it seems to be a simple customer sales planning job — but it’s for bacon. Just bacon. Nothing else. [More]

Starbucks Has To Shell Out $2.7 Billion In Dispute Over Packaged Coffee
When you don’t want to play anymore, it’s time to pay. At least in the world of business, where deals can’t just be dropped whenever it’s convenient. Starbucks is on the line for $2.7 billion it must pay to settle a dispute between it and Kraft Foods after the coffee giant ended a distribution deal for its bagged coffee. [More]

Spoiler Alert: Kraft Recalls 735,000 Cases Of String Cheese Because It Might Go Bad Early
Kraft Foods Group isn’t stringing anyone along — pun intended, obviously — with a voluntary recall of certain varieties of Kraft and Polly-O String Cheese and String Cheese Twists. The problem is that no one likes eating processed cheese that’s past its time, and about 735,000 cases might be doing just that. [More]

Vintage Food Ads: Nabisco Bacon Thins, Parmesan Fruit Salad, And Food Sticks
Over time, food tastes change. This happens both because of trends and normal evolution, and because marketers tell us what it is that we want. On both counts, the middle of the 20th century was a terrible, terrifying time for American food. [More]

One Million Moms Mad At Kraft Salad Dressing Ad Because Picnics Should Involve More Clothing (?)
Flurberderbervuff. Merflkerneblom? Kushnerpushzle. Normally this is where I would’ve written words about how One Million Moms is super mad at Kraft’s new salad dressing ad but I can’t seem to form many coherent thoughts because come on, look at that guy. He’s going to get ants all up in his business if he doesn’t put that food away before taking a nap. [More]

Baker’s Chocolate Shrink Rays Package From 8 Ounces To 4, Raises Price At Least 50%
Julia was baking from scratch with her kids, and she dispatched them to the store to buy a glorious quantity of chocolate. Two boxes of Baker’s unsweetened chocolate. You know, sixteen ounces. The kids came back with two boxes of chocolate, but only eight ounces total. Julia reports that she had paid $3.99 for the eight-ounce bar, and her kids paid $3.38 for each four-ounce bar. That’s a pretty potent blast from the Grocery Shrink Ray. [More]

Kraft On Future Of Artificial Food Dyes In Mac & Cheese: We Can’t Predict The Future
A few weeks ago two food bloggers started a petition asking Kraft to stop using artificial dyes in its Macaroni & Cheese sold in the U.S. In that time, the petition has collected over 270,000 signatures, all leading up to a meeting between the bloggers and the powers that be at Kraft’s headquarters. She says during that one-hour discussion, Kraft reps told her they “can’t predict the future” regarding food dyes. [More]

Petition Asks Kraft To Stop Using Controversial Dyes In Its Macaroni & Cheese
For anyone who grew up in the United States of Cheese-Loving America, Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese likely made at least a few appearances on the plate at mealtimes. Picky kids are often convinced to eat dinner just at the sight of the bright orange noodles in various shapes and it’s a better alternative than say, 30 packets of ketchup or whatever else they want to eat. But two of the yellow dyes used in the product have been banned in Europe, prompting two bloggers to petition Kraft to stop using those additives. [More]

Everyone Is Either Aghast At Candy Corn Oreos Or Really, Really Into The Idea
I don’t know what to do with this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Is it disgust? Is it anticipation? Or is it just flat-out wonder that food companies keep coming up with weird flavor combinations to titillate the Internetz and work everyone into a lather? It might be wonder, but in any case, we’re probably going to have to get our hands on some of these golden candy corn Oreos for a Consumerist taste-testing in the near future. [More]

Shareholders To Weigh In On Whether Kraft's Mondelez Is Too Silly Of A Name
The collective “who now what’s that huh?” uttered when Kraft announced it was naming its spin-off snack business “Mondelez” — a combination of Latin words for “world” and “delicious” — and resulting jokes will no doubt factor in to a shareholder meeting that will decide whether the name is officially approved or not. [More]

Oreo: Breastfeeding Ad Wasn't For Public Consumption
For the last day or so, the Internet has been wondering how an ad for Oreos featuring a breastfeeding baby and the tagline “Milk’s favorite cookie” ever got made and whether or not it was a real ad or just a cute prank. [More]

Kraft Bows To Customer Pressure, Ditches Ties With Conservative Lobbying Group
Consumers put enough of a lean on Kraft Foods that it’s giving up its relationship with the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative lobbying group that has backed voter ID and “stand your ground” laws. Coca-Cola also recently split with the group. [More]

Kraft Announces Their Snack Business Will Be Sold Under "Mondelez" Name
Wouldn’t it be fun to be in the boardroom meetings at big corporations when they’re brainstorming names with whatever consultants they’ve hired to insure a big impact? We’d have been stifling giggles if Kraft had let us in on the process of naming their snack spinoff business Mondelez. You know, like Condaleeza, without the “ah” sound. [More]
Kraft Bringing Back The Formerly Homeless "Man With The Golden Voice" For Anti-Hunger Campaign
For fans of “The Man with the Golden Voice,” also known as formerly homeless man Ted Williams who was discovered on YouTube, enjoyed his 15 minutes of intense media attention, filmed a voiceover for a Kraft Macaroni & Cheese spot and sort of faded back into oblivion, you’ll be glad to know he’s back. Williams is helping Kraft with a Valentine’s Day campaign against hunger. [More]

Tassimo Offers Free Coffee To Registered Customers, Then Won't Register Anyone
Tassimo, a Kraft brand, is probably best known as the “those single-serve coffee brewers that aren’t Keurig.” Anita has one, and she received an e-mail from Kraft offering two free packages of coffee if she registered her brewer. Yay, free coffee! So she did just that, only to hit a brick wall of customer disservice. Not what you expect after buying a coffeemaker that retails for $140. [More]