Kraft Foods has announced a recall of three varieties of Velveeta Shells & Cheese single serve microwaveable cups as a precaution due to the “possible presence of small, thin wire bristle pieces.” [More]

Kraft Recalls 137,000 Velveeta Shells & Cheese Cups Because Thin Pieces Of Wire Are Not Part Of Your Daily Diet

Kraft Splits Self In Two, Splitting Groceries And Snacks
In a move geared to raise its market value, Kraft Foods is splitting itself into separate businesses. Oreos, Trident and Cadbury will remain under company control as part of its global snacks operation, while the North American grocery division, including Velveeta, Macaroni & Cheese and Oscar Mayer, will be spun off to shareholders. The operations will pursue separate strategies. [More]

SnackWell's Ups Snack Pack Calorie Count From 100 To 150
SnackWell’s, the nonfat low-cal line of snack food introduced in 1992 but hasn’t advertised in the past five years, is increasing the size of some of its new snack-packs higher than the previously holy 100 calorie level. Some new varieties, like the “fudge drizzled caramel popcorn” are 130 calories. Pouches of Fudge Crème Brownie Bites tip the scales at 150 calories. A benchmark has been breached, people. [More]

Healthy Cooking Teacher Must Stop Taking Name Of Kraft Mac & Cheese In Vain
In the mysterious northern land of Canada, the delicious boxed food-like substance that we Americans call “Kraft Macaroni & Cheese” is called by its original name: “Kraft Dinner,” or “KD,” affectionately. When a Calgary food blogger began a cooking class for college students meant to show them quick, easy, and non-orange food options, he called it “Kick the KD.” Then Kraft contacted him to let him know that they didn’t appreciate having the name of their flagship product taken in vain. [More]

One Serving Of Crystal Light: Half Of This Pre-Measured Packet
Foods that are bad for you have long fudged their calorie and fat content by putting the information for an impossibly tiny serving size on the package, instead of the amount that real people actually eat. Sandar thinks that Kraft is trying to pull the same trick with a new Crystal Light line. The packets of drink mix are designed with a 16-ounce water bottle in mind, but one “serving” is half the bottle–and half the packet. [More]

Kraft Store Machine Makes Menu Recommendations By Scanning Your Face
Kraft showed off a concept device as this week’s National Retail Federation Show that scans your face to determine your gender and age group and makes a corresponding menu recommendation. It’s called the “Meal Planning Solution.” Freaky deaky. No doubt that if this thing ever actually hits stores, it won’t be long before someone makes a video demonstrating how it’s racist. Just see what happened to HP’s webcam, and the Kinect… [More]

Can Of Planters Trail Mix Comes With Free Dried Gecko
You never know what you might get the next time you reach into a container of trail mix. Peanut…raisin…dried apricot…sunflower seed…dried gecko. AHHH!!! DRIED GECKO! [More]

Whole Grain Wheat Thins Are No Healthier Than Regular Ones
Here’s a perfect example of why you should ignore what’s on the front of a product package and go straight to the nutritional info instead. Kraft’s Wheat Thins now come in a “100% Whole Grain” variety, which you might think translates into more fiber for your digestive tract. It even says on the front that one serving packs 22g of whole grain versus 11g for regular Wheat Thins. It turns out, however, that both crackers provide the same amount of dietary fiber and fat–and the whole grain version also has more sodium and is made with high fructose corn syrup. [More]

Nabisco Crackers About To Get A Whole Lot Wheatier
While fast food companies attempt to outdo themselves with bacon-wrapped, chocolate-glazed triple burgers, the folks at Kraft Foods are actually doing something that will make their Nabisco line of crackers healthier — adding more whole wheat. [More]

Kraft's Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ
Last week we told you how Melissa found a giant scary mold in her Capri Sun juice pouch. After she posted pictures on her Facebook, sections of the internet went totally apesh*t. This is probably because the mold looked like a giant horse eyeball and Kraft’s initially slow response only fueled the flames of hysteria. As part of getting up to speed, Kraft even put up a whole FAQ devoted specifically to this one issue. Between its lines, though, you can read their frustration with the blowup. Their answer to the last question “What kind of mold is it?” is both honest and funny: [More]

What's This Giant Mold Monster Melissa Found In A Capri Sun Pouch?
Melissa found a nastiness in her pouch of Capri Sun, a nastiness even nastier than Capri Sun. A giant mold monster that grew inside the pouch after it was punctured slightly, perhaps? UPDATE: Kraft’s Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ [More]

This Cheese Is Not Exactly Deli Fresh
Nick writes that he found this cheese at Kroger. Sure, mold isn’t going to hurt you, but how far marked down would it need to be for you to buy it? [More]

Kraft Cutting Salt From Oscar Mayer Bologna, Other Products
Perhaps feeling a bit bloated, Kraft Foods Inc. announced earlier today that they’re cutting down on the amount of salt used in a number of its most popular products. [More]

Kraft Sponsors Demolition Of Cowboys' Old Stadium
Now that corporations have bought up just about all the naming rights to every sports stadium in existence, the next step is to sponsor destruction of the old venues that make way for the new ones. [More]

Kraft Frozen Pizzas Recalled in 17 States
Time to check the freezer. Kraft, Jack’s Original, Sausage & Pepperoni Pizza, Made with Pork, Chicken & Beef is being recalled because it might contain “a soy protein allergen.” In other words, Kraft needs to warn carnivores that they may be eating soy.

Food Companies Warn Of Impending Sugar Shortage, Misery, Doom
The food companies say we are on the brink of a sugar shortage that will wreak havoc on your candy bars and all that. According to the WSJ several large food companies including Kraft Foods Inc., General Mills Inc., Hershey Co. and Mars Inc. sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack warning that the US could run out of sugar if we don’t get rid of some tariffs.