Coca-Cola is trying shed some of the criticism it gets for not only selling high-calorie sugar water but paying scientists to make dubious claims about said sugar water. So it now wants to sell you unsweetened water at a premium price. Problem is, the public only has so much of an appetite for Dasani, so Coke’s got to find other ways to convince you to pay for bottled water. Enter, Topo Chico. [More]

Coke Zero Gets New Recipe, Changes Name To ‘Coke Zero Sugar’
Coca-Cola Zero — the drink of choice for people who want the low-calories of Diet Coke and something that tastes vaguely like Coke, but not quite — is getting an overhaul, with Coca-Cola announcing that the diet soda is being reformulated and re-introduced with the new branding of Coke Zero Sugar. [More]

New Coca-Cola CEO Blames Online Shopping For Sales Decline
When you shop online, you’re skipping an important part of the retail experience. No, not waiting in line or dodging cosmetics kiosk workers. You also don’t take the kind of in-mall break that involves soft drinks or a bottle of water or iced tea, and that’s a problem for Coca-Cola. [More]

Coca-Cola: Dead Mouse Was Too Fresh To Be Found In A Coke Can
A South Dakota man claims he purchased — and drank from — a can of Coca-Cola that had a mouse sealed inside, making him ill and causing him to miss work. But the Coke folks say this just isn’t possible, since a mouse sealed in a soft drink can would have been more decomposed. [More]

Coca-Cola Accused Of Illegally Misleading Consumers About Sugary Drinks
In a new federal lawsuit, public health advocates accuse Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association of engaging in a “pattern of deception to mislead and confuse the public” and waging an “aggressive campaign of disinformation about the health consequences of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages.” [More]

Coca-Cola Thinks You Might Want A “Selfie Bottle” To Take A Pic While You Guzzle Soda
Because there’s apparently a demand for selfies of people while they’re drinking soda, Coca-Cola has a new bottle design that takes a photo while you sip from it. [More]

Olympic Sponsors McDonald’s & Coca-Cola Assure Everyone They Won’t Cash In With Tax Exemptions
While plenty of people were getting bees in their bonnets over U.S. companies McDonald’s and Coca-Cola taking advantage of UK tax exemptions offered to sponsors of the London Olympic games, both corporations have said they’ll waive their rights to any such exemptions on their earnings. [More]

Coke: No Link Between Sugary Drinks & Obesity
While there is little doubt that the obesity rate in the U.S. has risen in recent decades, there is a lot of finger-pointing and “not me”-ing when it comes to placing blame. And with NYC Mayor Michael “I’ll just have water” Bloomberg trying to put the smackdown on high-calorie sodas, Coca-Cola is letting it be known it won’t fold without a fight. [More]

Five Big American Businesses Teaming Up To Develop Plant-Based Plastic
Coca-Cola might be super proprietary about its secret soda formula, but when it comes to sharing technology that could help the earth, it’s willing to to spread the wealth with other big American businesses. Coca-Cola, Ford, Heinz, Nike and Procter & Gamble announced today they’ve teamed up to work on how to develop plant-based plastic material. [More]

Coca-Cola To Meet Dieters Halfway With Mid-Calorie Sprite & Fanta
Several years after abandoning its mid-calorie “C2” version of Coke, Coca-Cola has confirmed reports it will be dipping its toes into the not-quite-sugar-free pool again by testing mid-calorie editions of both Sprite and Fanta. [More]

Coca-Cola On Woman's Death: You Could Die From Drinking Too Much Water, Too
There’s not a doctor out there (we hope) who would say drinking two gallons of Coca-Cola a day is good for your health, but did it contribute to a New Zealand woman’s death? Coca-Cola would like to note that even too much water can be deadly. So, there’s that. [More]

Kraft Bows To Customer Pressure, Ditches Ties With Conservative Lobbying Group
Consumers put enough of a lean on Kraft Foods that it’s giving up its relationship with the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative lobbying group that has backed voter ID and “stand your ground” laws. Coca-Cola also recently split with the group. [More]

Family Claims Coca-Cola Owes Them 1.8 Million Shares For Old Stock Certificate
Like something straight out of Antiques Roadshow (aka the show that makes you want to rip apart your attic every time someone gets a surprise windfall), the family of a man who passed away a few years ago claims Coca-Cola owes them 1.8 million shares, worth around $130 million, of the company after coming upon a stock certificate the man bought at a garage sale. [More]

It's Time To Get Your HFCS-Free Kosher-For-Passover Coke & Pepsi!
The Jewish holiday of Passover is coming up, which means that Coca-Cola and Pepsi put out special versions of their signature beverages that contain regular old sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. [More]

Coke Clarifies That It Is Not Changing Its Recipe In Wake Of Study
Quit your whining, Coca-Cola aficionados — the company is not changing its recipe for Coke after a consumer group study claimed the caramel color they use causes cancer. While they’re disputing the study, they are also clarifying that they’re just asking caramel suppliers to modify their processes in making the color. [More]

Coke's Secret Formula Moved To Atlanta Museum
For the first time since 1925, Coca-Cola has moved its secret recipe out of a bank vault, and put it on display in the company’s World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta. But “on display” doesn’t exactly mean visible, since the exhibit includes its own vault, which is about all visitors will be able to see. [More]

Coca-Cola Nixes Those White Holiday Cans That Freaked Everyone Out
You have grumbled, railed and complained against stark white soda cans and it seems Coca-Cola is listening, as they’ve announced they’ll return normal red Christmas cans next week. [More]