It began with a customer complaint to St. Louis TV station KMOV: customers accused one local Jiffy Lube franchisee of a disturbing scam on the part of the store’s staff. Customers claimed that mechanics sold services to customers, then didn’t actually perform the repairs that they sold. Worse: one customer claims that employees asked for cash, claiming that the shop computers were down. Of course, they still didn’t perform the repairs. [More]
jiffy lube

Some Jiffy Lubes Still Charging Customers For Unnecessary And Undone Repairs
For years, Jiffy Lube employees around the country have repeatedly been accused — and sometimes caught — charging for repairs that weren’t necessary or weren’t even performed. The company has promised change, but that memo didn’t seem to reach everyone. [More]

Jiffy Lube Ditches Dubious Oil Change Frequency Stance
One of the great myths of car maintenance — that vehicles need oil changes every 3,000 miles — has taken a significant hit now that Jiffy Lube has changed its policy and will no longer recommend oil changes to customers on that schedule. [More]

Woman: Jiffy Lube Didn't Inspect My Car
Cristin says she went to a Los Angeles Jiffy Lube and kept an eye on her vehicle to make sure the mechanics performed the services she paid for. She says Jiffy Lube didn’t check her fluid levels, battery or tire pressure but told her it did. She writes:

Jiffy Lube Tries To Scam Yet Another Customer
Seriously, Jiffy Lube? You haven’t received enough bad coverage about ripping off your customers? Fine, here’s another one: Daniel says they tried to add about $170 in extra “needed” repairs and replacements recently when his girlfriend dropped off her car to get the oil changed. Even after she turned them down, they still slapped an extra $6 “Peak Global Life Time 100%” charge on the bill. We don’t know what that means, but those are all good words, and anything that’s 100 percent has got to be quality. Apparently Jiffy Lube doesn’t know what it means either.

Austin Jiffy Lubes Too Cheap To Dispose Of Oil Properly, Keep Dumping It In City Sewer System
Heartland Automotive Services, Inc., which runs 31 Jiffy Lubes in the Austin area, has to pay a $300,000 fine after admitting to pumping used oil into the city’s sewer system instead of recycling it. Normally shops are paid by the gallon for used oil, but in this case a damaged wall let water seep into the oil collection area and create a toxic mess that couldn’t be sold—so instead of paying to remove it, they pumped it down the drain.

Jiffy Lube Pulls Dirty Filter Trick On Unsuspecting Customer
Josh has been paying $30 extra to change out the air filter each time he brings his car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change. This time, to save money, he decided to do it himself—and that’s when he discovered that Jiffy Lube lied to him about the filter.

Malicious Oil Change? Jiffy Lube Ruined My Oil Plug "On Purpose"
Reader Andrew says he’s certain that Jiffy Lube purposefully filed down his oil plug so that he couldn’t change his oil himself. Conspiracy? Or incompetance? You decide.

Jiffy Lube's Underhanded Charges
Jiffy Lube charged Carlo for an oil change. They even warned his car suffered from a transmission fluid leak and an excessive oil leak. Only one problem: They hadn’t looked at the car.
When I came back, they told me that my car was ready and even pointed out that my car had a transmission fluid leak and excessive oil leak. They even said that they replaced my filters and window wipers. I agreed to the charges and paid for it. After five minutes, the cashier comes back and tells me that my car hasn’t been serviced, yet.
Carlo’s car was a chameleon. They thought the car was green, even though Carlo told them it was “bluish-green.” Well, that explains everything. Carlo had been a Jiffy Lube customer for six years. Now, he will service his car elsewhere.
Jiffy Lube Begs For Forgiveness
Jiffy Lube is now running an ad asking customers to give them a second chance.
Wal-Mart Takes A Page From Jiffy Lube’s Book
Looking to Jiffy Lube for inspiration, Wal-Mart has seen the light: turn-around and profit both are a hell of a lot higher when you don’t actually bother doing the work.
Jiffy Lube Scamming Customers Nationwide
Surprise! Jiffy Lube scamming customers for cars that have never been repaired isn’t just isolated to the L.A. area. It’s happening nationwide.
Jiffy Lube Scam Revealed (Again)
We talked about this back in May, but now there’s an excellent YouTube compilation of all four of the NBC4 LA’s hidden camera investigation into Jiffy Lube.
Jiffy Lube Up For Double Reaming
Yesterday, within 58 minutes of one another, we got not one, but two stories about Jiffy Lube trashing two separate customers’ cars in different ways. Neither accusation is provable; by themselves, mere coincidences. Together, though? Too strange a dark alignment of the illest stars.

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• Who knew playing with plastic bags could be so much fun? [Glad pic jacked from Lisa Daly]

Jiffy Lube’s Scam is Sand in its Own Vaseline
NBC4 in LA put hidden cameras under their car hoods and took them to nine different Jiffy Lubes, They found six out of the nine didn’t do any of the promised work yet charged for services in full.