A customer bought some headphones at an Apple Store in Portland. He later noticed something weird on the receipt: in the spot where a customer’s e-mail address would normally be was a fake address, “f@g.com.” Was the store employee out to insult the customer, who is a gay man, or just making up a fake e-mail address to get past a required field? [More]

Burger King Customer Upset At Profane Name On Receipt
It’s not clear how the party name “Bitch Ass Hoes” ended up on the Burger King receipt of a party of two women. Was it an employee’s prank for a friend that printed out for the wrong customer? Was the name not supposed to print out at all? Was the employee operating the register exceptionally rude? Burger King and the franchisee are investigating, and the grandmother who received the order remains upset. [More]

Coca-Cola Apologizes For Vitamin Water Cap Message Of ‘YOU RETARD’
A Vitamin Water promotion in Canada played bilingual Mad Libs, pairing a word in English with a word in French for what were sure to be hilarious results. The end product was not so hilarious when the paired words were “you” in English and the French word for “late.” A woman whose younger sister has autism and cerebral palsy opened up the “YOU RETARD” bottle, and was offended. [More]

My Dry Cleaner Thinks My Last Name Is 'Asshole'
When Alex dropped his clothes off at his dry cleaner for washing, he received a ticket for when he returned to pick them up. He didn’t glance at the ticket until after he left the shop, and was surprised to learn that an unknown employee had dubbed him “Asshole, Alex.” Were they commenting on his behavior as a customer, or was it some kind of terrible phonetic mistake? [More]

Pizza Hut Receipt: "Careful This Gal Is A Bitch"
Apparently, at one Nebraska Pizza Hut, complaining about a botched order makes you a bitch. When one customer called to complain about her order, she received a credit for free pizza. That pizza arrived with a special message on the receipt: “CAREFUL THIS GAL IS A BITCH.” She chose not to eat the pizza that came with that message, afraid it had been tampered with.

Target Point Consulting Calls Stranger At Home To Insult Him
Jon says someone called him earlier this month and claimed to be from a company called Target Point Consulting, and asked Jon to answer a survey. When Jon said no and asked how the caller got his number, which is on the Do Not Call list, things got interesting. [More]

Shari's Berries Looks On The Bright Side Of Dementia To Improve Customer Experience
Let’s say a Mother’s Day gift food delivery gets delivered to a stranger’s address, so you call the customer on behalf of your company to deliver the bad news. Uh-oh, now that customer is angry that her Mother’s Day gift isn’t going to make it in time! What do you do? You probably don’t say, “Well your mom is 85 years old, so maybe she won’t remember which day Mother’s Day is?” [More]

Delta Passenger Fights Satan, Sprays Others With Water
A Delta flight from L.A. to Florida had to make an emergency landing in Albuquerque, NM on Friday, after a first class passenger sprayed people with a water bottle from the beverage cart, threatened to “bring down” the plane, and shouted, “Get behind me Satan,” apparently referring to a flight attendant. [More]

Amazon's PayPhrase Suggestion Insulted Me
After Mark made a purchase on Amazon, the site suggested a rather insulting PayPhrase: “Mark’s Unprofitable Existence.” [More]

I Wonder Why This Ornament Didn't Sell
Josh sent us this photo of an ornament he found on the post-Christmas discount racks a few days ago. He notes, “Just goes to show you that typographic layout matters.”

Restaurant Calls Rowdy Toddler "Little F***er" On Family's Receipt
Did you think that a restaurant using the code “bogo bitches” to refer to coupon-using customers was bad? Well, a Cactus Joe’s restaurant in England can top that. A new menu item called ‘Thankyyou littell f***er'” appeared on a family’s receipt after their child acted up during a long wait for food.

Don't Threaten To Kill Telemarketers
We know how you feel; telemarketers suck. But no matter how much they’re in the wrong, please don’t threaten to burn down their place of business and then kill them and their families—even if they call you a jackass—because they may report you to the police. Then, if your police are anything like the ones in St. Louis, Missouri, you’ll likely be arrested and charged for making terrorist threats, like poor Charles Papenfus.

Urban Expressions Craft Store Calls Customer A Whore
The only thing crazier than people involved with wedding planning are people in the scrapbooking supply industry, it seems. Weddingbee reports that an online craft supply store called Urban Expressions (not to be confused with the handbag company) completely lost it when an angry customer wrote in asking why they had neither shipped the item she’d bought nor specified otherwise as promised. Their response makes us understand why they chose the name “Urban Expressions” for their store.

Landlord And Service Tech Call Tenant A Nerdy Dipshit
The wireless Internet connection at Ari’s new apartment isn’t very useful. Neither is his landlord, or the support tech who’s supposed to troubleshoot this kind of stuff.

Hello! SkinnyJeans Owner Asks Customer "What Have You Been Doing On Your Knees?"
Reader Michelle bought a pair of jeans from pricey denim company Hello! SkinnyJeans, decided they weren’t her style, and tried to return them. HSJ wouldn’t refund her money, but they did offer complimentary rude notes and free phone support with insults from the owner herself.

This Is Why You Don't Order From Fad Diet & Wellness Sites
Christina decided to give the famed acai berry a try. What the heck, she must have thought, it won’t cost me that much ($10) and the site’s refund policy clearly indicates when I can return the product, cancel the “subscription,” and move on. She knew the cancel-by date and was prepared to follow the rules. AcaiBerryUltimate.com had other plans, which are best summed up by this email they sent to her: “You can get your refund in hell. haahah.”

Sears Can't Get Its Story Straight Regarding Rust And Craftsman Tools
C’mon Sears, rust isn’t a magic brown fairy powder that you can sprinkle over any warranty issue to deny coverage. Brian was told he couldn’t have his worn-out sockets replaced because they were rusty. He pointed out that he needed them replaced because they were worn out, not because of some cosmetic damage due to oxidation. Now Sears has officially told him that any rust on a Craftsman tool automatically voids the warranty—which is not what Sears told us two years ago.