Josh sent us this photo of an ornament he found on the post-Christmas discount racks a few days ago. He notes, “Just goes to show you that typographic layout matters.”

Anus Burgers Run Wild Across America’s Restaurant Signs
We got a tip from someone today with a funny pic of a misspelled McDonald’s sign at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, MO. We thought we’d do a Google search to see if this was old news or not. What we found out was that “Angus” is too ripe a target for word vandals, or even just opportunistic photographers, to pass up.

Hardee's Biggest Franchisee Refuses To Show Anus Spot On TV
Remember Hardee’s anal-centric “a-hole” ads? Even if they never aired in your area, they’ve been floating around online for a few weeks at least. Ben Mayo Boddie, who operates 350 Hardee’s restaurants from his home in North Carolina, has had enough of a-hole this, ball muncher that, and he’s refusing to air the spots.

Hardee's New Ad: Our Food Tastes Better Than Someone's Anus!
Not to be outdone by Burger King‘s “fellate our new burger” ad, Hardee’s restaurant has launched a similarly juvenile campaign with its new “biscuit holes.” You can probably guess where this is going.

Jack In The Box Brand Redesign Makes Juvenile Humor Much Easier
I’ve always thought “Jack in the Box” was a weird name for a fast food restaurant, but this new branding approach the company is rolling out in San Diego—where Jack HQ is located—seems like a step back. By isolating “Jack,” so much, they’re going to be sending immature people everywhere into fits of smirking. I keep imagining commercials with taglines like: “It’s time for a little Jack,” or “Hungry? Jack it!” Other than that, is it just me or does it look incredibly retro?