Brian tried to trade in some old Craftsman tools, the ones that come with a lifetime, no-questions-asked replacement policy. Unfortunately, the Tool Associate at Sears deemed Brian unworthy of the Cratfsman guarantee and refused him. That’s why he’s the Tool Associate.

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson
Jeff and his wife bought a couch, chair, and armoire from Basset Furniture in Rockville, Maryland this weekend, and while the actual experience was rather pleasant, they might not be going back. It wasn’t because their salesperson was rude, but rather because another employee they’d never dealt with pulled them aside at the last minute to warn them that there was “something wrong” with the woman who’d been helping them. What? What the hell does that mean? Did she sell them haunted furniture? Was she really a robber who was pretending to sell furniture to get the customers out of the store so she could finish her robbery? Was she a replicant?

CVS Employee Calls Customer A 'Fucking AIDS Freak'
His response was “Whatever, somebody needs to come deal with this because I’m about to go off…”

Angry Telemarketer Calls Back, Chews You Out For Hanging Up
This telemarketer has had it up to here with all of you people at home hanging up on her every time she needs to sell you something! Randall Whited in Austin, Texas, received an earful recently, when he answered the phone shortly after hanging up on the unnamed telemarketer.

Home Depot Also Enjoys Printing Dirty Words On Receipts
Oh look, Americans also enjoy putting shocking phrases on receipts. Yesterday’s UK restaurant surprise reminded one of our interns of a receipt sent in a few weeks ago from Brad in California: “got this receipt from home depot today…. look closely just below the total and you will see something surprising…. lol.” Probably NSFW, unless you work at Home Depot or Joe Delucci’s Italian Restaurant.

Apple Store Manager Calls Autistic Guy A "Freak"
Joshua’s MacBook was splitting along one side—you could push it back together, but after a few minutes it would start to separate again. When Joshua, who has Asperger syndrome, tried to get it repaired at his local Apple Store, he ran into all sorts of problems. First there was a two-hour wait to see an expert, then an assistant manager walked up and said, “I’ve seen you in here a lot with that laptop, what’s wrong?” Joshua explained, and pointed out that he had a meeting to attend that evening and needed his laptop to take notes, so he was hoping to have it looked at in person.
“I’m sorry if I seem on edge or anything, I just…. I’m born with this”… The assistant manager then says “It’s okay. It’s the Monday before a full moon. There will be plenty more freaks like you before close“. And tells me to calm down.

Brecht BMW Tells Customer "Go Back To Volkswagon, You Don't Deserve To Own A BMW"
Poor Raquel. She only wanted to return her leased BMW. Following instructions to bring her car to any authorized dealership, she arrived at Brecht BMW in San Diego. Brecht’s manager refused to accept the car, a decision he conveyed by screaming in front of her kids, threatening to call the police, and telling her to “go back to Volkswagon” because she didn’t “deserve to own a BMW.” Raquel writes: