If your fantasy is to engage in all manner of sexual relations while waiting for your pizza order, just be aware that there may be repercussions for your public display of intimacy. [More]

Waffle House Fires Workers Caught On Camera Running A Kitchen Hair Salon
There are a few businesses where customers might expect to witness employees performing grooming rituals, of course. But because a restaurant is definitely not a salon, two Arkansas Waffle House workers were fired after customers filmed them doing stuff with hair in the kitchen. [More]

Someone’s Actually Doing Something Good With Leftover Hotel Soaps
Because no one wants to arrive in their hotel room and find used soap awaiting them in the shower, guests are always given a fresh bar upon checking in. While many of those partially used bars surely end up wasted in the trash, one non-profit group is collecting a bunch of leftover hotel soaps to help people in need. [More]

California Chefs, Bartenders Fighting For The Right To Touch Food With Bare Hands
When you look at plate of food at a restaurant, what do you see? From grains of rice shaped with care to hold a piece of sushi to a towering sandwich stacked with gustatory delights, that food didn’t end up on your plate by accident — someone had to place it there by hand. And whether that hand is bare or clad in gloves is at the center of a battle in California. [More]

Everyone Is Gross: Study Says 95% Of Us Don’t Wash Our Hands The Right Way
You’ve had your suspicions, and you’ve cast many a side-eyed glance at your fellow restroom patrons when they skip the sinks and head out the door. But a new study says even if you do wash your hands after using the bathroom, 95% of us aren’t doing it long enough to kill harmful bacteria. In essence, we’re all totally grody germ-spreaders. [More]

Seattle May Leave Hygiene Standards To Cab Drivers Instead Of Dictating Cleanliness Rules
The city of Seattle currently regulates the dress code and hygiene of its cab drivers — setting standards such as an “absence of offensive body odor” and “well groomed” facial hair, with clean clothing that doesn’t have unrepaired rips and tears. But the city is now considering handing those requirements over to the drivers themselves. After all, they’re adults who don’t want to scare away business with bad B.O., say some drivers, who believe it should be up to the cab companies to regulate such things. [More]
Do Those Around You A Favor By Washing Your Hands The Right Way
Spend any amount of time in a public restroom and you’ll encounter some incredibly fast hand-washers. A typical ritual includes an optional dab of soap, a millisecond-long sprinkle of water and a cursory wipe on a paper towel. You can not only set a good example for others but actually get the nastiness off your hands and refuse to spread it to everything you touch by making it a point to wash your hands effectively. [More]
Stretch Out The Life Of Your Disposable Razors
You know an old razor blade is past its prime when a shave leaves you with a field of untouched stubble. A few quick maintenance steps can keep your razors lasting longer than usual, sparing you money and frustration. [More]

How To Extinguish Your Bad Breath
Other than NFL linemen on Sundays, no one likes to roam around poisoning others’ personal space with bad breath. If you’re afraid your exhalation is stinking up the joint, you’ve got to take corrective measures. [More]

Quiznos Employee Lets Her Little Kid Help Fix My Sandwich
Consumerist reader Silver and his wife made a trip to their local Quiznos in Ft. Worth the other day and came face to face with an employee who may have taken the whole “bring your child to work day” thing too seriously. [More]

Summer's Eve To Ladies: If You Want A Raise, You'd Better Wash Your Hoo Hoo
Maybe you thought bizarre “fix your naughty bits!” ads for feminine hygiene only appeared back in your grandparents’ era, but no. This Summer’s Eve ad from Women’s Day magazine says that if you want a raise, one of the first things you can do is shower with “Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash,” although it might also be a good idea to bring some “cleansing cloths” with you “for a quick freshness pick-me-up” right before you ask the boss for more money. That’s all in tip #1; tip #7 says “Don’t let the conversation stray or get personal.” [More]

Preserve Your Modesty With The Pee Without Noise Stool
Guys, as you probably already know, your bathroom is currently a horrible megaphone of urination when you’re in there. Everyone can hear you! Gah! Luckily the Pee Without Noise stool will fix that right away. If you’re still skeptical, check out this copy from the product page: [More]

Swine Flu Presents Grocery Store Marketing Opportunity
Reader Ian spotted this display at his local supermarket.

Practice Good Hygiene Or Be Shamed By The White House
We at Consumerist understand the importance of washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. We’re also big fans of publicly humiliating people who endanger us with their gross germs. That’s why we love this video of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stopping a press briefing and scolding MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd for sneezing into his hand, instead of his elbow.

Wet Shave And Save!
Wet shaving offers a closer, classier, and cheaper shave than any of the modern junk littering pharmacy aisles. Wet shaving requires a double-edge safety razor and badger-hair brush, along with a healthy dose of practice, but once you have your basic equipment razor refills cost just pennies per month. [More]

How To Spot A Contaminated Swimming Pool, And Why You Should
It’s gray and rainy up here in the tropical paradise of upstate New York, but for those of you in more temperate climes, Consumer Reports Health kicks off the weekend with some frightening statistics about the American public’s pool hygiene, and how to tell whether a pool will make you sick or not before you dive in.

Use These CDC E-Cards To Anonymously Tell Your Friends Their Kids Are Filthy
The Centers for Disease Control knows it’s a delicate task asking your swine flu-infected coworkers to stay home or suggesting that your friends bathe their disgusting children, so they’ve provided a handy, anonymous way to break the bad news.