You’ve had your suspicions, and you’ve cast many a side-eyed glance at your fellow restroom patrons when they skip the sinks and head out the door. But a new study says even if you do wash your hands after using the bathroom, 95% of us aren’t doing it long enough to kill harmful bacteria. In essence, we’re all totally grody germ-spreaders. [More]
Seattle May Leave Hygiene Standards To Cab Drivers Instead Of Dictating Cleanliness Rules
The city of Seattle currently regulates the dress code and hygiene of its cab drivers — setting standards such as an “absence of offensive body odor” and “well groomed” facial hair, with clean clothing that doesn’t have unrepaired rips and tears. But the city is now considering handing those requirements over to the drivers themselves. After all, they’re adults who don’t want to scare away business with bad B.O., say some drivers, who believe it should be up to the cab companies to regulate such things. [More]
Do Those Around You A Favor By Washing Your Hands The Right Way
Spend any amount of time in a public restroom and you’ll encounter some incredibly fast hand-washers. A typical ritual includes an optional dab of soap, a millisecond-long sprinkle of water and a cursory wipe on a paper towel. You can not only set a good example for others but actually get the nastiness off your hands and refuse to spread it to everything you touch by making it a point to wash your hands effectively. [More]
An Important Lesson In Bathroom Etiquette
When you flush your business down the toilet, it’s not a good idea to watch it swirl into oblivion. Researchers say that if you neglect to close the lid before you flush, you’re unleashing countless particles of waste into the air. [More]
3 Ways To Declutter Your Bathroom Cabinet
As every guest who ever uses your bathroom is secretly aware, your cabinet is an overwhelming mess of old prescriptions, nearly-empty hygiene product containers and stray razors. Every time you clean the cabinet out, it morphs back to its revolting form within weeks. But some organizational structure can break the cycle. [More]
Places In Homes That Breed Germs
A house may look clean, but looks can be deceiving. Bacteria and other dangers could be building up in certain areas, poised to make your life difficult. [More]
Concept Rack Keeps Towels Sort Of Clean And Dry
Kim Jin Yeong’s towel rack concept proposes using ultraviolet light to sterilize towels and heat to dry them, making them “always clean and tidy.” We’re not sure how well it would work to clean, but hot towels are almost never a bad thing. [More]
Practice Good Hygiene Or Be Shamed By The White House
We at Consumerist understand the importance of washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. We’re also big fans of publicly humiliating people who endanger us with their gross germs. That’s why we love this video of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stopping a press briefing and scolding MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd for sneezing into his hand, instead of his elbow.
How To Wash Your Hands You’re probably not scrubbing and rinsing long enough; try singing the guitar riff to “Layla” while you wash. [Consumer Reports Safety]
Great, Airplanes Are Cleaner. Do You Care?
No longer distracted by high oil prices, airlines now claim that they’re starting to focus on customer service. Two of them, American and United, think that their biggest issue is dirty planes. Wouldn’t it be great if that were true?
Is Local Food Safer Than Industrial Food?
So food from green markets and community supported agriculture is cleaner and healthier than that grocery store schmaltz, right? Not so fast, says E.coli litigation king Bill Marler, who recently wrote that convincing local food producers to keep their food clean will be one of the top ten food safety challenges of the year.
Carnival Ignores Sewage Stench, Tells Passengers To Do The Same
Joseph’s four-day Carnival cruise was tainted by a sewage stench that steamed through his stateroom. Carnival’s only advice was to “shut the bathroom door and close the air vents,” an ineffective solution that forced Joseph and his girlfriend above deck. Now he wants Carnival to clean up their mess.
Fast Food Joints Breed Carrion-Spreading Superflies
When I was a child, I once accidentally hit Ronald McDonald with a silver crucifix I was whizzing hyperactively about my head. I remember very clearly the Catholic totem flying through the air; the sizzle and smell of sulfur as it impacted upon Ronald’s ghoulish visage. Immediately, half his face sloughed off his skull in the oozing liquefaction of corpse-like flesh. The next thing I knew, every child in McDonaldland was sitting in an expanding puddle of their own hysterical evacuations as Ronald McDonald (aka Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies) disintegrated into an anthropomorphic cloud of carrion-carrying flies. Forget Morgan Spurlock, forget Fast Food Nation. That was the event that turned me off McDonald’s food forever.