
McRib Pork Supplier Hit With SEC Filed Complaint Over Alleged Pig Abuse

McRib Pork Supplier Hit With SEC Filed Complaint Over Alleged Pig Abuse

Can you taste the tears in your McRib? The supplier of pork products to McDonald’s, Smithfield Farms, just got hit by a complaint filed with the SEC by animal rights group Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Citing their own shocking undercover investigative video, HSUS allege that Smithfield is making false and misleading claims to shareholders and consumers about how well they treat their pigs and that those claims are in violation of federal securities law. [More]

What's A McRib Made Of?

What's A McRib Made Of?

There’s no rib in a McRib. There are about 70 other ingredients. The greatest amount of them come from ground-up low-value pork trimmings mixed together with salt and water to create “meat logs” that are then carved to size. So in what forest do you find a meat log? [More]

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda

The same guy who drank a glass of fat to demonstrate the lard-inducing effects of soft drinks is back. This time he shows how long you have to walk to burn off the calories from a can of soda. It takes three miles! That’s the distance from Union Square to Brooklyn in New York. [More]

The McRib Is Back, Temporarily

The McRib Is Back, Temporarily

The McRib is a flirtatious little pile of pork. On the menu, then off again, then up to individual franchises to decide whether to offer it, the boneless pork patty on a sesame bun is going to be back at McDonald’s again starting today through November 14th. [More]

Dr. Pepper Ten: Naming Soda After Number Of Calories Add Up At Larger Sizes

Dr. Pepper Ten: Naming Soda After Number Of Calories Add Up At Larger Sizes

So “Ten” is Dr. Pepper’s new diet soda and it’s just for guys. But the small print with the calories on the side of the can seems puts the lie to the old trope that men are better at math… [More]

3 Tips For Fighting Bullies

3 Tips For Fighting Bullies

People are talking more about bullying these days. It can happen at school, in the workplace, or online. How do you combat it? Educator and author Natasha Deen offers these three tips. [More]

Docs Again Warn Against TV For Kids Under 2

Docs Again Warn Against TV For Kids Under 2

Letting kids under two watch TV doesn’t provide them with any educational benefit and can cut down on the interaction with others and play time that is key to their growth, the American Academy of Pediatrics warns in a new report. [More]

Subway: Cheaper To Order Footlong, Throw Away Half Of Bread Than Ordering 6-Inch With Double Meat

Subway: Cheaper To Order Footlong, Throw Away Half Of Bread Than Ordering 6-Inch With Double Meat

Aaron is trying to lose weight by cutting carbs out of his diet. When he eats at Subway, the first thing that he tried doing was ordering a 6-inch sub with double meat. Then he noticed something. It would actually be cheaper for him to order a footlong and just throw away half the bread. [More]

Dr. Pepper Introduces Diet Soda "Just For Men"

Dr. Pepper Introduces Diet Soda "Just For Men"

In the jungle, a fist punches a snake. Lasers blast across the screen. A man in commando gear attempts and fails to pour a can of Dr. Pepper into a glass while hurtling through the bush in an ATV. Yes, it’s the new ad campaign rolling out for Dr. Pepper Ten diet soda being marketed at men, and women aren’t invited. [More]

330 lb Man Donates $5 To Fight Childhood Obesity For Every Pound He Loses

330 lb Man Donates $5 To Fight Childhood Obesity For Every Pound He Loses

Some people want to look good for the beach. Others want to be able to enjoy their favorite sport again. Hank, who started his journey at 335 pounds, is motivating his weight loss goal by donating $5 for every pound he loses to a local non-profit that fights childhood obesity. [More]

Are You Overpaying For Vitamins?

Are You Overpaying For Vitamins?

According to a recent study surveying over 60 different multivitamins, “there was almost no connection between price and quality.” [More]

Man Sues After Eating Listeria-Tainted Cantaloupe

Man Sues After Eating Listeria-Tainted Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe tainted by listeria have led to 13 deaths, and now, a lawsuit against Jensen Farms and Walmart. [More]

The Drive-Thru Flu Shot

The Drive-Thru Flu Shot

In a continuing trend, health care professionals are once again this year offering drive-thru flu vaccines. Oh, you hadn’t heard? Yep, you can drive right up, stick out your arm, and get a flu shot, all without ever having to leave your car. [More]

Garden On The Go Brings Veggies To Indiana's Food Deserts

Garden On The Go Brings Veggies To Indiana's Food Deserts

Food trucks aren’t just for cleverly named cupcakes. Indiana University has launched “Garden On The Go,” an initiative to send trucks full of fruits and vegetables for sale to Indiana’s “food deserts.” These are places where people are poor and markets with fresh veggies are frequently more than a mile away. Normally, these folks often have to get their food from gas stations, convenience stores, and restaurants. [More]

Women Who Drink Coffee Have 20% Lower Risk Of Depression

Women Who Drink Coffee Have 20% Lower Risk Of Depression

According to a new study, women who drink caffeinated coffee showed a 20% lower risk of depression than non-coffee drinkers. [More]

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor During Your Visit

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor During Your Visit

It’s important to ask your doctor questions to make sure you’re getting the best care and aren’t overpaying or getting an unnecessary treatment. In fact, your doctor wants you to ask questions. It can be hard to think of the right ones in the heat — or rather, cold — of the moment — those backless hospital gowns and all — so the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has got 10 you can print out and bring with you. [More]

Woman Loses Legs After Weight-Loss Surgery

Woman Loses Legs After Weight-Loss Surgery

A woman lost more than her love handles after a weight-loss surgery went awry. She lost both her legs. [More]

Training For A Triathlon On The Cheap

Training For A Triathlon On The Cheap

Triathlons have shot up in popularity over the past few years, but how do you train without busting the bank? After all, you’re doing three sports in one, swimming, biking, and running. That means three different sports you have to buy equipment for. [More]