LuLaRoe, best known as the company behind the lycra leggings that at least six of your high school friends are trying to sell through Facebook, markets itself to freelance “consultants” as a possible pathway to financial independence and stability. But once again, LuLaRoe sellers are coming out of the woodwork to allege that this job is putting stress on their well-being, financially and physically. [More]

Man Commits Suicide In Mall While Shopping With Girlfriend
When we began to see this story from China propagating around the newsphere, we hoped that it was something from the strange imagination of the Daily Mail. It couldn’t be true: a man in his thirties argued with his girlfriend while shopping, and then jumped seven stories to his death. [More]

Stressed-Out Gate Agent Will Not Tolerate Tiny Purses On United Airlines Flights
Jarrod and his wife were returning from their vacation, flying United. Their flight was delayed, and they encountered a gate at 3 A.M. with a single employee working. They went to board their flight, and Mrs. Jarrod had a camera bag, a large shoulder bag, and a tiny travel pouch over her arm. Other airline personnel overlooked the tiny pouch, not even counting it as a “bag” for carry-on luggage purposes. Instead, the agent became just a little unhinged, not allowing Mrs. Jarrod on the flight until she nestled the little bag inside one of her other bags. [More]

Here Are 5 Jobs That Are More Stressful Than Yours
Although just about everyone seems convinced that their jobs are the most stressful in existence, most of them are just being whiners. Real stress comes from working for ruthless bosses and clients, toiling through countless, sleep-depriving hours, and in some cases, putting your life on the line. [More]

3 Tips For Fighting Bullies
People are talking more about bullying these days. It can happen at school, in the workplace, or online. How do you combat it? Educator and author Natasha Deen offers these three tips. [More]

Don't Tweet Steven Slater Jokes Or JetBlue Will Chastise You
JetBlue Tweet-spanks comedian Andy Borowitz for making bad jokes about their cranky flight attendant. [More]

Dramatic Animated Recreation Of Flight Attendant Quitting, Using Emergency Slide
Taiwan news media produced this thrilling animated replay of how JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater quit his job, complete with cursing on the PA, beer grab, emergency slide run, and embracing his lover. This looks like the making of the best Sims mod ever! [More]

Flight Attendant Weighs In On Angry Passengers, Job Stress
Steven Slater’s dramatic job walk-off slide-down on Monday wouldn’t have been anywhere near as cool if he hadn’t used that escape slide. Another flight attendant named Bobby Laurie, writing about the stress of the job for The Daily Beast, says popping the slide and stealing alcohol are “the two most taboo things in the industry.” He also says he’s fantasized about doing something similar after being forced to deal with angry or obnoxious passengers. [More]

Jobs With The Highest Stress For The Lowest Pay
Are you feeling underworked and overpaid? You very well may be, compared to people in the top 15 most stressful, lowest-paying careers, according to CNN Money rounded these jobs up, and explained why they made the list.

"That Idiot Jeffrey" Pushes USPS Employees Too Far
Seriously, man. No pets means no pets. You are stressing these people out. Look at their handwriting, for pete’s sake.

Walmart Employee Hates New Trash Cans, Will Throw Yours If You Set It Near Him
Ricky had a bizarre run-in with “Larry” at his local Walmart, where he was shopping recently with his mother, who needed a new trash can. While Ricky browsed the automotive accessories counter, his mom did mom things in the silk flower department, and she left her new trash can next to Ricky’s leg while she wandered off. It turns out, you do not leave trash cans anywhere in Larry’s line of sight if you know what’s good for you.

America's 10 Most Stressful Cities
Forbes magazine has put together a list of America’s most stressful cities and as a product of Chicago, the winner of the dubious distinction of being America’s most stressful city, I have this to say: “Yeah, so? Shut up and let me eat my hot dog in peace for once, goddamn it. No, I’m not yelling. Why are you always saying that I’m yelling? It’s not like you never yell! Pass the sport peppers before this gets ugly.”

Stressful Call Center Allegedly Kills Verizon Employee
I’ve heard anecdotal evidence of increased numbers of heart attacks at call centers due to stress, but here’s a local new story from WYFF so now you know it’s true: