
Scientists Say Ingredient Common In Microwave Popcorn Could Be Linked To Alzheimer's

Scientists Say Ingredient Common In Microwave Popcorn Could Be Linked To Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s has proved a mysterious disease for researchers who have been trying to pinpoint what can cause it, and how it can be deterred. Researchers now think they’ve got another insight into what could cause Alzheimer’s after studying an ingredient called diacetyl, a flavoring often used to make microwave popcorn smell and test buttery. [More]

Man Accused Of Starting New Hampshire Hepatitis C Outbreak Was A Traveling Technician In 8 States

Man Accused Of Starting New Hampshire Hepatitis C Outbreak Was A Traveling Technician In 8 States

While telling everyone not to panic, New Hampshire is expanding the amount of patients at a particular hospital it says needs to be tested for hepatitis C,  from 1,200 to 6,000. Meanwhile, new details have emerged regarding the hospital employee accused of being responsible for the outbreak, who allegedly would shoot himself up and then use the syringe on patients — turns out he was a traveling technician who worked in as many as eight other states. [More]

Using Viagra When You Don’t Need It Could Make You Psychologically Dependent On It

Using Viagra When You Don’t Need It Could Make You Psychologically Dependent On It

Many moons ago, when Viagra first came on the market, I had a co-worker who went through those pills like they were breath mints, in spite of not actually needing them. And he’s not alone, as untold number of men without erectile dysfunction use the drug recreationally, believing it enhances their lovemaking prowess. But the results of a new study claim that all the pill-popping may lead users to second-guess their erectile ability. [More]

Bar Cares About Your Unborn Babies, Puts Pregnancy Test Dispenser In Bathroom For Peace Of Mind

Bar Cares About Your Unborn Babies, Puts Pregnancy Test Dispenser In Bathroom For Peace Of Mind

The owner of a bar in Mankato, Minn. wants to make sure his patrons aren’t doing damage to any unborn babies they might be carrying, which is why he’s installed a pregnancy test dispenser in the women’s restroom. The way he sees it, it’s just one more way to prevent prenatal exposure to alcohol. [More]


NYC Movie Theaters Fight Back Against Mayor’s Big Soda Ban

While hit new movies might make millionaires out of actors, directors and key grips, movie theaters often make little to no money on the actual ticket sales of high-profile, first-run movies. Instead, they depend on those movies to bring in customers to pay big bucks for huge drinks and buckets of popcorn. Thus, you can imagine why theater owners in New York City aren’t exactly doing somersaults in celebration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban of large sodas. [More]

Hospital Says Employee May Have Spread Hepatitis C By Getting High & Injecting Patients With Used Syringe

Hospital Says Employee May Have Spread Hepatitis C By Getting High & Injecting Patients With Used Syringe

Health officials in New Hampshire are trying to track down what could have caused an outbreak of hepatitis C at one particular hospital. One scary possibility? An employee abused drugs and then used that used syringe to inject patients. Shudder. [More]

Now You Can Get Pricey Blood Thinning Drug Plavix In Cheaper Generic Form

Now You Can Get Pricey Blood Thinning Drug Plavix In Cheaper Generic Form

The Food and Drug Administration has given the go ahead to seven companies to begin producing Plavix in generic form. As someone who has to shell out over $100 for about 10 pills to quarter and force an unwilling, yet sick cat, to take, I am pretty darn excited about this whole situation. [More]

Special K Chocolatey Delight Has More Calories Than Cocoa Puffs

Special K Chocolatey Delight Has More Calories Than Cocoa Puffs

Eating Special K to lose weight? Splurging on the chocolate version? You might want to read the label. Our sisters at ShopSmart (also published by Consumer Reports) took a look at a variety of “junk” health foods for the June issue and discovered that “Special K Chocolatey Delight” isn’t that different from Cocoa Puffs. [More]

Report: Overuse Of Seat Warmers Could Result In "Toasted Skin Syndrome"

We know it’s cold up there in the wintry north in Minnesota, but be careful you’re not cozying up to your heated car seats or laptop batteries in excess, warns a local news story. You could end up with something called “Toasted Skin Syndrome.” Eww. [More]

Scientists Suggest Restricting Sugar Sales For Youngsters

Arguing that sugar is as additive as tobacco or alcohol, scientists at the University of California San Francisco say that the sweet stuff should be regulated in much the same way as those products. That means taxes to discourage consumption and age-dependent restrictions on how much can be sold to a consumer. [More]

Diabetes Didn't Cost That Man His Leg, Photoshop Did The Dirty Work

Diabetes Didn't Cost That Man His Leg, Photoshop Did The Dirty Work

Remember how the New York City Department of Health appealed to the side of you that likes having all limbs intact to warn against the dangers of drinking too much soda and eating lots of fast food? They used a shocking image of a man with part of one leg amputated, to show how diabetes is not fun. Thing is, that man has both his legs intact, and might not even have diabetes for all we know. [More]

Penis Tattoo Gives Man A Permanent Erection

Penis Tattoo Gives Man A Permanent Erection

Thinking of getting a penis tattoo? Apparently, they come with the risk of a permanent erection. Let’s see if we can get through this one without a Jason Stackhouse joke… Nope! [More]

Lose Weight By Eating In Restaurants?

Lose Weight By Eating In Restaurants?

Ah yes. The dream. To lose weight while eating in restaurants and thus maintaining needed contact with other humans. Can it be done? According to one study, yes, it can. [More]

Study Says Calories Cause Weight Gain, No Matter Where They Come From

Study Says Calories Cause Weight Gain, No Matter Where They Come From

We all know people obsessed with fad diets — no carbs, high-protein, juice cleanses — but it seems it comes down to the simple fact that if you eat too many calories, you will gain weight. A new study says it doesn’t matter where those calories come from in your food, if you ingest a high amount of calories, you’ll pack on pounds. [More]

Study Links Increased Life Expectancy For Citizens Of NYC To Anti-Smoking Policies

Study Links Increased Life Expectancy For Citizens Of NYC To Anti-Smoking Policies

As if New York City residents need anything else to brag about to the rest of the country, they can now boast a record life expectancy of 80.6 years, which is more than the national rate of 78.2. The city attributes this longer life span in part to its anti-smoking policies. [More]

10 Million More In Poverty Because Of  Medical Expenses, Census Reports

10 Million More In Poverty Because Of Medical Expenses, Census Reports

If you were to subtract the cost of health care expenses from family incomes, an additional 10 million more Americans would be considered in poverty by official measures, the U.S. Census Bureau said this week in a new report. [More]

Make Your Own Soy Milk At Home

Make Your Own Soy Milk At Home

Habitual drinkers of soy milk can save money and have fun getting to know what they’re ingesting on a more granular level by learning to make their soy milk themselves. It’s pretty easy, and besides soaking the beans, only takes a few minutes. [More]

Shadow Economies: Harvest Organs From The Poor For The Rich

Shadow Economies: Harvest Organs From The Poor For The Rich

Living in abject poverty, $10,000 is a beguiling promise. All you have to do is give up one kidney. It’s ok, you have another one. But a Bloomberg Markets Magazine investigation shows how gangs around the world prey on the poor and use threats and violence to get them to give up their organs, which they can then resell for upwards of $150,000. This isn’t just happening in some ice-filled bath in China: this week, a Brooklyn man plead guilty to selling black market kidneys to people in New Jersey. [More]