
Store's "Free Gift Wrapping" Means "Everything Wrapped Together"

Store's "Free Gift Wrapping" Means "Everything Wrapped Together"

Joe received his order from today and yes, they did indeed wrap the items for free. Too bad they wrapped them together as one unit.

PIX: Ladybug Infested Macbook (And A Happy Ending)

PIX: Ladybug Infested Macbook (And A Happy Ending)

These are the ladybugs that infested Sam’s Macbook, the ladybugs Apple said must be his fault. Now, here is the update to Sam’s saga, and how he finally got justice from Apple.

Apple Says You Put Those Ladybugs Inside Your Mac Yourself, On Purpose

Apple Says You Put Those Ladybugs Inside Your Mac Yourself, On Purpose

UPDATED. Sam loves his Apple products, but their blaming him for the big ladybugs inside his Macbook Pro? It’s enough to turn this fanboy into whatever is the clever name for opposite of a fanboy.

Jones Bigass Truck Rental & Storage

Jones Bigass Truck Rental & Storage

Jone’s Bigass Truck Rental & Storage will let you store anything you please. He’s got a weed-riddled cement lot he bought at auction for $1.00 and some trucks you can toss some shit in.

Restaurant Serves Wine In Baby Bottles

Restaurant Serves Wine In Baby Bottles

The new La Cave des Fondus in New York is serving wine in baby bottles. It’s a high-lowbrow collision in your mouth, and it’s hilarious! [Diner’s Journal via Dr. Vino] (Photo: ljwrighty)

Steve & Barry Auto Industry Fail Shirts On Sale

Steve & Barry Auto Industry Fail Shirts On Sale

Steve & Barry’s is in Bankruptcy, and the Big 3…

American Airlines Charges Fees To Non-Passengers

American Airlines Charges Fees To Non-Passengers

In an attempt to improve margins during tough times, American Airlines will now charge fees to non-passengers, The Onion reports. (Thanks to ubermex!) (Photo: joyosity)

All Airports Should Have A Recombobulation Area Like The One In Milwaukee

All Airports Should Have A Recombobulation Area Like The One In Milwaukee

Today is a travel day for millions of Americans, so we thought we’d focus on the positive. Here’s a good idea that needs to catch on. Milwaukee’s Mitchell International Airport has a sign after their TSA check point that reads “Recombobulation Area.”

It's A Trap!

In Brooklyn, NY there’s a bike lane that directs cyclists onto the sidewalk — and into the waiting arms of the police. (Riding a bike on the sidewalk is illegal.) Whoops. [Gothamist]

This Is Not A Good Method For Transporting Shopping Carts

This Is Not A Good Method For Transporting Shopping Carts

If you were thinking of loading a semi with tons of shopping carts, make sure you view the following video before you attempt it — just in case you’ve missed a small detail.

CarX Auto Service Will Change Your Oil, Give You A Puppy

CarX Auto Service Will Change Your Oil, Give You A Puppy

Kari sent us this photo she took last night in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We’ll give them points for finding a unique promotional angle, but we wonder if they saw sales increase or drop off? Update: is it legal to give away animals as a store promotion?

Alert: You Cannot Buy Consumerist With Doodle Money

Alert: You Cannot Buy Consumerist With Doodle Money

Our post last Friday gave people some great business ideas. We appreciate the offers, but we must insist that you do not try to purchase Consumerist with doodle currency that you have minted yourself, probably while drinking. You can, however, try to bail out the auto industry with it if you want.

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson

Jeff and his wife bought a couch, chair, and armoire from Basset Furniture in Rockville, Maryland this weekend, and while the actual experience was rather pleasant, they might not be going back. It wasn’t because their salesperson was rude, but rather because another employee they’d never dealt with pulled them aside at the last minute to warn them that there was “something wrong” with the woman who’d been helping them. What? What the hell does that mean? Did she sell them haunted furniture? Was she really a robber who was pretending to sell furniture to get the customers out of the store so she could finish her robbery? Was she a replicant?

Alert: You Cannot Send A Drawing Of A Spider As Payment

Alert: You Cannot Send A Drawing Of A Spider As Payment

David didn’t have the money to pay his account (for some mystery service—we don’t know what), so he decided to see if they’d accept a drawing instead. Turns out they won’t. The email exchange that follows is hilarious, and much more entertaining for both parties than the old put-the-wrong-check-in-the-envelope trick.

Consumerist's Receipt-Checking Coverage Referenced In Delightful Comic

Consumerist's Receipt-Checking Coverage Referenced In Delightful Comic

As part of our unrelenting curiosity about all manner of things consumer and shopper, we’ve posted a number of reader stories about how they were illegally detained by stores and local police for refusing to stop and show their receipt. It’s finally paid off, we’ve been immortalized in a Married To The Sea comic.

Police Dispatch Log: Taco Bell "Steal A Taco" Promotion Turns Ugly

Police Dispatch Log: Taco Bell "Steal A Taco" Promotion Turns Ugly

Reader Kevin sent us the following entry from his town’s police dispatch log. It seems that the “Steal A Taco” promotion was causing some problems at the drive-thru window of his local Taco Bell.

Walmart Employee Hates New Trash Cans, Will Throw Yours If You Set It Near Him

Walmart Employee Hates New Trash Cans, Will Throw Yours If You Set It Near Him

Ricky had a bizarre run-in with “Larry” at his local Walmart, where he was shopping recently with his mother, who needed a new trash can. While Ricky browsed the automotive accessories counter, his mom did mom things in the silk flower department, and she left her new trash can next to Ricky’s leg while she wandered off. It turns out, you do not leave trash cans anywhere in Larry’s line of sight if you know what’s good for you.

Ultra Douche

Ultra Douche

Walmart appears to be having some difficulty matching images to products. Or, then again, maybe they’re not.