
Neutrogena Face Wash Comes With Free Headphones. What?

Neutrogena Face Wash Comes With Free Headphones. What?

Reader Jeremy is wondering about this “added value” offer he saw at Target the other day — a tube of face wash that comes with free headphones. Huh?


This can opener really sucks. [Walmart via BuzzFeed]

New Ideas For Kids' Books About The Lean Times Ahead

New Ideas For Kids' Books About The Lean Times Ahead

Last week, Slate published a list of children’s books about poverty, unemployment, shoe-eating, dust bowls, depressions, and recessions. From a late-19th century series called The Five Little Peppers through to 2007’s How To Steal a Dog, the list captures over 100 years of poverty-level slice of life–what we might call the Plight of the Raggedy Children.

Beware The CEO Panhandlers

Beware The CEO Panhandlers

Enjoy your weekend, and mind your pockets when you’re out and about.

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Set Is Inappropriately Proud Of Its Materials

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Set Is Inappropriately Proud Of Its Materials

The person in charge of the Ben & Jerry’s gift shop in their Vermont factory might want to talk to someone about redesigning the packaging of this ice cream bowl and spoon set—”melamine” probably isn’t the kind of word you want to position so prominently these days.

Japan Introduces Monkey Waiters; Blogger Scratches Another Business Plan Off His List

Japan Introduces Monkey Waiters; Blogger Scratches Another Business Plan Off His List

A Japanese sake house near Tokyo has stolen one of my ideas and employed monkeys as waiters—one brings hot towels to customers when they sit down, and another takes orders and delivers bottles of sake. They’re tipped in edamame, which U.S. waitstaff should seriously consider since you don’t have to report it, and since the dollar will soon be worth about the same anyway. Our favorite quote from the article: “‘The monkeys are actually better waiters than some really bad human ones,’ customer Takayoshi Soeno said.” Hold on to your hats, there’s video footage below!


In one brain-melting two-minute clip, watch all the media frenzy, punditry, and cable-news excitement of the financial meltdown, courtesy of CNN’s own Rick “The Twitter Board Is Blowing Up!” Sanchez. [YouTube]

I Am Going To Kick Your Ass Unless You Get Life Insurance

I Am Going To Kick Your Ass Unless You Get Life Insurance

The expression on the little guy’s face in this banner ad seems say, “I’m gonna kick your ass unless you get some freakin’ life insurance.” Maybe even throw in a “sucker” at the end there. Seriously, what’s his deal? He’s sooo angry!

This Shaw's Pizza Box Is Conflicted

This Shaw's Pizza Box Is Conflicted

Someone in marketing really wanted to show the handmade goodness of Shaw’s house brand pizza, despite the fact that there is no handmade goodness to the product at all. But not to worry! A little fine print takes care of any legal issues, and you’re good to go.

Extended Stay Hotels Must Smell Really Bad

Extended Stay Hotels Must Smell Really Bad

Okay, we got the bathroom humor of Kellog’s All-Bran commercial last year. We’re not sure if this commercial for Extended Stay Hotels, which shows guests so relaxed that they pass gas—or what the French call un petit éclatement—is quite as effective. Maybe they should change the tagline at the end to, “Our windows can be opened.”

Citi Credit Card Cautions You Against Spending

Citi Credit Card Cautions You Against Spending

Citi’s been burned enough by its cardholders’ profligate spending, apparently. Check out the message on this activation sticker on a new card. We like the inclusion of a sort of Yin-yang background, as if to remind us that debt and repayment are equal elements of the consumer credit world. A balance must be maintained! Just, you know, not so high a balance that you can’t make your monthly payments.(Thanks to Jerry!)

This WaMu Sign Is Incredibly Accurate

This WaMu Sign Is Incredibly Accurate

I’m currently a Chase customer, but my brother is WaMu. As he was walking down the street in Brooklyn the other night, he managed to catch this picture.

We're In Ur Bank, Bailing It Out

We're In Ur Bank, Bailing It Out

Ape Lad [via BoingBoing]

These Pennsylvania Lottery Mascot Costumes Were Poorly Thought Out

These Pennsylvania Lottery Mascot Costumes Were Poorly Thought Out

Quinto is a new lottery game from Pennsylvania, and their mascot is a bunch of fingers, we’re guessing. We can’t figure out how these mascot costumes made it from concept to on-the-street reality, though. We like how the guy in this photo seems to be thinking, “What exactly am I posing with?”

Found Wall Street ATM Receipt Shows $97,084.23 Balance

Found Wall Street ATM Receipt Shows $97,084.23 Balance

With all the concern about unemployed Wall Street sloggers and whether they’ll be able to keep up their leveraged lifestyle, or even get an apartment, this ATM receipt a reader’s coworker found sitting in a Wall Street ATM with a balance of $97,084.23 shows there’s at least one person who is going to be okay. Plus, this guy knows what he’s doing; note how the balance is just under the $100,000 limit for full FDIC coverage.

Always Test The Merchandise Before Demonstrating It

Always Test The Merchandise Before Demonstrating It

Where is the salesman in this screencap? He’s behind the table, holding his ribcage and crying out in pain. Don’t keep striking your $45 samurai blade against the table, kids—otherwise you might find yourself saying things like, “Ohhh, that got me good,” instead of talking about the awesome swordlike qualities of your sword.

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

Sidd snapped this photo at the Palisades Mall in West Nyack, NY over the weekend. “Flexible hours” in this case might mean a lot of free time very soon.


What sort of ad do you run next to a full-page PSA that says, “My sister accidentally killed herself”? Probably not this one. [FAIL Blog] (Thanks to theblackdog!)