
Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Sh*t That Doesn't F*cking Work

This video has swearing, but its newsworthiness demands that we f*cking post it anyway.


In case you were wondering why you are fat, this blog full of photos of ridiculous food will help you figure it out. Our personal favorite is the Oreo. [This Is Why You’re Fat]


BK’s gag gift $3.99 perfume that smells like a “flame broiled burger” is selling out all over NYC. Where did they get perfume that smells like flame-broiling? Hmmm… “What do ya think’s in the burgers?” [MSNBC]


Twitter genius from badbanana: “They should make a Matlock reunion special where the plot fully explains the upcoming digital TV transition.” [via BestAt]

Papa John's Founder Says Don't Eat Too Much Of His Pizza

Papa John's Founder Says Don't Eat Too Much Of His Pizza

Marketing and PR folks probably dread stories like this one: John Schnatter, the founder of Papa John’s, said on a BBC radio interview yesterday that you shouldn’t eat too much of their pizza.

Toothpaste For Dinner has discovered a spinoff of the Cash4Gold empire, “Fill the envelope with your stubborn or unwanted kid…THEN CASH YOUR CHECK!!!” [Toothpaste For Dinner]

Disney To Sell Eggs For Some Reason

Disney To Sell Eggs For Some Reason

I’m not sure why, but Disney is selling eggs. Each egg is stamped with a different Disney character and if you get the additional egg mold, you can make the eggs into little mickey mouse Disney icons. Then gobble them up. Weird. [Jezebel]

Don't Draw Genitalia As Your Signature When Paying Via Credit Card

Don't Draw Genitalia As Your Signature When Paying Via Credit Card

After accidentally scribbling nonsense on a verification screen and seeing that it didn’t trigger any alerts, Kingpin at DrunkRepublic decided to start goofing around with his signature when using his credit card. It led to some fun times for a while. Then it backfired. (Warning: the image after the jump is cartoonishly NSWF in a Comcast-at-the-Superbowl sort of way.)

You Say Snuggie, I Say WTF Blanket

You Say Snuggie, I Say WTF Blanket

Though you may know and love and/or fear it as The Snuggie, it’s marketed some states north of Minnesoata and east of Kentucky as The WTF Blanket. Here is its ad [NSFW], which, according to unconfirmed outsider sources on non-attribution background, could be angling to snatch up one of the the last Super Bowl ad slots using a modified eBay snipe-bot. [via Bon Jour, Pee Wee]

Virgin Atlantic Asks Complaint Writer To Be Taste Tester

Virgin Atlantic Asks Complaint Writer To Be Taste Tester

The man who wrote the long, funny complaint letter to Richard Branson about the level of suck on his recent Virgin Atlantic flight has been asked to “come to the airline’s catering house next month, to help select the food on future Virgin flights.” Yeah, we know that it’s a publicity stunt, but an entertaining one. We hope the customer agrees, and hates the new food just as much. In fact, we wish he’d replace Toby Young on Top Chef; the dead hamster line would be a pretty good put-down on that show.

Is This The World's Best Airline Complaint Letter?

Is This The World's Best Airline Complaint Letter?

A disgruntled Virgin Air passenger sent an exhaustive complaint letter to Sir Richard Branson, supported by a series of incriminating photographs. We think it’s safe to say that he did not enjoy the in-flight food—which is surprising, because everybody likes a bit of mustard Richard. Will Give You Free Pillows, But That Doesn't Mean It Has To Like You Will Give You Free Pillows, But That Doesn't Mean It Has To Like You

We love it when what’s supposed to be internal communication leaks out to the customer—it gives you such clear insight as to how a company really feels about you. In the case of, calling to complain about a missed delivery date makes you “difficult.” But hey, they’ll still send you some free pillows.

Hug Me Pillow Relieves The Loneliness Until Morning

Hug Me Pillow Relieves The Loneliness Until Morning

You don’t have to be sad anymore, single person. Overstock has you covered. Just don’t turn over in the middle of the night, especially if you have night terrors.

Eventually, If This Trend Continues, Bags Of Chips Are Just Going To Be Empty

Eventually, If This Trend Continues, Bags Of Chips Are Just Going To Be Empty

Everyone knows that bags of chips are sold by weight and they look big, but are only half full, yadda yadda — but these photos from reader Taylor made us laugh anyway. The bag of chips is only 1/4 full.

Gap Kids Planting Headless Tots For Spring!

Gap Kids Planting Headless Tots For Spring!

This may be one of those posts where it turns out nobody else is bothered by it, but seriously, wtf is up with Gap Kids? Their little headless mannequins have always been a bit off-putting to me, but now they’ve gone full-blown Anne Geddes and placed the bodies in a weird context that makes them seem even creepier than usual.

Domino's Burns Subway's C&D On National TV

Domino's Burns Subway's C&D On National TV

I’ll still never order a sandwich from either establishment except under duress, but I approve of how Domino’s handled Subway’s cease-and-desist letter over their new campaign claiming Domino’s oven-baked sandwiches beat Subway’s 2-1 in a taste test paid for by Domino’s: with flames.


Please do not eat the lobster, then glue the shell back together and return it for a refund. [Times Union Albany] [Thanks to Laurie & Brian!]

CNBC Taking Votes For Best "As Seen On TV" Product

CNBC Taking Votes For Best "As Seen On TV" Product

Karla writes, “I thought this fun little tournament might interest Consumerist readers, especially the possibility of a Billy Mays vs. Vince from Shamwow showdown in the Sweet 16.” The contest will determine the “greatest ‘As Seen on TV’ product,” although with entries like Video Professor and Miss Cleo on there, “greatest” seems to be loosely defined.