
Sears' New 'Secret Eavesdropping' Phone Technique Improves Customer Service, But Totally Freaks Out Other Sears Employees

Sears' New 'Secret Eavesdropping' Phone Technique Improves Customer Service, But Totally Freaks Out Other Sears Employees

It looks like Sears has finally figured out a way to ensure good customer service for home deliveries. Unfortunately, this method induces extreme paranoia in other Sears employees. The woman referred to as “Delivery” in Jason’s retelling below will probably never trust another coworker again.

Shrink Ray Turned On Latest Issue Of GOOD Magazine

Shrink Ray Turned On Latest Issue Of GOOD Magazine

The latest issue of GOOD magazine, which arrived in our mailbox yesterday, seems to be equal parts tongue-in-cheek and an actual attempt to save money on printing. To be honest, it’s the first time we ever made it entirely through a magazine in one sitting, so in that sense we kind of like the new format, even if it’s just for one issue. Of note: if your resume sucks, you can enter it in their resume-makeover contest.

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

He is actually still here I as I e-mail you — I hate to be mean, but the BO is so bad, I am seriously choking. He left to get some parts out of the truck and the smell is so strong in my apartment I am going to need to open all of my windows for the rest of the afternoon just to get this smell out.

If We Buy This And Give It Back To You, Will You Read It, Circuit City Execs?

If We Buy This And Give It Back To You, Will You Read It, Circuit City Execs?

After seeing our photo evidence of the sorry state of the St. Peters, MO, Circuit City yesterday, Eric decided to check out the final days of the Circuit City in Poughkeepsie, NY. He writes, “On one clearance table, among the overpriced cables, I saw this. I’m not sure what this was doing there, but it’s probably something the Circuit City executives should have read a few years ago, huh?” Yes, but it’s never too late! Those executives are going to end up working somewhere after all. By the way, do CC execs get a liquidation discount?

The Photograph That Pretty Much Sums Up Circuit City

The Photograph That Pretty Much Sums Up Circuit City

Reader Adrian emailed this photo of the Circuit City in St. Peters, MO.

Sham-Wow And Zorbeez Tested On Attack Of The Show

Sham-Wow And Zorbeez Tested On Attack Of The Show

See, this is why you let experts like Consumer Reports or Captain Duvel Moneycat handle product testing. Kevin and Olivia from G4’s AOTS decide to have a Sham-Wow/Zorbeez faceoff to see which one works best. All we can say is maybe they shouldn’t have used so much fake vomit. Oh, and apparently both products smell bad when they’re wet.

This Ace Hardware Promotion Requires That You Go Back In Time To Use It

This Ace Hardware Promotion Requires That You Go Back In Time To Use It

Marketer: [gleam in her eye] …oh, I know how we can afford it. [cue evil laughter]

RyanAir To Liven Up Emergencies With Exciting New Escape Fees!

RyanAir To Liven Up Emergencies With Exciting New Escape Fees!

RyanAir’s toilet tax may not be the company’s worst idea after all, as reader Geoffrey reminds us with this mockup showing several potential fees the budget Irish carrier may well be considering.

Technically, There Is Nothing Wrong With This Display

Technically, There Is Nothing Wrong With This Display

On the other hand, we think the CVS manager in this D.C. store might want to take a look around and see how other stores are doing it. (Thanks to Rob!)

The "Worst Food Product Ever" May Have Been Found

The "Worst Food Product Ever" May Have Been Found

Pork Brains In Milk Gravy. Could it be the worst food product ever? It does have 1170% of your daily cholesterol per serving. Mmmm.

The "Real" Reason Circuit City Went Under

The "Real" Reason Circuit City Went Under

After fifteen minutes of being ignored by Circuit City executives, Pliego decided to try to find the documents himself. Frustrated, Pliego ultimately tapped acting Chief Executive James A. Marcum on the shoulder and told him he couldn’t find the financial statements he was looking for.

Reading Comprehension Among Target Employees At All Time High

Reading Comprehension Among Target Employees At All Time High


Drunk Old Man Shoots TV After DTV Converter Box Doesn't Work

Drunk Old Man Shoots TV After DTV Converter Box Doesn't Work

Maybe it was the hooch, or maybe it was the fact that he was missing his TMZ, but a 70-year-old man in Missouri was arrested yesterday for unlawful use of a firearm after he shot up his TV. According to Minneapolis/St. Paul news station KARE11, he “was angry that he had lost his cable, and was unable to get his new DTV converter to work properly.” According to his wife, he had been drinking.

Woman Misses Flight, Seems Slightly Annoyed

Woman Misses Flight, Seems Slightly Annoyed

It’s as if all the frustration from airline travelers across the world has collected into one crazy woman who’s just eaten a candy bar. We can’t believe we missed this last Thursday.

Prediction: 'Elmo Tickle Hands' Will Be Most Abused Toy of 2009

Prediction: 'Elmo Tickle Hands' Will Be Most Abused Toy of 2009

Furries rejoice! Andy at NonToxicReviews is covering Toy Fair in NYC this week, and he’s just uploaded some footage of the latest in the unending parade of Elmo merchandise: vibrating, giggling gloves that you can wear. We’re almost afraid to see the videos that are going to start popping up once these hit the market.

It's Going To Get Crowded At This Kroger Come Easter

It's Going To Get Crowded At This Kroger Come Easter

You people had better start buying some of this holiday crap if you want Kroger to have any room for Fourth of July supplies. At least, we’re assuming this is left-over holiday coffee for sale. If it isn’t, then, as our tipster Paul puts it, “I believe that February 14th marks a new record for the earliest start of a store’s Christmas Shopping season.” *shudder*

Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

You may have seen the commercial where Montel Williams hawks some goofy collectible coins with President Obama’s face IN FULL COLOR OMG. If you were planning on ordering some, though, watch this video from KATU 2 TV in Portland, Oregon first.* A father and daughter bought the coins and discovered that they’re just regular money with color stickers applied. One of the news anchors even comments that she could see the face on the coin through the sticker when she looked at it from the side.

Search For All Recalled Peanut Butter Products With This Widget

Search For All Recalled Peanut Butter Products With This Widget

Here’s a handy widget, courtesy of the FDA, that you can use to determine whether or not your Valentine’s Day goodies are a trap set by an angry lover.