Most of us have experienced the pain of having to wait an ungodly long time for a pizza ordered during the big game, or on a Friday night, or some other time when pizza is on everyone’s mind. That’s why Papa John’s is willing to bet you’d pay extra to prioritize your pie ahead the rest of the crowd. [More]
papa john’s

Truck Carrying 40K Pounds Of Delicious Cheese Overturns On Highway
We are never fans of wasted food, and so it is with a certain measure of sadness that we must tell you: a semi-truck carrying 40,000 pounds of shredded cheddar overturned on an Oregonian highway, spilling the trailer’s delicious contents everywhere. [More]

Papa John’s Franchise Really Sorry About Racial Slur On Receipt
Yet another restaurant has forgotten to include lessons about why one should not put racial slurs in place of the customer’s name in their order information, since that information is printed out and given to the customer. A black teen in Denver bought a pizza at a Papa John’s franchise, and was surprised to find the racial slur politely called “the N-word” printed on the box. [More]

Panera Suing Former IT Exec And His New Employer Papa John’s Over Trade Secrets
It’s tough out there for food chains who are trying to attract customers with the newest, the freshest, the healthiest, and the tastiest menu items. That intense rivalry is why many companies require non-compete clauses in employees’ contracts, to keep trade secrets, well, secret. [More]

Papa John’s Eliminating High Fructose Corn Syrup From The Menu
The next time you eat a Papa John’s pizza, something will be missing, not that you’ll necessarily taste it. The chain says it has eliminated high-fructose corn syrup from its entire menu, as part of its “Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.” iniatitive. [More]

Don’t Like Your Papa John’s Pizza? Tell The Company Why, And Get Another One For Free
What’s a pizza-loving person to do when the pie they ordered turns out to be a disappointment? After you’ve flung the offending pizza against the wall, that is? Papa John’s says it wants to turn those frowns upside down, by guaranteeing that customers will love their pizzas — and if not, they can get another one for free. [More]

Papa John’s Accused Of Taxing Delivery Fees In Illinois
Sometimes it’s just easier to have a piping hot pie delivered to your door, even if it means you have to pay a small fee for the convenience. But an Illinois man claims in a recently filed class-action seeking lawsuit that Papa John’s added a little extra to his bill in the form of an illegal delivery tax. [More]

Papa John’s Is Eliminating All Artificial Flavors, Synthetic Colors From Its Menu
Now that the anti-everything-artificial train has left the station, it is showing no signs of stopping: Papa John’s says it’s the first pizza chain to eliminate all artificial flavors and synthetic colors from its entire menu. [More]

Papa John’s Promises To Go Antibiotic-Free For Its Chicken Toppings, Poppers
We’ve never really understood the appeal of chicken on pizza, but hey — some people really like it. So this should be good news for them, as Papa John’s has announced plans to only source chickens raised on vegetarian diets and without antibiotics. [More]

Papa John’s Franchisee Gets Jail Sentence For Not Paying Minimum Wage
Earlier this year, the owner of nine Papa John’s franchises in New York City was brought up on charges wage theft for failing to pay his employees the legal minimum wage. As part of a plea deal, the franchisee will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars back to those workers and serve some time behind bars. [More]

Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Lead In Customer Satisfaction Survey, McDonald’s Brings Up The Rear… Again
By now we’re well aware that McDonald’s has struggled to attract and keep new customers in recent years, leading to an all-out overhaul of the fast-food powerhouse. The Golden Arches’ trouble is perhaps most evident this week, as the company clocked in dead last among competition in the American Customer Satisfaction Index, yet again. [More]

Cheesesteak Pizza Briefly Available At Papa John’s Again
Last year, chain pizzeria Papa John’s introduced a cheesesteak-themed pizza for some reason. If you missed the cheesesteak pizza party at the end of 2014 and this seems like a good idea to you, Papa John’s is offering the pizza again until April 26. You can get a large pizza for for $12. A review in the blog Brand Eating described the pizza as “good but not great.” [Brand Eating] [More]

New York Papa John’s Franchisee Ordered To Pay Workers More Than $2M For Wage Violations
A New York Papa John’s franchisee must pay more than $2 million to workers as part of a judgment resolving charges that the company underpaid hundreds of delivery workers at five Harlem-area restaurants. [More]

Iggy Izalea Not So Pleased To Hear From Papa John’s Delivery Guy’s Family After Placing Order For Pizza
Everyone needs pizza, even if you’re a Grammy-nominated rap artist. And it’s understandable that to successfully have said pizza delivered, you’d have to give out your phone number. Which is fine by Iggy Azalea, but she’s none too pleased that her Papa John’s delivery guy apparently then handed out her digits to his admiring family members. [More]

Papa John’s Introduces A Cheesesteak Pizza For Some Reason
If you were looking forward to trying the Fritos Pie Pizza at Papa John’s, and we’re not sure why you would have, bad news: the specialty pizza theoretically ended its promotional period yesterday. However, there’s a replacement exotic pizza on the menu: a Philly Cheesesteak pizza. [More]

Readers’ Reviews Of Papa John’s Fritos Chili Pizza Mixed, Mostly Bad
Last week, we shared the somewhat terrifying news that Papa John’s is marketing a pizza topped with Fritos and chili. Yes, the snack chip Fritos. Yes, on a pizza. Yes, on a Papa John’s pizza. We asked whether any of you out in Consumerland had tried it, and some of you were brave enough to. [More]

Papa John’s Has A Frito Pie Pizza Because Why Not
A bag of Fritos, a pot of chili, and a pizza sounds like the menu for my last Super Bowl party. The pizza scientists over at Papa John’s thought that this would be a great idea for a pizza theme, because…well, we’re not quite sure why anyone would think that, but for the next month or so, you can order this strange pizza-casserole hybrid. [More]