An American blogger living in the middle of China was amazed to stumble across a fake Apple store in her town. It was a complete counterfeit of a real Apple store, designed to look like the real thing. It had signage, and employees walking around in the iconic blue shirts with those lanyard nametags. It had the big long wooden tables with Apple products on them and the typical Apple store winding staircase. But certain details were off. [More]

Duane Reade Has All Your Back To School Supplies. All Of Them!
From pencils, to bear costumes, to urostomy pouches, Duane Reade is your one-stop back to school supershop. The drug store gets a little gentle ribbing over the extensiveness of its inventory in this amusing little parody ad. [More]

Free Shipping On Adult Novelty Fur Elephants At Sears
Tipster David notes appears to have added some adult items to their online catalogue, resulting in some unusual search results. Is this “the softer side of Sears?” [More]

1956 Ad Says Feed 7-Up To Babies
This Seven-Up ad from a 1956 LIFE is simply amazing. Who needs mother’s milk when you have Seven-Up? [More]

Apt. Complex Using DNA To Find Who's Not Curbing Their Dog
Call it CSI: Timberwood Commons. WMUR reports the manager of the apartment complex there is making all the of the dog owners in the building submit DNA samples from their dogs. Then she will compare it with the DNA of the dog poop that’s been left around the grounds to find out who hasn’t been cleaning up after their dog. [More]

It Has Come To This: Scented USB Drives
Add another body to the pyre of useless USB port innovations, Maxell’s “AromaDrive,” a line of scented flash memory sticks. [More] Does What It Says
With hit after hit coming on a regular basis it can be hard to keep track of whether Sony has been hacked this week or not, and it’s easy to tune out. Thankfully, a simple new service has stepped in to make it a lot easier to find out if Sony has been hacked recently. It’s called [More]

Toy Security Wand Lets Kids Play At Being TSA Agents
There’s nothing cooler than being a TSA agent for Homeland Security and now the Spy Gear Security Scanner lets kids live out their dreams. It’s a handheld security wand whose LED lights flash and an alarm goes off when it detects metal, just like the real thing! [More]

How To Judge A Wine Based On Its Label
Matthew Latkiewicz has gone through and categorized all the wines that he hates based on their label. It’s basically a written out version of what goes through my head as I walk around a wine store. There’s the graphic design student category, the ones with animals doing things (you know who we’re talking about), the fancy-schmancy French ones and more. But he’s not just being superficial, he backs it up with spot-on analysis: [More]

Guy Crashes Multiple Times To Make Point About NYPD Ticketing Bicyclists
Casey was fined by the NYPD as part of a recent bicyclist dragnet, getting dinged $50 for not riding in the bike lane. He tried to tell the cop that sometimes the bike lane isn’t safe but the officer wasn’t having any of it. So Casey made a video of what happens when you only ride in the bike lane, despite the numerous piles of construction equipment, taxis, and other obstacles, deliberately crashing his velocipede and eating asphalt. Hm, there seems to be a logic error somewhere here. [More]

Man Who Paid $25 Bill In Pennies Is Proud
A man who made a scene when he voiced his dissatisfaction with a clinic’s billing department by paying a $25 disputed bill in all pennies is proud of what he did. “I would say that I had a legitimate purpose and it was to resolve a billing dispute and pay it,” the man told KSL, “and to protest how I’d been treated.” [More]

Artist Gets $100,000, Uses It To Paste 100,000 $1s On The Wall
What would you do if you were awarded $100,000? Quit your job? Pay off the mortgage? Produce that disco-rollerskate version of Tristan and Isolde you’ve always been talking about? If you’re German artist Hans-Peter Feldmann, you use it to put up 100,000 $1 bills on the walls of the Guggenheim. [More]

Parody: Baby's Face Lotion
This parody ad riffs on all those “age-defying” facial lotion commercials and takes it to their inevitable and ridiculous conclusion. “People say that I have a baby face,” says the female voiceover, “but now that I’m getting older, t hat’s just not enough.” Cue disturbing special effects. [More]

I Solved Citibank ATM Pen Shortage With Duct Tape, TD Bank Pens
Reader Greg was sick of there never being any pens at the Citibank ATM at 8th ave and 16th st in NYC. They had those metal pens attached to wire like they always do, but people had stolen the pen innards and they were never replaced. (Probably because the bank got sick of replacing them.) So Greg came up with his own solution. He grabbed some free pens that are always in abundance at TD Bank and duct taped them to the empty Citibank pen barrels. [More]

Eugene Mirman Reads His Letter To Time Warner Cable
This is a video of comedian Eugene Mirman doing a dramatic reading of his complaint letter to Time Warner Cable that he paid for to have published as a full-page ad in a couple of local papers in Brooklyn. In the preamble, he helps to explain why, as several of you pointed out, the letter came off as rambling and discursive, as opposed to the more straight-shooting approach we usually advocate here. “I could write them an angry letter and someone would get it and think I was crazy,” he tells the audience. “I didn’t want that. I wanted them to know I was crazy.” [More]

TWC Responds To Comedian Eugene Mirman's Complaint Letter
Time Warner Cable has responded to the complaint letter published by their customer, comedian Eugene Mirman, as a full page ad in several papers. [More]

Customer Takes Out Ad In Papers To Publish Complaint Letter To His Cable Company
A Time Warner Cable customer decided to express his frustration with the cable company in a unique way, by running his complaint letter as an ad in several papers. That man was Brooklyn comedian Eugene Mirman, who is also the voice of Gene Belcher on FOX’s Bob’s Burgers. Here is that letter: [More]

What $1 Million Looks Like Around The House
Who hasn’t dreamed of holding a million dollars in their sweaty, clammy paws? Beats working! That day may never come for you, but you might be surprised by how kind of quotidian a million dollars actually looks like in person. To give you a sense of perspective, Cockeyed has a gallery of pictures of what a million dollars would look like in various poses around the house. (They used 10,000 one dollar bills to simulate what 10,000 $100 bills would look like). [More]