
Quick! Stock Up On Ben & Jerry's Before This Sale Expires!

Quick! Stock Up On Ben & Jerry's Before This Sale Expires!

We were going to list this in tomorrow’s Morning Deals, but decided the bargain was just too good to hold off posting: Harris Teeter has reduced the price on all of its Ben & Jerry’s pints, from $3.99 to $3.99.

KFC Demonstrates Its Atomic Intentions

KFC Demonstrates Its Atomic Intentions

Forget Iran and North Korea, maybe it’s KFC that poses the world’s most daunting new threat of developing the atom bomb.

The NYT Offers Budgeting Advice For Would-Be Car Owners… In 1907

The NYT Offers Budgeting Advice For Would-Be Car Owners… In 1907

We were poking around the NYT archives when we stumbled across this gem, car maintenance budgeting advice for people interested in owning a car … in 1907. Some of the advice remains the same. Other parts, like how much to pay your driver and how much to budget for repainting the car once a year — not so much.

The Glamorous World Of Headset Hotties

The Glamorous World Of Headset Hotties

Ever notice how the “customer service reps [who] are standing by” are always depicted by beautiful women wearing headsets? The maker of certainly has, so he started collecting and publishing examples from around the globe. We enjoy that “perceived helpfulness” is the metric for rating each image. Tragically, the website has not been updated since February. Obviously they need your help finding more content. Could Helpful Girls Gone Wild be far away?

Don't Say These Things In A Job Interview

Don't Say These Things In A Job Interview

Don’t hit on the interviewer. Don’t ask whether they might be able to discover your past arrests. Don’t ask what the company does, or see if they can pick you up when it rains. In fact, here are 43 things you shouldn’t say during an interview if you actually want the job.

Customer Shows Displeasure With Duane Reade Through Choice Editing

Customer Shows Displeasure With Duane Reade Through Choice Editing

Duane Reade is a drug store endemic to New York City. If you’ve ever experienced what it is like to shop there, you are sure to appreciate the following edits made to a sign requesting customer feedback.


Apparently, if you put in a “tragedy” word for every 167 words in your email message, Gmail’s servers won’t display ads out of some robotic simulacrum of empathy. You’ll also freak out or depress your friends, but hey, no ads! [BoingBoing] (Photo: solidariat)

When Billboards Collide

When Billboards Collide

It’s funny when something accidental happens in advertising, like when billboards that shouldn’t be next to each other are put up. We always suspected the placement of religious billboards are intentional, but we’re really not sure about Cat Jesus. Yes, Cat Jesus.

Utah Caveman Survives On $0 Budget

Utah Caveman Survives On $0 Budget

No matter how great you think you are at minimalizing, sticking to a tight budget and formulating clever ways to suppress costs, this guy Suelo has got you beat.

OutOfYourLife.Com: The Man Eater's Cash4Gold?

OutOfYourLife.Com: The Man Eater's Cash4Gold?

Here’s a common problem: we have many ex-lovers, who have put ice on our wrists and given us countless pearl necklaces. But these wealthy suitors have left our hearts broken and in this economy, we’re hurting for cash. Thankfully, we discovered Out of Your Life (motto: “It’s time to break up with his jewelry, too”), who will buy our tear-stained jewelry back from us!

Ms. Booty Will Be Your Waitress

Ms. Booty Will Be Your Waitress

Andrew just looked over the credit card receipt from a night out earlier this month, and he noticed that his server has an unusually descriptive name. Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow named her.

Amazing Deal At Office Depot

Amazing Deal At Office Depot

While shopping at Office Depot recently, Dave snapped this shot of a sale on an 8-pack of washable markers. The regular price is $3, but knock off the INSTANT SAVINGS of $.01 and you’re left with the absolutely smokin’ deal of $2.99.

Lady Friends, What Would You Buy Without Them?

Lady Friends, What Would You Buy Without Them?

In a recent Target Women episode, Sarah Haskins skewers Lady Friends, those female creatures particular to TV advertising. They can help you pick out a candle, get a great deal on shoes, or advise you in a crowded nightclub that previous commercial for Yaz are for the treatment of PMDD and mild acne, not PMS or major acne. They imitate human behaviors and real emotions, but everything they say has a price tag. “Friends, what would you buy without them?” quips Sarah.

Play Consumerist Comments Bingo

Play Consumerist Comments Bingo

Know those Consumerist comments that get repeated and repeated, and disemoveled, over and over again? Don’t flame, play Bingo! Consumerist comments Bingo! All your favorites are there, like “slw nws dy?,” pointing out typos, blame the OP, and more! Reader catastrophe girl has uploaded a series of four delightful Bingo cards to our Flickr Pool so you can play the home version of the game we play in our minds.

We Have No Comment About This Exercise Device

We Have No Comment About This Exercise Device

A friend of ours has just shown us this video for an allegedly real exercise device called the “Shake Weight.” We have no comment about it.

Company Apologizes, Hilariously, For Mail Merge Screwup

Company Apologizes, Hilariously, For Mail Merge Screwup

Everyone knows that the “personal touch” of using your name in an email, printed letter, or CSR call is powered by a database and a computer, and not really personal at all. Still, when a company gets it wrong it can be annoying. When a company gets it wrong, then apologizes by sending a follow-up message that makes you smile, all can be forgiven.

Pepsi VS Coke Logo Evolution

Pepsi VS Coke Logo Evolution

Some mystery genius put together a comparison of the logo evolution of Pepsi Vs. Coke. Enjoy.

Alabama Bans Wine Bottle For Giving It The Vapors

Alabama Bans Wine Bottle For Giving It The Vapors

I swan! [Fans face.] Sweet magnolia breeze! I do declare! [Clutches petticoat in pre-swoon anticipation.] Alabama is in a dither over a drawing of a nude nymph on a wine bottle label, so they’ve banned the product from being sold. Their liquor regulations forbid the display of “a person posed in an immoral or sensuous manner” on any alcohol packaging. We have to side with Alabama on this one—after all, we’re not sure you can ride a bike naked without eventually doing something immoral, whether you mean to or not.