If you’re a Chase bank customer in Chicago or New York City who relies on the ATM at your local Walgreens/Duane Reade to avoid withdrawal fees, we’ve got some bad news for you. But if you’re a Citibank customer, well, we’ve got some great news for you: more than a thousand ATMs will be transitioning from Chase to Citibank. [More]
duane reade

Walgreens, Duane Reade To Pay $500,000 For Overcharging, Misleading Customers
When you see a “sale” price on a store shelf, you expect to pay that price at the register. When you see something marked as a “Great Buy,” you might believe that it’s been discounted. And when a store advertises a “Last Chance” or “Clearance” sale, you probably have reason to think that those items won’t be in stock much longer. But Walgreens — and its subsidiary Duane Reade — have different ways of thinking about the above scenarios, and it’s gotten them into trouble with the state of New York. [More]

Actress Wants Pharmacy To Pay Her $6M For Using Photo Of Her Outside The Store
Famous people! Isn’t it funny how they also get stuffy noses, use cotton swabs and sometimes just need a bag of fun-size candy bars, like other humans do? Sure, celebrities shop at the pharmacy. It’s where the toilet paper is when you need it. But Katherine Heigl, an actress from movies about too many bridesmaids dresses, doesn’t like that New York City chain Duane Reade is allegedly using a paparazzi pic of her shopping at the store as part of its advertising efforts. [More]

28 Attorneys General Urge Major Retailers To Discontinue Tobacco Sales
Is it a conflict of interest when stores that sell products to improve your health also make billions every year selling cigarettes? More than two dozen Attorneys General think so, and are lighting a fire under the nation’s largest drugstore and supermarket chains to get them to quit. [More]

Duane Reade Has All Your Back To School Supplies. All Of Them!
From pencils, to bear costumes, to urostomy pouches, Duane Reade is your one-stop back to school supershop. The drug store gets a little gentle ribbing over the extensiveness of its inventory in this amusing little parody ad. [More]

Drugstores Cross-Promoting Chocolate And Condoms For Valentine's
Drugstores are making it easier for you to get your Valentine’s Day shopping in by putting endcaps of condoms and lubrication on their their chocolate and candy displays. Now you only have to visit one aisle! [More]

Duane Reade Infilitrates Williamsburg By Adding A Beer Bar
When Duane Reade announced it wanted to open a store in the hip poseur enclave neighborhood of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, it faced stiff opposition from locals and bloggers who feared it would destroy the area’s charm and drive a nearby local pharmacy out of business. So the pharmacy chain bought over the natives with beer. [More]

Walgreens Completes Total Domination Of NYC With Duane Reade Deal
Hear that sound? It’s the combined sobs of New Yorkers as the deal to turn all 258 Duane Reade drugstores in the metropolitan area, as well as two distribution centers and Duane Reade headquarters, into Walgreens has now been made official. [More]

Walgreens Expects To Complete Duane Reade Deal By Mid-April
Just as NBC prepares to give itself up to some company from Philadelphia, another New York institution has gotten one step closer to invasion from without with the news that the FTC has given the go-ahead for Walgreens to continue with its purchase of Duane Reade drug stores. [More]

Walgreens Opens Wide, Swallows Up Duane Reade
Anyone who’s lived in — or even visited — New York City is familiar with Duane Reade Pharmacies, the only business that competes with Starbuck in terms of retail space in the five boroughs. And, as a New Yorker, I know it’s a love-hate relationship with the local chain. But the era of a Duane Reade on every corner in Manhattan may be coming to an end with the announcement this morning that Illinois-based drugstore giant Walgreens is in the process of buying Duane Reade out. [More]

Duane Reade Says It's Christmas Time
Reader Emily snapped this photo at the Duane Reade at 58th and 8th in Manhattan.

Customer Shows Displeasure With Duane Reade Through Choice Editing
Duane Reade is a drug store endemic to New York City. If you’ve ever experienced what it is like to shop there, you are sure to appreciate the following edits made to a sign requesting customer feedback.

Duane Reade May Want To Rethink The Instructions On Their Generic Sandwich Bags
Duane Reade wants you to compare their store brand sandwich bags to Ziploc’s bags, and you should, because Ziplcoc’s bags are $0.50 cheaper.

Excellent Spelling At Duane Reade
Submitted to our Flickr pool, an excellent sign at the Duane Reade on E. 51st in NYC.

Duane Reade Sucks As A Pharmacy, Target Is Pretty Good
According to JD Power and associates survey of pharmacies, that blight on New York City, Duane Reade, placed last in the rankings of chain pharmacies. From the WSJ Health Blog:The results are based on an online survey of 6,543 U.S. consumers conducted last fall.