You can use your face to check bags for a flight or board an airplane, and now at one KFC in China, you can pay for your food by smiling at a screen. [More]

Bizarre KFC VR Escape Room/Training Exercise Haunted By Ghost Of Anti-Robot Col. Sanders
What do you get when you combine virtual reality, escape rooms, corporate training videos, and a very cranky fast food mascot? In the case of KFC’s bizarre new VR training video, probably the weirdest eight minutes of your day. [More]

Customer Service Worker Gone Rogue Tells KFC, Pizza Hut Customers To Order Domino’s Next Time
If you’re going to fire a customer service rep, you need to make sure they can’t get back into your system and wreak havoc… like the former rep who managed to reply to dozens of emails from KFC and Pizza Hut, telling them the restaurants don’t care about complaints anymore, and to just “order from Domino’s next time.” [More]

KFC Pledges To Stop Serving Chicken Raised On Antibiotics That Are Medically Important To Humans
KFC is making a big change to its menu, one that investors, customers, and public health advocates have been calling for. This morning, the chicken chain announced it will soon stop serving chickens raised on antibiotics that are medically important to human beings. [More]

Yum Brands CEO: Robots Will Take Over Fast Food Jobs In Next 10 Years
Working in the fast-food industry can be hard work for little pay, and now employees have to worry about their job security as well. Fast food remains popular, but one prominent CEO predicts that within the next decade, more work in fast food restaurants will be taken over by robots. [More]

McDonald’s & Other Fast Food Giants Battling For Siberian Customers
When you picture Siberia, you probably imagine a vast, frozen landscape, tucked away in the coldest corner of the globe. You probably don’t picture the Golden Arches lighting up the frigid night, but now even Siberia has several McDonald’s locations — and it’s got plenty of competition for customers. [More]

More Than 125,000 People Call On Burger King, KFC, Starbucks & Others To Curb Antibiotics Use
While a handful of fast food chains have made at least some commitment to reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock, the majority of these restaurants still have no policy when it comes to this issue. This morning, CEOs of those companies are receiving a petition signed by more than 125,000, asking them to do their part to help prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. [More]

$20 Million Lawsuit Accuses KFC Of Misleading Ads For “Family Fill Up” Meals
The ads for KFC’s Family Fill Up meal show an overflowing bucket of fried chicken, but the reality of what you get with your order may not be so bountiful. A KFC customer in New York is suing the fast food chain for $20 million, accusing it of deliberately misleading customers about how much chicken they get with this offer. [More]

Police: KFC Worker Pulls Gun On Boss, Returns For Paycheck The Next Day
A dispute between an employee of a New Mexico KFC and his boss escalated to the point of pulling out weapons, but that didn’t stop the aggrieved worker from showing up the next day to collect his paycheck. [More]

Burger King, KFC & 14 Other Restaurant Chains Still Earning “F” Grades For Antibiotics Policies
Last year, a coalition of public health advocates released a report card grading the nation’s 25 biggest restaurant chains on their antibiotics policies. An astounding 20 of these chains earned “F” grades, usually for completely failing to address this issue. The newest report card shows that a number of restaurants have inched their way out of the basement, but the large majority of these companies appear to be completely ignoring antibiotics concerns. [More]

Activist Investors Call On KFC To Phase Out Antibiotics In Chickens
With Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Papa John’s, and Subway all making an effort to curb antibiotics overuse in chicken and other animals, some investors of Yum Brands say it’s time for KFC to do its part. [More]

This KFC Box Will Also (Slightly) Charge Your iPhone
Do you often have to make the decision between going out for fast food fried chicken and charging your phone? Thanks to this new-fangled box from KFC, you may never have to make the choice between greasy fingers and updating your Instagram. [More]

KFC Is Getting Into The Delivery Game (But It Won’t Be Cheap)
If your dream is to be lying on your couch in your soft pants and eating from a bucket of KFC that you didn’t have to leave the house to get, your deep-fried wishes are about to come true. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, Orange County or near Los Angeles that is, and don’t mind paying a hefty delivery fee. [More]

Starbucks, KFC, Chili’s, And Delta Start Accepting Apple Pay For Almost No One To Use
Mobile wallets still aren’t catching on with Americans, even a year after the introduction of Apple Pay and a month after the introduction of Android Pay. There are hundreds of millions of capable phones in consumers’ purses and pockets, so it’s not due to technical restraints. Maybe the answer is to make the system available in more stores? Yesterday, an Apple executive announced that three more large chains will accept their payment system. [More]

Chick-fil-A, Chipotle Lead In Customer Satisfaction Survey, McDonald’s Brings Up The Rear… Again
By now we’re well aware that McDonald’s has struggled to attract and keep new customers in recent years, leading to an all-out overhaul of the fast-food powerhouse. The Golden Arches’ trouble is perhaps most evident this week, as the company clocked in dead last among competition in the American Customer Satisfaction Index, yet again. [More]