It’s both hilarious and depressing when I go onto Facebook and see that someone I know is expressing outrage — OUTRAGE!! — in response to a shocking news story they came across online on a little-known news site called The Onion. Just this morning, I awoke to find that several of my idiot friends on Facebook had shared this Daily Currant story as if it were true, and one continued to insist it was authentic even after others pointed out in the comments that it’s a satire site. In order to cut down on the humiliation suffered by its users, Facebook is now testing a “satire” tag… that people will probably still ignore. [More]

Photographer Looking For People To Do Their Jobs For Free
Deciding to turn the tables, one Atlanta photographer has posted an ad to the talent gigs section of Craigslist looking for people to do their jobs for him for free. “I am a photographer and since people are always looking for free shoots I assume that they must also do their job, or provide their services, for free,” the post reads. “Just think, you will gain more experience, and I will put the word out for you and let everyone know what wonderful work you do.” Here’s the full ad. [More]

Starbucks Barista Fired For Posting Satirical Song
Starbucks fired a barista last week after his satirical song aimed at his employer went viral. In it, the ex-barista, wearing nothing but a Starbucks smock, croons an acoustic guitar ballad about how baristas trick customers when they’re short on supplies, how rude customers stink, and the drink purchasing habits of different races. [More]

The iPad Vending Machine At Macy's
I know iPad and iPod and gizmo-disgorging vending machines are nothing new, but it was still unnerving to see one as I passed through a Macy’s men’s department this weekend. I kind of hate it, and I kind of love it. [More]

Graph: What Really Happens When A Product Says "Easy Open!"
Maybe it’s really a cross-promotional plot between them and BAND-AID. [More]

This Chipotle Gift Card Is Kinda Chuckle-Worthy
You can say what you want about Chipotle’s food, but whoever put together the legalese on the back of their gift cards has a pretty good sense of humor. [More]

Comic Strip Ponders Horrible Future Of The Grocery Shrink Ray
Team Consumerist aren’t the only ones with a watchful eye out for the Grocery Shrink Ray. Cartoonist Jen Sorensen of Slowpoke Comics recently noticed the phenomenon, and illustrates a bleak future for beloved products as the shrinkage continues. The fate awaiting the iconic plastic honey bear is too horrible to imagine. [More]

What IT Does While On Hold With Blackberry Tech Support
The next time you’re on musical hold trying to get through to customer service, don’t get mad. Be like this IT guy and use it as an opportunity to express yourself through the transformative power of dance. You’ll feel less powerless and burn a few calories too. Watching this is the Law of Increasing Returns in action; each time I watch it, it amuses me more than the last. [More]

Norton Has Detected Itself
A non-scientific pie chart showing which things one man perceives as slowing down his PC, in order from least to most lethargy-inducing. [More]

Relive Your Fondest Retail Memories With New Graphic Novel
Have you worked retail? You might be amused by a new book called Hello Do You Work Here?, a collection of illustrated true stories about crazy-making customers. [More]

Learn To Love Your Messed Up Toyota With This Parody
Funny or Die wants to help Toyota out of this awkward situation it’s found itself in, so the site has posted a helpful video of a cheerfully steely spokeswoman who likes to point with both hands. It’s like she’s shooting good news in your face! Pow pow! And really, it’s true that you can have an awesome garage party without ever needing to take your Toyota on the road, so maybe you should stop being so pessimistic. Video below. [More]

Delivery Companies' Secret Training Manual
Have you ever wondered what the employees of some delivery companies must be thinking? has discovered the possible secret to globally consistent poor package delivery. [More]

Stephen Colbert Supports Payday Lending, So You Probably Should Too
Chicago Democrat Luis Gutierrez introduced a bill last month that supposedly reforms out of control payday lending, where interest rates can exceed 300%, but actually gives payday lenders the freedom to charge annual interest rates that can exceed, um, 300%. It doesn’t sound like much of a reform, and in fact Gutierrez has been heavily funded by the payday lending lobby. But luckily for you and me, Stephen Colbert explains why this is all a good thing.

Check Out The New Commercial For Citibank!
Here’s what you can expect from a nationalized Citibank, courtesy of Funny or Die. NSFW warning: this thing is full of f-bombs, and even an r-mine. (Full video after the jump.)

Verizon's Internal Conflict is Astounding, Hilarious
Verizon just can’t seem to get their act together and decide how much their DSL service costs. Last month, we reported on a man who couldn’t get Verizon to commit to a price.

Staples Advertises 6400 Gig Hard Drive; Singularity Quickly approaching.
Or, you know, maybe it’s just a typo. I’d ready your EMP weaponry to be safe.

The Economist's Credit Crunch Game Makes Subprime Loans Fun Again!
We think the idea of “Credit Crunch,” a print-it-yourself board game in this week’s issue of The Economist, is great. We’re not convinced it’s exactly cost-effective to print the board, cards, and money with your own equipment, though—as someone suggests in their comments section, maybe a web-savvy reader should create an online version.