KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]
colbert report

Colbert Interviews The Vampire Who Foreclosed On Wells Fargo
The story of the guy who foreclosed on Wells Fargo after they messed up his mortgage insurance just got the Colbert bump. [More]

Colbert Makes Dude Version Of Summer's Eve Hand Puppet Ads
In order to rectify a troubling imbalance in the world, the Colbert Report made a spoof commercial of the Summer’s Eve talking vaginal hand puppets, just for men. [More]

Colbert's Credit Card Pre-Approved For Its Own Credit Card
“Being in a financial hole is as American as borrowing apple pie.” Colbert took on credit card reform last night. Here’s the clip. The best part is where his credit card is approved for its own credit card.

Robert Greenwald on Colbert Report
Robert Greenwald, the director/producer of WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price is appearing on the Colbert Report this Thursday.