Most of our posts discuss the ways that people spend money and things that they’ve spent their money on: discount shopping, paying bills, banking, full-body lattes, and so on. Ways to save money lead to much less interesting headlines, but are a key way to slim down your budget. Or to save up for a fun new gadget. We don’t judge. [More]

How To Save On Laundry Without Having To Steal Tide Detergent
Tide has become a hot commodity lately. Law enforcement officials from around the nation say there has been an outbreak of thefts of the pricey-but-well-regarded detergent. One guy allegedly stole $25,000 worth of Tide before Minnesota police nabbed him. Why? Tide can be pricey (up to $20 a bottle), and, well, it’s in high demand. But how can you save on detergent without resorting to buying black-market-Tide? [More]

Cheap Products That Can Improve Your Life
Minimalists who get by with as few creature comforts as they can sometimes make everyday activities more difficult than necessary. Some small splurges more than pay for themselves with the way they make things easier. [More]

Avoid These Frugal Living Mistakes
Embarking on a minimalist lifestyle isn’t always a panacea. Make the wrong moves and you could end up damaging your financial profile rather than improving it, or bringing unintended misery on yourself. [More]

Ways To Save Money At The Grocery Store
I you’re looking for ways to trim your budget, you might want to take a hard look at your grocery shopping habits. Sloppy shopping routines repeated throughout the year can make you waste a frightening amount of money. [More]

Make Your Own Soy Milk At Home
Habitual drinkers of soy milk can save money and have fun getting to know what they’re ingesting on a more granular level by learning to make their soy milk themselves. It’s pretty easy, and besides soaking the beans, only takes a few minutes. [More]

Early Bird Gets The Discount Halloween Candy Worm
The best time to stock up on Halloween candy is today, the day right after Halloween. But you better get to the store early if you want to snag the best deals, and the best candy, before they get looted by everyone else. [More]

Man Drives Honda 1 Million Miles
Honda threw a surprise parade for a Maine car owner who became the first ever documented driver to rack up one million miles on the odometer. He did so behind the wheel of his 1990 Accord, which he’s kept running smooth all this time. [More]

Flowbee Like A Pro
I’ve always been intrigued by the Flowbee, the hair cutting vacuum attachment heavily promoted on late 80’s late night infomercials, but I was never quite sure how it worked. Now a new, edited for maximum comedic impact, version of the original instructional video has surfaced and all my questions have been answered. [More]

A Cheaper Starbucks Latte: Order 2 Espresso Shots, Pour Own Milk
If you order lattes at Starbucks, here’s a way to get them to for less while still getting the same drink. [More]

Turn A Milk Jug Into A Sandwich Box
With a few deft maneuvers of the scissor, you can transform an empty milk carton into a reusable sandwich or snack box. [More]

Water-Filled Plastic Bottles In Roof Can Replace Light Bulbs During Day
Here’s a cheap way to bring light into a dark shed during the day while cutting down on your electricity costs. Fill a plastic bottle with water and two cap-fulls of bleach and stick it through the roof. The bottle refracts the sunlight into the space and generates as many lumens as a 50 watt bulb. It’s free light! [More]

16 Tales Of Frugal Fathers
We got over 225 comments when we asked you, “What’s the most frugal thing your dad ever did?” You guys have some really crafty pops. Your stories were humorous, heartfelt, and inspiring. I seriously got misty reading some of them. Others made me fearful for how our generation of young men will ever live up to what these heroes of frugality and grit did on a daily basis. Here are 16 of the best. [More]

What's The Most Frugal Thing Your Dad Ever Did?
In honor of Father’s Day, the Year of Shopping Detox blogger took time to celebrate her frugal father this weekend. She goes so far as to say her dad is more frugal than yours. Here are some of the things she remembers him doing when she was growing up: [More]

Make Your Own Sweet CoCo Pomade At Home
Here’s a quick and cheap recipe for making your own pomade, a waxy material you can use to style your hair, at home. (Remember pomade? It’s that stuff George Clooney is obsessed with for greasing up his locks in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou.) [More]

Scrub Glassware With Aluminum Foil
Don’t just toss out that perfectly lovely piece of aluminum foil. Save it, and use it to scrub your glassware, says Real Simple. A bit of dishwashing liquid and a small piece of foil can do the work of a steel-wool soap pad when getting stubborn stickies and food stains from glassware and oven racks. Plus it’s cheaper! [More]

Hack $30 Headphones Into Sounding Like A $300 Pair
Does It Pew shows you how you can take a cheapo pair of $30 headphones and turn them in a set that gives you the same quality sound that you might normally pay $300 for. Basically you gut a standard pair of cans and swap in these SFI tweeters. Don’t be thrown off by some of the terminology on Stacy’s post, you’ll need to be handy with a Dremel but this is actually a pretty easy and fun DIY weekend project. [More]