Depending on your habits and personality, you may not need to make a lot of actual phone calls using your smartphone. If you find that you don’t use your phone as a phone all that much, you can save quite a bit of money by taking advantage of a set of mobile plans originally designed for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. [More]
save money

Restaurant Bonus Gift Card Promotions Mean Discounted Meals
Sure, gift card bonus deals are meant to induce you to buy even more gift cards, maybe keeping the smaller one for yourself. While giving gift cards can be problematic, In the case of a restaurant or store that you already plan to visit or visit regularly, gift card deals area a great way to take advantage of these promotions. [More]

5 Little-Known Ways To Save Money On Amazon
Online shoppers often end up buying things on Amazon by default. They have the best price, and hey, I have a Prime membership anyway! What you may not realize is that there are ways to save money even after you’ve put that package of flea pills or protein powder or new keyboard in your cart. [More]

Cut Your Regular Expenses With A Bill Haggle Day
Here’s an interesting money-saving idea that might not take you too long. Set aside a day and declare it Bill Haggle Day. What’s that? it’s the day when you look over your recurring expenses that you aren’t interested in canceling, and try to negotiate better deals for the same service. [More]

7 Household Expenses You Can (And Should) Cut
Looking to cut back on your spending, or just put more in savings? You might be leaking money without realizing it with some common household expenses. [More]

You Can Make Your Own Greek Yogurt At Home
If you like the texture and protein content of Greek yogurt, but don’t like the prices and want to avoid products thickened with milk powder, there’s another option that is often cheaper: make your own at home. No, we don’t mean fermenting your own yogurt from scratch, though that isn’t very hard either. Start with plain regular yogurt and strain it yourself, which somehow still costs less per ounce than buying a whole container of Greek yogurt. [More]

Quit Wasting Money On Internet Impulse Purchases
The Internet has brought an amazing array of merchandise into our lives and onto our doorsteps. However, being able to order a crate of hamburger-shaped cookies from Japan or a complete DVD box set of “Friends” episodes at 3 A.M. during a spell of insomnia isn’t always a good thing. Especially when you’re trying to eliminate debt and/or cut down on spending. [More]

5 Foods To Stash In Your Desk For Lunch Emergencies
If you work outside of the home, one of the best ways to save money is to bring your lunch instead of having fast food or cafeteria fare. Depending on what’s available in the neighborhood where you work, it might be a healthier option, too. Even days when you forget to pack your lunch or are out of leftovers don’t necessarily mean that you have to go out in search of sandwiches. Just plan ahead. [More]

Make Mindless Spending Work For You With The Impulse Purchase Savings Plan
Are you looking for new ways to trick yourself into building up your savings account? Maybe you found the Four-Dollar Gas Savings Club concept appealing, but aren’t interested because you don’t own a car, or have trouble subtracting from four. Okay. Do you ever make silly impulse purchases? Maybe a different savings plan would work for you. [More]

Extreme Couponer Harnesses Skills For Good, Feeds Local Families
You could go grocery shopping with a stack of coupons and build a pantry stockpile, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. One man who enjoys couponing is applying his skills to stock the pantry of an entire community, supplying a facility where families can pick up essentials when they’re struggling. [More]

Save Money On Clothes: Make Yours Last Longer
It’s exceedingly obvious: the easiest way to save money on something is to not buy it in the first place. Everyone has to wear clothing (outside of the house, anyway) but clothing is now so cheap that many of us don’t put much thought into making it last longer. Avoid trips to the store: make your clothes last longer. [More]

Make Your Own Instant Substitution When A Sale Item Runs Out
What happens if you make a special trip to a store to buy a sale item, but by the time you get there the item is all gone? You could pout and go home. You could buy a similar item that isn’t on sale. Or you could fight the power and try to get a discount on a similar item. [More]

What Is A Gray Charge And Why Is It Bad?
To keep money from leaking out of your pocket like a leaky molasses pipeline, you should avoid gray charges. A gray charge isn’t fraud, exactly. No one stole it from you but your own laziness and forgetfulness. Does that sound harsh? It is, but it’s true. Fortunately, you can banish them from your life. [More]

How To Save Money On Gas: Real Tips And Persistent Myths
Yeah, yeah, the best way to save money on gas is to get a more fuel-efficient car. That’s not always an option. What you can do is make some small changes to how you drive in order to maximize your fuel. Our colleagues over at Consumer Reports grabbed some cars and decided to figure out which minor changes to your driving work and which don’t. In? Take the bike rack off your roof. Out? Buying gas early in the morning because the air is cooler and you get more. [More]

99¢ Only Stores Offer Actual Healthy Food, Big Savings, Weight Loss
If I’ve learned anything in the last week, it’s that we really need to import California’s 99¢ Only Stores to the East Coast. They hadn’t even crossed my mental radar screen until this week, when I saw two articles that presented it as not just a money-saving option, but a valid place to get edible, whole foods, which helped two different people save money and lose weight. [More]

Haggling For People Who Are Terrified To Haggle
Unless they’re flea market regulars, modern Americans are not great at haggling. It’s why we hate car shopping so much. Most of us want our prices posted on the wall or on a little sticker, and that’s all. But simple haggling can save a lot of money, and it can be relatively painless. You just have to say seven words. [More]

4 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save A Ton Of Money
Most of our posts discuss the ways that people spend money and things that they’ve spent their money on: discount shopping, paying bills, banking, full-body lattes, and so on. Ways to save money lead to much less interesting headlines, but are a key way to slim down your budget. Or to save up for a fun new gadget. We don’t judge. [More]

Five Sites That Will Help You Recession-Proof Your Life
Although we are not technically in a recession, it’s starting to feel like one. As gas prices and unemployment continue to rise, we’ve rounded up a collection of useful advice for the current period of economic austerity.