fast food


Yes, We Want Fries With That: Americans Get 11% Of Their Calories From Fast Food

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control is pointing a greasy finger at Americans’ eating habits, finding that on average we get 11% of our calories in a day from fast food. But hey, that’s down from 13% since the last time the government poked around in our fast food eating habits. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King Remembers It Has A Value Menu It Should Probably Be Telling You About

What do you think of when you hear the words, “dollar menu”? McDonald’s probably. How about “value menu”? Nothing? Yeah, that’s a problem, admits Burger King, confessing the company needs to start working on reminding people it’s got low-priced food items just like the other guys. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Restaurants Making Big Money Off Diners’ Decisions To Eat Healthy

“Do you want fries with that?” used to be sort of a no-brainer question because, yes, of course, we all want fries with that, no matter what “that” is because fries are delicious. They’re what you eat at a fast food joint, right? Not so much anymore. Sure, people still love fries, but they also love healthier items and non-sugary drinks. And that’s actually profitable for fast food chains, so everyone’s happy. [More]


Burger King Admits Some Beef In U.K. Contained Horse Meat, But None Sold To Diners

Despite taking its business elsewhere after a meat processing plant in Ireland was found to have beef mixed with horse meat, it seems Burger King didn’t move fast enough to insure its 100% beef patties stayed that way. The fast food chain admits that some of the beef from its supplier contained trace bits of horse DNA, but none of that meat made it into its restaurants. [More]

The winner.

A Quest To Find The Best $1 Fast Food Burger

You’re hungry. You’re stranded in suburbia. You only have a few bucks in your pocket. Which fast food dollar-menu burger should you choose? To find out, you’d need $6 (plus tax) and to drive all over town taste-testing the dollar offerings from every chain. Do you want cheese? Bacon? Flavor? Two patties? Fortunately, someone has done the legwork for you, without setting foot outside of his car. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Funeral Procession Takes Trip To The Burger King Drive-Thru For One Last Meal

Honoring the memory of the loved ones we lose is all part of the funeral ceremony, the ritual of bidding farewell and laying that person to rest. And the best way one man’s family could find to honor him just so happened to include not only the normal funeral rites, but about 40 Whopper Jrs. by way of a trip through the Burger King drive-thru for the funeral procession. [More]


Burger King Decides To Not Take The Chance Of Horse Meat Ending Up In Its Whoppers

Burger King has decided to end its relationship with a meat processing company in Ireland that, last week, was among those found to be churning out some beef products containing small amounts of horse meat. [More]


Survey Says: McDonald’s Customers Aren’t Satisfied But They’re Likely To Return Anyway

Do you have that one friend who you don’t like very much, but who is at least always available when you feel like doing something? That seems to be the way a lot of people view McDonald’s. [More]

This is not what "drive-thru" service means.

Man Crashes Car Into Pizza Place, Orders Pizza

We hear all the time about people accidentally crashing their vehicles into fast food joints, but the driver rarely then proceeds to place an order from the establishment into which he’s just crashed. [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s Franchisee Explains Why You Can’t Get Egg McMuffins All Day

McDonald’s burgers rank at or near the bottom of many fast food surveys, but lots of people still speak lovingly of the chain’s Egg McMuffin breakfast sandwich. So why can’t they just make those all day long? [More]

Not an NBC employee. (

Seattle Woman Determined To Only Consume Starbucks Products For Entire Year

Many of us have probably already broken our New Year’s resolutions by now — if we ever made any to begin with — but one woman in Seattle says she’s determined to stick out the entire 365 days of 2013 consuming nothing but products made by Starbucks and its associated companies. [More]


Clean Bathrooms Are “Most Important Marketing Job” For Restaurants, Says Expert

Anyone who has sat through marathons of shows like Kitchen Nightmares and Restaurant: Impossible is fully versed on all the disgusting things possibly lurking under dining room booths and every other nook and cranny. One food service expert says too many restaurant operators ignore the mop and bucket to the detriment of their businesses. [More]

A non-spitty Whopper Jr. (Morton Fox)

Settlement Ends 4-Year Dispute About Spit In Burger King Customer’s Whopper Jr.

In Nov. 2008, an Ohio man says he stopped into a Pennsylvania Burger King and got something a little extra on his Whopper Jr. — a dollop of employee spit. He subsequently sued the franchisee who operates the restaurant, alleging the incident was racially motivated. Well, the matter has finally been settled without going to trial. [More]

A pizza so horrifying, we might need to try it.

This 2-Ring Circus With A Cherry On Top Is Actually A Pizza That People Can Eat

At what first glance appears to be one of those pre-made deli trays your office puts out when they force you to have a meeting through lunch (or your neighbors give you when your mother-in-law passes away), is actually a pizza. Or at least that’s what Pizza Hut Singapore alleges. [More]

(333 (only half evil))

McDonald’s Asks Franchisees To Celebrate Christmas By Staying Open On Dec. 25

In an attempt to continue bouncing back from an almost unheard-of dip in sales during October, the folks at McDonald’s have asked franchisees to not close down during the holidays this year. [More]


What It’s Like To Work At A Subway Franchise, Get Blamed For Everything Customers Don’t Like

Reader M. is currently (under-) employed at a Subway franchise. M. has a college degree, and is bright enough to be able to see the economic indicators that show they’ll still be working at Subway for a while yet. Fortunately, we like to give employees a soapbox to educate the public about the things we might not understand about their jobs. That way, Consumerist readers are less likely to act like entitled jerks, treat front-line employees better, and the world is a happier place. In theory. [More]


Mom Not Happy About Finding Nose Ring In Daughter’s McDonald’s Breakfast Burrito

While kids love to get free shiny playthings with their fast food meals, someone else’s nose ring doesn’t usually fall into that category. But that’s exactly what a mom in Georgia says she discovered in her kid’s McDonald’s breakfast burrito. [More]


McDonald’s Tries To Healthy-Up The McMuffin With “Egg White Delight”

Since the dawn of Yuppies, people have been asking for egg-white omelets and other egg-white only options for their breakfasts. It took a while, but McDonald’s is finally dipping its toes into the egg white water with tests of something called the Egg White Delight. [More]