fast food

Ever had a CEO cook breakfast for you?

Forget The Mc10:35, CEO Says Breakfast All Day May Come To McDonald’s

McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson (not to be confused with Ron Johnson) appeared on CNBC last week to talk about the company and be seen making an Egg McMuffin on camera. More importantly, he discussed the possibility that they could expand the breakfast menu to all day long. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King’s Expansion Of Delivery Service To 3 More Cities Greeted By Cheers From The Couch

Way back in the beginning of 2012, Burger King started testing the waters of delivery service with a trial run in Washington, D.C. and soon expanded to certain locations in Houston, Miami and New York. Sounds like those tests were a hit: stay-at-home diners in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco will never have to put on real pants again to get fast food, as the service is headed to those metropolitan areas as well. [More]

Which International McDonald’s Menu Items Deserve A Try Stateside?

Which International McDonald’s Menu Items Deserve A Try Stateside?

Ever since Vincent Vega first told America about the Royale with Cheese at McDonald’s restaurants in Amsterdam, we’ve been fascinated with the variations, name-changes and bizarre menu offerings available at overseas Golden Arches. But, in the spirit of the international community something something blah blah, is it time to open our borders up enough to allow a few of these fast food finds to squeak through? [More]


Chick Fil-A To Offer Kitchen Tours To Customers Who Ask

UPDATE: Chick fil-A has confirmed the tours to Consumerist and provided a few additional details. [More]

Wendy’s & McDonald’s Teach Readers Disappointing Lessons In Ads Vs. Reality

Wendy’s & McDonald’s Teach Readers Disappointing Lessons In Ads Vs. Reality

Most of us know that what we actually get from a fast food eatery is never identical to what’s shown in the ads, and sometimes is similar in name only. We got used to knowing that a cheeseburger will never look as perfect as it does in the commercial, but with the recent addition of supposedly fancier menu items consumers are learning to prep themselves for more disappointment. [More]

McDonald's surveillance cameras caught the incident on tape.

Off-Duty Cop Gets Impatient At McDonald’s, Pulls Gun On Customer

When we write about customer disputes at fast food joints, it usually involves the cops showing up to put an end to things. But here’s a tale of an impatient police officer who has been accused of pulling his gun on the car in front of him at the McDonald’s drive-thru. [More]


McDonald’s Franchisees Not Pleased About Improving Customer Service While Selling More Discount Food

Between increasing (and tastier) competition, a general drop in the number of younger people eating out, and corporate push to sell more lower-margin menu items, the last thing some McDonald’s franchisees want to hear about is improving customer service. [More]


Is The Gilded Age Of Cupcakes Finally Ending?

From shops selling oversize cupcakes tricked out with all manner of candies, nuts, drizzles, icings and whatnot, to multiple reality shows based solely around the art of baking cupcakes, the treat that had once been relegated to classroom parties grew into a huge business during the last decade. But have we finally had our fill of the sweet treats? [More]


Taco Bell Decides That ‘Living Mas’ Shouldn’t Always Make You Fat

Yes, the company that brought you Doritos-shell tacos (in two flavors), the phrases “fourth meal” and “live mas!,” and which will basically shove anything inside of a tortilla and sell it, says it no longer wants to have such a direct impact on customers’ waistlines. [More]

The folded egg-like thing on the biscuit sandwich (left) can be replaced by the fresh-cooked egg usually reserved for the McMuffin. (Photos: Morton Fox, Morton Fox)

Get McDonald’s To Replace That Folded Egg Thing With The Real Deal Just By Asking

Just about everyone knows that the fresh-cooked egg on an Egg McMuffin is superior to the squarish, folded yellow thing you find on other breakfast items under the Golden Arches. But not everyone knows that you don’t have to take the lesser egg option just because you’re not going the McMuffin route. [More]

The man behind the infamous Mc10:35 has tossed some coffee grounds into his In-N-Out shake to create the "Frozen Mocha"

Is The Coffee-Grounds-In-Milkshake ‘Frozen Mocha’ The Next Secret Menu Item To Take Off?

We’ve talked a lot over the years about secret menu items at fast food joints and how they can be both fun for customers and good for business, so we’re always on the lookout for the next Mc10:35. Now the creator of that fast food Frankenstein has a new secret menu item he says is taking off at his local In-N-Out Burger. [More]

Forget that egg white McMuffin... bring us this thing.

McDonald’s China Improves On Hamburger By Slapping A Couple Of Sausages On Top

Not enough meat on your McDonald’s burger? Throw another patty on. Still not sufficient? Forget going for a third patty, when you can just toss on a couple of sausage links. [More]


Mom Sues McDonald’s After Son Allegedly Eats Used Condom Found On Floor

Another mom is taking McDonald’s to task for the conditions of its restaurants’ play areas. But this time, it’s not about microscopic pathogens lurking on the slide; it’s about how some of a used condom allegedly ended up in a child’s stomach. [More]

Wendy's drive-thru menu has gotten slicker, and most of the prices have gotten higher in recent years.

Which Fast Food Prices Have Increased The Most Over The Last Decade?

Wondering if your Whopper dollar is going as far as it did in 2002? Or maybe you want to know how Wendy’s new focus on higher quality ingredients has impacted your wallet? And why hasn’t the price of a Frosty gone up in 11 years? has some side-by-side pricing comparisons of fast food drive-thru menus from 2002 and the present day. [Cockeyed] [More]

Taco Bell Should Probably Have Told Its Restaurants About Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Going On Sale Early

Taco Bell Should Probably Have Told Its Restaurants About Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Going On Sale Early

Telling 9.8 million Facebook fans and 366,000 Twitter followers that you’re going to release a highly anticipated product a day early is good marketing — that is, unless you fail to tell the stores that are supposed to sell this item. [More]

In spite of the huge marketing blitz about the March 6 release, not everyone seems to have received the message.

Taco Bell Gives Into Cravings, Will Release Cool Ranch Doritos Taco A Day Early

The new Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Loco wasn’t supposed to start funking up the breath of American consumers until Thursday, but it looks like the folks at the Bell decided there was no point in waiting that long. [More]

The Mc10:35 in all its eggy, burgery glory.

4 Reasons Why Fast Food Secret Menu Items Are Good For Business

We’ve been writing about secret menu items — those special fast food treats that a restaurant will make upon request but aren’t listed on the menu — for years, but we’ve never really broken down just why these items aren’t on the menu, and why that’s actually a good thing for these eateries. [More]

McDonald’s Has Names For Each Of The 4 Different McNugget Shapes

McDonald’s Has Names For Each Of The 4 Different McNugget Shapes

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known that McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets came in only a handful of repeating shapes. But I’d never considered that the folks at the Golden Arches actually had specific names for each of the four types of McNugget. [More]