An analyst says the lower-than-expected box office performance by Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a sign that the 3D gimmick and its accompanying higher ticket prices may be coaxing customers to stay home rather than cough up more dough. [More]

Install Netflix On Nearly Any Android Device
A Netflix app finally came out last week for Android, but due to the complications of the plethora of devices running Android, it only came out for a few of them. Netflix says they’ll slowly but surely roll out the app to other devices, but if you don’t feel like waiting you can do a little cellphone hackery and get it on your phone now. [More]

Netflix Releases App For Some Android Devices
(Some) Android users can now finally get in on the instant-streaming candy train with the long-awaited release of a Netflix app on their platform. For now the app is only available for a relatively thin number of phones, HTC’s Incredible, Nexus One, Samsung’s Nexus S, Evo 4G, and G2, but the company says they’re working diligently to roll it out to more phones. There’s just damn many of them. [More]

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic
Say what you will about this exit survey for unsubscribing Netflix customers, but at least it’s realistic about why people cancel Netflix. It’s especially thoughtful of Netflix to include the addresses of still-functioning torrent sites for those users who aren’t yet familiar with them. (Thanks, MedicallyNeedy!)

Boy Dies In Roller Coaster Fall
A 3-year-old Chicago-area boy died after he fell off an indoor amusement park roller coaster. [More]

Sheen To Heckler: "Sorry Dude, Already Got Your Money"
According to a newspaper report, disgruntled actor Charlie Sheen’s “My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour started in Detroit Saturday night with a thud, leaving a dissatisfied audience and an unfulfilled request for a refund. [More]

Netflix Pays $100M To Make A TV Show Of Its Own
In a risky yet inevitable move into original programming, Netflix is shoving a massive stack of chips onto the table, betting it can hang with the likes of HBO and Showtime. The video streaming and DVD rental giant is committing an estimated $100 million to buy and develop two 13-episode seasons of House of Cards, a drama produced and directed by David Fincher, starring Kevin Spacey. [More]

Ticketmaster Settles Class Action Lawsuit
If you bought a ticket from Ticketmaster between Oct ’99 and May ’10, get ready for some bucks/ticket discounts coming your way. Ticketmaster has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit brought against it in 2003 that alleged the ticket giant’s processing fees were just a “profit component” and didn’t recoup any actual costs of doing business. [More]

Ebert Says 3D Will Never Work Because Our Brains Hate It
The massive 3D gimmick the entertainment industry is trying to foist on all of us is going to be about as successful as “Smell-O-Vision,” says film critic Roger Ebert. No, he’s not just just being cranky or “anti new stuff.” Rather, it’s that our brains and eyes are simply not wired for viewing an extended series of 3D images. All the technology improvements and marketing won’t ever beat biology. Here’s why. [More]

Guitar Center Customer Loses Fight With Elmo
Who would punch Elmo in the back of the head? A disgruntled customer at a Guitar Center in Florida, that’s who. The Elmo performer was working a gig at a toy store next door, then wandered over to Guitar Center. That’s when a customer came in, played some drums, behaved aggressively toward other customers and staff, then punched Elmo. [More]

Harry Potter Theme Park Modifies Ride To Accommodate Larger Visitors
The “Forbidden Journey” ride at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter park just got a little less forbidden, at least for some obese tourists. The park has added new larger sized seats to the ride, so at least some of those who were turned away in previous months might have better luck now. [More]

Get A Movie Ticket For Only $4
Groupon is running a deal where you can get a movie ticket voucher for only $4 through Fandango. [More]

Blockbuster Chases GameFly, Offers Game Rentals By Mail
Yesterday we noted that Blockbuster was launching a new DVD-by-mail rental service (which Netflix promptly one-upped by announcing a new streaming agreement), and today we’re getting tips from people that the beleaguered brick and mortar movie rental company is throwing games into the offer as well. FastCompany notes that GameFly offers around 7,000 game titles compared to Blockbuster’s library of 3,000 titles. On the other hand, Blockbuster’s rental plans start at $9/mo compared to GameFly’s $16/mo (both for one disc at a time). [More]

Lost Finale Had 107 Commercials: More Than 45 Minutes Worth
So, Lost ended, as you may have heard, and you also may have heard your friends complaining about the number of commercials that were in the finale. EW says there were 107 of them in 2.5 hours — or more than 45 minutes worth. [More]

Build Your Own Home Theater
Hi-fi curious? PC Perspective has posted the second of 6-part series that walks you through every detail of setting up your own ideal home theater setup, from the planning to stage to source materials to speaker configuration. Future installments will cover setting up a home media server as well. And if you need help picking out the components, bro-site Consumer Reports has an interactive home theater system buying guide that can help. DIY! It’s more fun and if you know what you’re doing, can be cheaper as well.
Building a Home Theater [PC Perspective via HardOCP]

How Far Can You Get On $10?
Earlier this month, CNN asked readers to see how far they could stretch $10. A lot of people chose unusual purchases or silly things, but there were some good ideas for tightwads too. [More]

No More Daily Show Or Colbert Report On Hulu
The New York Times is reporting that Viacom plans to pull its Comedy Central programming from Hulu next week because it can’t reach an agreement with the video site on compensation. In a post today on its blog, a Hulu executive notes that Hulu was “unable to secure the rights to extend these shows,” and that they’ll be gone as of 11:59 pm PST next Tuesday, March 9th. After that, you can continue watching them on and [More]