Netflix Releases App For Some Android Devices

(Some) Android users can now finally get in on the instant-streaming candy train with the long-awaited release of a Netflix app on their platform. For now the app is only available for a relatively thin number of phones, HTC’s Incredible, Nexus One, Samsung’s Nexus S, Evo 4G, and G2, but the company says they’re working diligently to roll it out to more phones. There’s just damn many of them.
With over 300 Android devices, and “In the absence of standardization,” wrote a Netflix product team member, “we have to test each individual handset and launch only on those that can support playback.”
Android lacks, “standard streaming-playback features that the Netflix application can use to gain broad penetration across all available Android phones,” said the team member in a blog post that is now deleted, probably because some device makers didn’t appreciate Netflix talking truthful smack about their wares.
Netflix App Released for Android Phones, Sorta [Wired]
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