
The Poverty-Stricken Masses Are Flocking To Libraries

The Poverty-Stricken Masses Are Flocking To Libraries

Why waste precious cash at Borders and Barnes & Noble when you can go to the library for free? It’s a simple question that is causing traffic local libraries to spike as flocks of new patrons register for library cards. We’ve praised libraries before, but it takes a depressing recession to convince people that yes, even they could use an extra buck in their wallet.

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions

Well that was quick: the Pizza Time employee who told reporters that the store’s manager had shut off the heat and was making them work in a subfreezing store, was fired. This guy really is a terrible boss.

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit

The owner of a Pizza Time in Washington state has cut off the heat at his store after an employee forgot to turn the heat off one night, and is threatening to suspend employees who complain. The manager (the owner’s wife) has a space heater in her office.

Are You Ready For A 4 Day Work Week?

Are You Ready For A 4 Day Work Week?

BusinessWeek says that employers around the country are cutting back hours rather than laying people off in response to the recession. It sounds nice at first — until you realize that it sucks.

AIG To Give Executives "Retention Payments" Instead Of "Bonuses"

AIG To Give Executives "Retention Payments" Instead Of "Bonuses"

CBSNews says that AIG will be suspending “bonuses” for executives and will instead replace them with “retention payments.” We’re not entire sure what the difference is and the government doesn’t know either.

This Company Wants Money Before They'll Hire Me, Is It A Scam?

This Company Wants Money Before They'll Hire Me, Is It A Scam?

Reader Alexis wants to know if it’s standard practice to pay for your own “background check” in order to be hired for a job. She received an email after responding to a legit-sounding seasonal employment ad on craigslist. In the email, the “Head of Recruitment,” asks for money in order to perform a background check and to “demonstrate that you are serious about this position and that what you have submitted so far is correct.”

The Best Cities To Live In During A Recession

The Best Cities To Live In During A Recession

BusinessWeek asks, assuming that we keep sliding down into an official recession, where are the best places to live? They’ve pulled data from PolicyMap.com and the U.S. Census to make some educated guesses about local economies that will be least damaged by a large-scale downturn. They reason that no matter how the national economy fares, there will always be government jobs and a need for health care; higher education institutes provide a cushion for local economies, too.

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

Sidd snapped this photo at the Palisades Mall in West Nyack, NY over the weekend. “Flexible hours” in this case might mean a lot of free time very soon.

10 Lies You Really Shouldn't Try On Your Next Resume

10 Lies You Really Shouldn't Try On Your Next Resume

Hey lazy! Are you still looking for a job? Maybe you’re thinking about “embellishing” your work history a little more, then. However, according to CareerBuilder you should be careful, because “49 percent of hiring managers reported they caught a candidate lying on their resume,” usually about things like responsibilities and skills. If you feel lucky, go for it, but there are certain Really Big Lies you probably shouldn’t try.

7 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You During A Bad Economy

7 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You During A Bad Economy

Reader MG is a fan of the site and a public librarian and has written a list of 7 ways that your library can help you during a bad economy. Libraries are an excellent resource and they’re pretty easy to use. Don’t worry if you’re not a big reader, there’s lots more stuff to do at the library besides just checking out books.

Time For Plan B? Top 10 Recession-Proof Jobs

Time For Plan B? Top 10 Recession-Proof Jobs

Forbes has a list of the (supposedly) most recession-proof jobs, and oddly “funeral home director” isn’t among them. How strange… The list is very heavy with accounting work and jobs that require computer skills with a little nursing and sales thrown in for variety. Seemingly missing from the list is the guy who “deals with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to.” Oh well.

8 Things You Shouldn't Say In A Job Interview

8 Things You Shouldn't Say In A Job Interview

Most of us know that looking for a job can be a job in itself, but there are few things in life more dreaded than the job interview. Even if you remember to spit out your gum and offer a firm and confident handshake, there is a myriad of conversational land-mines which must be avoided. CNN in partnership with CareerBuilder has assembled 8 things that you shouldn’t say during a job interview. The list, inside…

10 Jobs That Pay $20 An Hour

10 Jobs That Pay $20 An Hour

The nation’s unemployment rate has reached 5.5%, a half-percent increase from last month, which is the largest increase in 2 decades. If you are “between gigs” or simply looking to upgrade, CNN Money in partnership with Careerbuilder, has put together a list of 10 jobs that pay $20 an hour or more. Check out the list, inside…

17 Signs You May Be Out Of A Job Soon

17 Signs You May Be Out Of A Job Soon

If you’re still on the fence about whether to spend your stimulus check, pay off debt with it, or stock up on ramen noodles, this checklist may help you decide. Some of the tips are pretty unnecessary—”your job duties are marginalized” and “your company plans to move to a smaller building” shouldn’t be hard to decipher. It never hurts to remind yourself about some of the signs of an impending downsize, however.

Buffalo, Where The Debt Collectors Do Roam

Buffalo, Where The Debt Collectors Do Roam

Who would’ve guessed that credit card debt and the subprime meltdown would be the saving grace for one of New York’s decaying cities? Buffalo now hosts over 100 collection agencies that employ 5,200 people who spend their days prodding delinquent consumers to pay their bills. The cottage industry relies on the “strong work ethic [and] even-handed temperament” of Western New Yorkers, who once powered long-departed industrial giants like Kodak and General Electric.

Ex-Manager Sues Best Buy For Telling "Target" That He "Sucked"

Ex-Manager Sues Best Buy For Telling "Target" That He "Sucked"

Ex-Best Buy manager Michael Oliveri, may “suck,” but he’s pretty darn clever. After he was fired from Best Buy he applied with Circuit City and Target, but became suspicious when job offers from those companies were abruptly terminated.

Job Ideas For 2008

Job Ideas For 2008

If you’re looking to increase your salary, change or start a career, or just get a new job now that your old one has dried up and blown away, MarketWatch has a list of job growth areas and trouble spots for 2008.

Drink Yourself Rich

Drink Yourself Rich

How to get ahead in business? Skip college. Skip the job fair. Head straight to the old man bar at the corner and start passing out the business cards.