
You're Never Too Old To Have A Summer Job

You're Never Too Old To Have A Summer Job

Inspired by our post on thirty- and forty-somethings trying to snag traditionally teenage jobs? If you’ve always wanted to be a lifeguard, bar back, or roller coaster operator, here are some tips for beating the other applicants and letting teenagers worry about the unemployment rate. (Photo: Atwater Village Newbie)

Investments Are Down – Won't You Hire A Poor Trust-Funder?

It’s the end of an era. The parentally-subsidized idle urbanites of New York aren’t getting the fundage they used to, and they have to get paying jobs now. Or move in with their parents. (Here I thought living with my parents after college was too much parental subsidy.) While Gawker’s coverage of this story is not to be missed, let’s look at it through a Consumerist lens, shall we?


The Fourth District Court of Appeal in California reversed the $100 million award in a class action suit filed on behalf of current and former Starbucks baristas. The accusation? Starbucks illegally had shift supervisors share in tip jar proceeds instead of paying them a higher hourly wage. The appeals court ruled that shift supervisors are also hourly employees and not management, and are as entitled to tips as baristas. [Reuters]

Reminder: Don't Pay Private Companies For Postal Jobs

Reminder: Don't Pay Private Companies For Postal Jobs

For those readers who are job-hunting for the first time, or for the first time in a long time, let this serve as a reminder: you do not need to pay a private company to get a job with the post office. No study guides. No sample exams. As T.J. learned, these companies will be happy to sell you all kinds of unnecessary exam-taking supplies…whether there are any postal jobs available or exams planned near where you live, or not. Multiple companies are masquerading as hiring for the post office.

Consumer Confidence Is Up. Wait, Compared To What?

Consumer Confidence Is Up. Wait, Compared To What?

Do you feel more confident? According to the Conference Board, consumer confidence is up to its highest level in eight months, and made its biggest increase in six years.

Out-Of-Work Adults Try To Nab Summer Lifeguard Positions

Out-Of-Work Adults Try To Nab Summer Lifeguard Positions

Some adults who are out of work are now going after classic teen jobs, says ABC News. In Florida, which has the fourth-highest unemployment rate of the nation, men in their 30s and 40s “have pulled on swim trunks in hopes of beating out the teenagers for a few choice positions as $9.37 an hour lifeguards.” The report also says adults are trying out for jobs at places like Six Flags. All of this reminds us a little of this Kids In The Hall Sketch (see below) where a young boy finds a stray businessman and brings him home.

Where Are New Job Opportunities? Try Wyoming, North Dakota, Virginia

Where Are New Job Opportunities? Try Wyoming, North Dakota, Virginia

As unemployment grows, MainStreet looked at where in the U.S. there are actually new job opportunities. Ranked #51 is Michigan. #1? North Dakota.

Forced Arbitration: You Can't Sue Us For Discrimination

Forced Arbitration: You Can't Sue Us For Discrimination

Besides banning forced arbitration in consumer and franchise contracts, the Arbitration Fairness Act bans mandatory binding arbitration clauses in employment contracts. John’s story illustrates why this is necessary, inside.

Two Guys In A Garage Invent Bacon Salt, Quit Their Day Jobs

Two Guys In A Garage Invent Bacon Salt, Quit Their Day Jobs

They say recessions are good times for innovation and a time to start your own business, and Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow are proving both true with their invention, Bacon Salt. Building from the simple idea that “everything should taste like bacon,” these two entrepreneurs quit their successful tech jobs and started their alchemical project out of their garage. By showing up at sporting events dressed as bacon and using Facebook and Twitter, they racked up 800 orders in the first week and sold out of Bacon Salt in 6 days. An inspiration for anyone with the entrepreneurial desire sizzling inside them.

Icon Parking Accidentally Reveals Why Their Service Is Cheap

Icon Parking Accidentally Reveals Why Their Service Is Cheap

Eli Lansey took photos of recent Icon Parking ads on NYC subway cars and posted them on his blog. They promise customers “$10 for up to 10 hours” of parking at various lots in the city. Wow, that’s a good price! On the same ad they have a help wanted section that says they’re looking for employees, “no experience necessary.” Ah.

Public Transit Ridership Highest In 52 Years

Public Transit Ridership Highest In 52 Years

See, here’s some good news to the wallet-gouging gas prices of 2008: ridership of public transportation was up to 10.7 billion trips last year, “the highest level of ridership in 52 years” according to the American Public Transportation Association. It was the fifth consecutive year that ridership increased, but it may come to an end in 2009 because of skyrocketing unemployment.

10 Tax Deductions For Freelancers

10 Tax Deductions For Freelancers

Freelance Switch has 10 deductions freelancers can take. For instance, if you have a cellphone as a second line and primarily use it for business, deduct it. Work from home? There’s the complex but worth it home-office deduction. The “research” category is very useful, especially for journalists and writers. Just about any piece of entertainment can go in there. Hey, you got to keep in touch with the zeitgeist, right?’

Don't Fall For The Job Hunting Credit Report Scam

Don't Fall For The Job Hunting Credit Report Scam

Christine is looking for a new job, and she found this neat little credit report scam. The scam is pretty transparent in this case, but we thought we’d put it out there as a reminder anyway. Remember, if you want a truly free credit report, only use annualcreditreport.com. Everything else comes with a hidden cost or enrollment in a billed membership—and if a potential employer inists on a specific “free” service that isn’t free when you read the fine print, you can be pretty sure it’s a scam.

Here's A Shock: Fewer People Are Quitting Their Jobs

Here's A Shock: Fewer People Are Quitting Their Jobs

NPR’s Planet Money blog alerts us to the existence of a statistic called the “quits” rate — which, you guessed it, monitors how many people are quitting their jobs. You’ll be shocked to hear that for months the quits rate has been at the lowest point since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it.


You can now get unemployment insurance for your vacation. How depressing. [MSNBC]

The Mess DHL Left Behind When It Pulled Out Of The US

The Mess DHL Left Behind When It Pulled Out Of The US

When DHL ended domestic shipping and laid off 9,500 people back in November, 60 Minutes says it was losing $6 million a day. Now the people of Wilmington, Ohio are cleaning up the mess that DHL left and are wondering what’s next.


Over 71,400 jobs were cut today, bringing the total jobs cut this year to over 200,000. CNN Money has a list of what’s been lost in 2009 so far. [CNN Money] (Thanks to Olevia!)
(Photo: bbaunach)

Can Businesses Really Check My Credit Report Before Offering Me A Job?

Can Businesses Really Check My Credit Report Before Offering Me A Job?

Reader Brandon wants to know if those freecreditreport.com commercials are being misleading when they tell you that your credit report can affect where you get a job.