
Senate Protects Employee Rights With Forced Arbitration Ban

Senate Protects Employee Rights With Forced Arbitration Ban

Yesterday, the Senate adopted an amendment that will prevent federal funding from going to any contractor that requires its employees to use mandatory binding arbitration, instead of court, for sexual assault and civil rights claims against the company.

Colorado Job Opening: Marijuana Dispensary Reviewer

Colorado Job Opening: Marijuana Dispensary Reviewer

Are you looking for a job? Do you live in the Denver area and have a talent for writing and a prescription for medical marijuana? Well, then the alt-newsweekly Westword wants to talk to you!

Strippers Fight Financial Exploitation With Lawsuit

Strippers Fight Financial Exploitation With Lawsuit

Massachusetts strippers have filed lawsuits against the clubs that employ them, claiming exploitation…of the financial kind. As the economy worsened, clubs tried to take a larger cut of dancers’ falling tip incomes.

Old Workers Vs. Young In A Tough Labor Market

Old Workers Vs. Young In A Tough Labor Market

Forget about mall-walking and midday bingo games. It seems that workers over 55 just aren’t interested in retiring. This is problematic for the young people who, under different circumstances, would have replaced them in the workforce.

Is Your Resume Outdated And Irrelevant When You Aren't?

Is Your Resume Outdated And Irrelevant When You Aren't?

Sometimes you find yourself job-hunting when you didn’t really expect to. This predicament is particularly common during, oh, the last year or so. Sure, you may have had to keep your skills up to date to keep up in the office, but what about your resume? What are the signs that you obviously haven’t touched it up since 1994? Divine Caroline will tell you.

New Zealand Woman Fired After Sending Too Many All-Caps E-mails

New Zealand Woman Fired After Sending Too Many All-Caps E-mails


Unemployment Claims And Consumer Confidence Down, Whirlpool To Lay Off 1,100

Unemployment Claims And Consumer Confidence Down, Whirlpool To Lay Off 1,100

The number of new unemployment claims filed nationwide was down to only 570,000 last week, but consumer confidence is at a four-month low. Maybe that’s because newsworthy layoffs continue, including Whirlpool announcing that they will cut 1,100 full-time positions in the U.S., located in Evansville, Indiana.

Check Your Resume And Cover Letter For Typos And Bad Jokes

Check Your Resume And Cover Letter For Typos And Bad Jokes

Everyone knows that you need to proofread your resume and cover letter carefully before submitting them, but some people seem to forget. In today’s “Color of Money” column for the Washington Post, Michelle Singletary reminds readers that in a tough job market, companies aren’t inclined to overlook even the tiniest typos.

Are You Hiring? Look Out For Fake Job Reference Agencies

Are You Hiring? Look Out For Fake Job Reference Agencies

Are you looking for a job? Do you need positive references, but don’t have anyone left from your old employer who would say nice things about you after the incident with the office bagel tray, shaving cream, and a box of gerbils? Don’t worry. You can take care of that with a few hundred dollars.

Well, The Sewage Plant Is Hiring

Well, The Sewage Plant Is Hiring

From the AP:

Jobless College Grad Sues To Get Tuition Back, Misspells "Tuition"

Jobless College Grad Sues To Get Tuition Back, Misspells "Tuition"

The job market is tough. No one seems to know it better than our nation’s fresh-faced recent college graduates. They’ve discovered a harsh truth—despite hounding alumni for donations, colleges aren’t able to find jobs for them. One recent college grad in New York City is fighting back, since she graduated three whole months ago and her alma mater hasn’t found her a job yet.

College Career Services Offices Can Help Mid-Career Professionals, Too

College Career Services Offices Can Help Mid-Career Professionals, Too

College career offices aren’t just for students and recent alumni. They’re also for mid-career professionals who want help with resume touchups, interview preparation, and meeting other alums. Best of all, the assistance is entirely free!

Take A Coffee Break Before Your Next Job Interview

Take A Coffee Break Before Your Next Job Interview

Sure, we all know that it’s as disastrous to arrive late for a job interview as it is to submit your resume written in crayon. But have you ever thought about what happens if you arrive early? According to resume consultant Adam Sterling, arriving early disrupts your interviewers’ schedules and creates tension.

Fed: The Economy Is Recovering — Even If Nobody Has A @#$*@* Job

Fed: The Economy Is Recovering — Even If Nobody Has A @#$*@* Job

Fed Chariman Ben Bernanke testified before the House Committee on Financial Services today, reassuring lawmakers that the bailouts were working — but cautioned that they shouldn’t expect their constituents to have jobs again until 2012.

Ex-Time Warner Employee's Zombie AOL Account Finally Put To Rest

Ex-Time Warner Employee's Zombie AOL Account Finally Put To Rest

You may remember Jennifer, who we wrote about on Wednesday. She suddenly started receiving collection notices for an AOL account she hadn’t paid for since 2000. Her situation has since been resolved, and serves as an important reminder about accounts and benefits when changing jobs.

Watch Out For The Five Worst Teen Jobs Of 2009

Watch Out For The Five Worst Teen Jobs Of 2009

Because we took a lot of seasonal jobs/were easily bored, we had quite a few jobs as a teenager. But although our workplaces exposed us to hazards like deli slicers and Christmas Eve mall shoppers, we’re relieved to learn we never had one of the National Consumer League’s Five Worst Teen Jobs.

Call Center Disciplines Reps If You're Not Happy With Your Collections Call

Call Center Disciplines Reps If You're Not Happy With Your Collections Call

You’ve most likely seen those surveys you receive on your receipt, or after a chat session or phone call. Most people ignore them unless they get something in return, or service was exceptionally bad or exceptionally good. According to our source R., though, not answering that survey could help the rep you’ve just talked to lose his or her job.

Applying For A Job? Great, Give Us Your Google And Facebook Passwords

Applying For A Job? Great, Give Us Your Google And Facebook Passwords

ReadWriteWeb has a scary article about the city of Bozeman, Montana. It doesn’t sound like a scary place, but if you want to say, work for the City, you’ll need to give them all your social networking usernames and passwords.