
Wendy's Employee And Customer Reenact Jerry Springer Episode At Drive-Through

Wendy's Employee And Customer Reenact Jerry Springer Episode At Drive-Through

Wendy’s employee Lorissa Mendez and Wendy’s customer Ashley A. Roberts have been feuding over the father of Mendez’s child. Ashley and her two friends pulled up at the drive through at 1 a.m. Sunday morning while Lorissa was working, and according to Lorissa they started “talking shit” about her. Lorissa responded by throwing a cup of fruit punch in Ashley’s face. The police were called once Ashley tried to climb through the drive-through window to get at Lorissa. Meanwhile someone at the counter was probably wondering why his Frosty order was taking so long to fill. [More]

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Two employees at the Sprint outlet at Cherry Creek Shopping Center, where that iPad customer had his pinkie ripped off by a criminal earlier this month, were fired for chasing down and holding a different shoplifter one day later. [More]

Bitter Consumerette Lets Her Cheeks Do The Complaining

Bitter Consumerette Lets Her Cheeks Do The Complaining

A 46-year-old Pennsylvania woman was less than thrilled with the way she was treated at a store, so she allegedly pulled a drive-by mooning on the employees and customers, the Lehigh Valley News reports. Some alert moon-ies were able to jot down her license plate number and turn her into the cops. [More]

Pretending To Sell Kids On Craigslist Not Considered Funny By Police

Pretending To Sell Kids On Craigslist Not Considered Funny By Police

The New York State Police do not think it is funny when you place a listing for your two sons on Craigslist. [More]

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies

Oh Philadelphia, we know you love the whole “we boo Santa” image, but we must say that intentionally vomiting on an 11-year-old girl is a bit much, even for you. [More]

Too Jerky For Jerky: Ben Roethlisberger Dropped From Endorsement Deal

Too Jerky For Jerky: Ben Roethlisberger Dropped From Endorsement Deal

If you want to make lots of money selling “Big Ben’s Beef Jerky” you’re going to have to behave like a gentleman, Mr. Roethlisberger. Today the owner of Pittsburgh-based PLB Sports, Inc., said he was terminating his five-year business relationship with the Steelers’ QB. [More]

Bank Of America Technician Turned ATM Into Free Money Machine, Stole Over $200,000

Bank Of America Technician Turned ATM Into Free Money Machine, Stole Over $200,000

A former BoA IT worker has agreed to plead guilty to installing malware on the bank’s ATM machines in order to withdraw money whenever he felt like it, reports Wired. According to the plea agreement, his total take from the crime was between $200-400k. The bank won’t disclose how he did it or what the malware was like, but earlier this month Visa announced that new malware has hit the U.S. that could not only capture customers’ PINs and card data, but also give the criminal the ability to empty the machine of any cash that was in it. [More]

eBay Scammers Evolve, Use Live Chat "Customer Service Reps"

eBay Scammers Evolve, Use Live Chat "Customer Service Reps"

Grace almost got scammed on eBay. A fraudster cracked a high-value seller’s account and posted a fake listing for a camera and tried to make Grace pay for it using Western Union, a huge warning sign of a scam. That’s typical, but these criminals went the extra mile. “Above and beyond,” if you will. When she tried to ask some questions about the transaction, they directed her to a live online chat that was mocked up to look like a real eBay customer service chat and tried to assuage her concerns by telling her it was okay to use Western Union because she had “buyer protection!” Here’s her story and the chat transcript so you can learn and not get burned: [More]

Bank Of America Employee Allegedly Demanded Illegal Fees To Prevent Foreclosures

Bank Of America Employee Allegedly Demanded Illegal Fees To Prevent Foreclosures

It’s bad enough that banks have been negligent at implementing the government’s loan modification program, but now a BoA mortgage loan officer is being sued for making extra money illegally on struggling homeowners. According to the Boston Globe, a new lawsuit claims the employee was demanding as much as $1,500 from each borrower before offering help foreclosure help, and routing the funds through his own company, Foreclosure Alternatives. The lawsuit also alleges that the man falsely represented himself as an attorney for BoA. [More]

Walgreens Takes Pity On You When You Get Mugged For Your Wallet And Prescriptions

Walgreens Takes Pity On You When You Get Mugged For Your Wallet And Prescriptions

Tabitha and her husband were part of a horrible chain of events. She was ill, and her husband was mugged on the way home from the pharmacy with her prescriptions. With his credit cards, cash, and his wife’s medicine all gone, her husband went back to the pharmacy…and received true above and beyond service. [More]

Food Tampering Craze Hits Calgary As Copycats Join In

Food Tampering Craze Hits Calgary As Copycats Join In

Maybe Calgary’s residents didn’t like being eclipsed by the Olympics, or maybe there’s just an awfully high number of bored crooks living there. Either way, the city has now reported 11 cases of food tampering, mostly involving shards of metal inserted into food items, in grocery stores across the city since January. [More]

Prison Inmate Charged With Running Major Department Store Credit Card Scam

Prison Inmate Charged With Running Major Department Store Credit Card Scam

Seven Ohio men between the ages of 27 and 50 were arrested last week and charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, after an investigation found evidence that they were gaining access to strangers’ store-issued credit cards to buy and resale merchandise. The group’s leader, who was also charged, is a 33-year-old inmate at Fort Dix, NJ. Investigators think he initially met one of the Ohio men in prison. [More]

Watch Out, The J.C. Penney Security Guard Has A Gun!

Watch Out, The J.C. Penney Security Guard Has A Gun!

If security guards start carrying guns at department stores, I’m going to stop referring to them as rent-a-cops. Not because they’ve suddenly jumped up on my respect-o-meter, but because they might open fire. At a mall in Virginia last Sunday, a J.C. Penney security guard pursued a shoplifter into the mall parking lot and fired a gun into the air. The shoplifter was arrested, and the police confiscated the guard’s gun. The store won’t say whether it was owned by the guard or issued by management. [More]

Couple Arrested For Replacing Jell-O Mix With Sand, Returning It

Couple Arrested For Replacing Jell-O Mix With Sand, Returning It

In what may be the lamest reenactment of an Indiana Jones scene ever, a Long Island couple has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of petit larceny and tampering with a consumer product. Police say they are suspected of buying boxes of Jell-O pudding mix and replacing the mix with “aquarium sand” before returning the boxes. [More]

Walmart Employee Helps Catch World's Sneakiest Bank Robber

Walmart Employee Helps Catch World's Sneakiest Bank Robber

WIRED has a cool story about Gerald Blanchard, the world’s most ingenious thief and bank robber, who once parachuted onto a Viennese castle to steal the famed Koechert Diamond Pearl, and how he was eventually caught by two grizzled cops in Winnipeg, thanks to a Walmart worker’s tip. While Gerald was meticulous in preparing for his heists… [More]

TJX Hacker May Have Also Been Working For The Secret Service For $75,000 A Year

TJX Hacker May Have Also Been Working For The Secret Service For $75,000 A Year

Albert Gonzalez, the mastermind behind most of the multi-million dollar credit card breaches in the past few years, is being sentenced this week. (Feds are asking for 25 years.) Now his former accomplice, Stephen Watt, has told Wired that while Gonzalez was busy stealing and selling credit card data he was also being paid under the table by the U.S. Secret Service to inform on others, earning as much as $75,000 in cash annually. [More]

That Mysterious $230,000 Deposited In Your Bank Account Is Probably Not Yours

That Mysterious $230,000 Deposited In Your Bank Account Is Probably Not Yours

If you checked your bank account balance to see a mysterious $230,000 deposit, what would you do? If your answer is “contact the bank and make sure the money goes back to its rightful owner,” you are correct. If you said “buy a Camaro and a new wardrobe, check into a hotel, and brag about your windfall to a police officer,” you are incorrect. Unfortunately, an Alaska fisherman chose that second option, and now he’s in jail. [More]

Madoff Gets S*** Kicked Out Of Him In Prison

Madoff Gets S*** Kicked Out Of Him In Prison

A fellow inmate at Butner federal prison brutually fulfilled the fantasy of millions by brutally beating the piss out of ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, reports WSJ. [More]