Walgreens Takes Pity On You When You Get Mugged For Your Wallet And Prescriptions

Tabitha and her husband were part of a horrible chain of events. She was ill, and her husband was mugged on the way home from the pharmacy with her prescriptions. With his credit cards, cash, and his wife’s medicine all gone, her husband went back to the pharmacy…and received true above and beyond service.
A while back I was very sick, and sent my husband to Walgreens to get my prescriptions. As he was getting out of the car back at our apartment he was mugged. They got everything. His phone, my prescriptions, our credit cards, and all our cash. (Not to mention my husband ID.) We called the police and filed a report, and then I called Walgreens to see if maybe since my medicine was stolen, if they could fill it again. They told me to send my husband up there with the police report and they would “See what they could do.” I sent him back, expecting the worst, and he came back with all of my prescriptions, and my Diet Coke, all free of charge.
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