There are plenty of sports fans out there we’ve written about who do bad things during games, these Philadelphia Phillies fans are pulling off an impressive — and pretty darn funny — combination of a taunt and team spirit. No one is too dignified to mimic Atlanta Braves pitcher Craig Kimbrel’s bird of prey moves, and to be honest, it looks like a blast. [More]

Vomiting Phillies Fan Sentenced To At Least 30 Days In Jail
For better or worse — and for most of my life, it’s tended toward the latter — I am a Philadelphia Phillies fan. That being said, I was just as horrified as everyone else when a drunk jerk at a Phillies game intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl back in April. Thus, I’m happy to report that he is now behind bars… and that he’s really from New Jersey. [More]

17-Year-Old Philly Fan Runs On Field Gets Tasered In Front Of 44k
A 17-year-old Philly fan ran onto the field and was tasered by police, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. A crowd of 44, 817 (or is that 816…?) watched as the fan ran out onto the field in the 8th inning and was tasered. This is apparently the first time such a thing has happened in Philly, though it has apparently also happened in Oakland. [More]

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies
Oh Philadelphia, we know you love the whole “we boo Santa” image, but we must say that intentionally vomiting on an 11-year-old girl is a bit much, even for you. [More]

Yep, Trying To Trade Sex For World Series Tickets Is Illegal
We know you really want to go see the Phillies/Yankees World Series, but you’ll have to find some way to pay for it that doesn’t include sex acts. One Philly fan found out that hard way when an undercover cop answered her Craigslist ad.