My mom always said to me, “If you’re going to steal an in-use bread delivery truck, it’s only common courtesy to keep making the deliveries.” Of course, it doesn’t help if those deliveries are just to random businesses that didn’t order any of the bread. [More]
crime news

Of All The Things To Steal From Subway Restaurant, Customer Walks Off With Toilet
Your local Subway sandwich shop has all sorts of things one could (but shouldn’t) steal — like cash registers, food items, and kitchen supplies. But one Seattle-area man overlooked all of those common-sense possibilities and decided he’d be different; he’d steal the toilet. [More]

Man Takes Kids To Chuck E. Cheese’s For Wholesome Purse-Snatching Fun
For decades, Chuck E. Cheese’s has been a place where parents could bring their kids for wholesome activities like chowing down on overpriced pizza, running around uncontrollably, and playing around in pits of plastic balls that you convince yourself aren’t covered in germs. But one man in Washington state recently added another game to the mix, called “Go steal some purses and give them to me.” [More]

Pizza Hut Manager Helped Boyfriend Rob Her Own Store… 3 Times In 4 Months
It’s bad enough when a fast food manager assists in the robbery of the very store she’s entrusted to manage. It’s even worse when the person robbing the business is that manager’s boyfriend. But helping that no-good boyfriend pull off three robberies in only a few months, well… to quote Jaime Lannister, “The things I do for love.” [More]

Let’s Play “Guess Why This Person Broke Into Restaurant While Wearing A Box On Their Head”
While it’s not exactly a case for Adrian Monk (or even Encyclopedia Brown), police in Bismarck, ND, do have a puzzler of a crime on their hands after someone broke into a restaurant after hours and appears to have done nothing but walked around the place with a cardboard box covering his/her head. [More]

Teen Stowaway Somehow Survives 5-Hour Flight Hidden In Wheel Well
In news that we fear might give cheapo airlines some ideas about how to squeeze more passengers on a plane, a teenage stowaway not only managed to sneak into the wheel well of a jet, but somehow managed to survive sub-freezing temperatures and super-thin air for more than five hours on a flight from California to Hawaii. [More]

Sprint Store Manager Accused Of Mailing $327,000 In Refund Checks To Himself
A former manager of a Sprint store in Queens, NY, has been arrested for allegedly helping himself to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of rebate checks that should have gone to customers. [More]

Taxi Driver Paid $600 To Be Unwitting Accomplice In Bank Robbery
We’ve written before about triple-digit taxi fares, but it’s usually a case of sketchy drivers taking advantage of naive customers or passengers who don’t realize there are less-expensive options. So here’s a story of how a cab driver in Kansas was paid $600 to help a bank robber make his escape. [More]

Taco Bell Employee Guilty Of Threatening Co-Worker With Knife In Front Of Customers
Dear Taco Bell employees: If you’re going to threaten one another with knives (which, for the record, we do not recommend), kindly do so out of the view of customers; and certainly don’t threaten your fellow employee while he or she is in the middle of taking an order from a customer. [More]

Walmart Toe-Sucker Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail
Last month, we told you about the North Carolina man who misled a Walmart customer into letting him help her try on shoes, and then crossed a big line by sucking on her toes. Yesterday, the faux podiatrist was in court to hear his fate. [More]

Banks Warned About Massive ATM Frauds, Attacks On Websites
It’s hard to feel bad for the banking business, but financial institutions can take a huge hit when consumers are the victims of large-scale fraud or ID theft. Replacing debit and credit cards, issuing refunds, investigating sketchy transactions can all add up — and of course that cost ultimately gets passed on to customers. This is why federal regulators are putting banks on alert to be mindful of increasingly popular ATM fraud and to be prepared for attacks on their websites. [More]

If You Get Caught Joining Mile-High Club, Don’t Kick The Officer Who Arrests You
We’ve never really considered a crowded plane to be the most conducive setting for amorous adventures, but maybe we’re just being square. We also use the term square, so that might be your answer right there. Regardless, we’re not the ones facing criminal charges after allegedly engaging in a public sex act then assaulting the officer who arrested us. [More]

Bank Accidentally Deposits $31K In Account Of Teen, Who Promptly Spends It
When you get the “Bank Error in Your Favor” card in Monopoly, there should be a subsequent “Criminal Investigation into Your Spending” card that follows. Maybe then kids today would know that it’s not wise to go on a spending spree when an employee at their bank goofs and accidentally deposits someone else’s $31,000 into their account. [More]

Bank Of America Says It Shouldn’t Have To Pay For School Employee Who Stole $840K
For more than four years, an employee of a Catholic school in Connecticut got away with siphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from the school’s account at Bank of America. In 2012, a court ordered BofA to pay $840,000 to the diocese for its failure to catch on to the swindle. Today, the bank was scheduled to appear in court to make its case for why it shouldn’t have to pay that tab. [More]

Victim Of Attempted Robbery Says Walmart Manager Asked Her To Not Call Cops
Just because a robbery is unsuccessful doesn’t mean the police shouldn’t be involved. But try telling that to the manager at a Walmart in California, where a customer says she was urged to not contact authorities after being assaulted in the store. [More]
Angry McDonald’s Customer Kicks In Glass Door, Pepper Sprays Staff
(In case you hadn’t guessed, the above video contains some NSFW utterances, so turn down your volume or put on headphones before everyone at work notices). We think we’ve found a soulmate for the Florida woman who torched her dining companion’s car after he refused to buy her a McFlurry. It’s this guy in Galway, Ireland, who kicked in the glass door of his local Golden Arches and then repeatedly pepper-sprayed the people inside. [More]

After Being Denied McFlurry, Woman Sets Car On Fire In McDonald’s Parking Lot
While I personally think the McFlurry is nothing special (probably because I spent the better part of my adolescence making top-notch Blizzards at Dairy Queen), even the world’s most ardent fan of the McDonald’s dessert would probably agree that it isn’t anything worth setting someone else’s car on fire over. [More]

Infomercial Shill Kevin Trudeau Sentenced To 10 Years For Repeatedly Defrauding Consumers
Back in November, TV pitchman, bestselling author and repeat offender Kevin Trudeau was found guilty of criminal contempt after continuing to make fraudulent weight-loss claims in the marketing of his book The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You to Know About. Yesterday, they had their final say in the matter, sentencing the fraudster to a decade behind bars. [More]