As Dostoyevsky wrote, a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel, so it’s of little surprise that a random airport worker lashed out with his fist at a passenger — a traveler who was not only holding an infant in his arms at the time, but who had languished for some 13 hours while waiting for his repeatedly delayed flight. [More]
bad employees

Airport Employee Punches Passenger Holding Baby Because We Live In A Cruel And Absurd Universe

College Professor Says Walmart Called Him A Toilet Cleaner On Fishing License
A college professor in Montana is accusing Walmart of libel, after he says the store deliberately listed his profession as “CLEAN TOILETS” on a state-issued fishing license. [More]

Intoxicated Best Buy Worker Can’t Hold Store Liable For Letting Him Drive Home, Crash His Car
If you show up to work so overly medicated that you won’t remember it the next day, it’s pretty likely that your employer is going to notice and send you home (and maybe tell you to never come back), but if you wreck your car on the way home, can you hold your employer responsible for letting you drive away? [More]

Don’t Expect To Keep Your Job At Texas Roadhouse After Tweeting You’d “Kill As Many Mexicans As I Could”
Just because you can go on Twitter and type whatever words come into your head, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. And that First Amendment right to express yourself doesn’t protect you from your employer firing you over the embarrassing and hateful things you say in public. [More]

Rude Note On Domino’s Box Scolds Customer For Late Order
Having worked in the foodservice industry, I am familiar with that unique sensation of “C’mon… seriously?” when someone wants to place an order only minutes to go before shutting down for the night. At the same time — unlike the workers at a Texas Domino’s store — I never vented my frustration with a mean little note for the customer to take home with them. [More]

Domino’s Driver Stabs Customer For Complaining About Pizza Being 90 Minutes Late
Remember when Domino’s Pizza used to guarantee that you’d get your order in 30 minutes? The company stopped that promotion because some drivers were putting lives at risk with their dangerous driving. But it looks like delivering a pizza 90 minutes late can be just as harmful. [More]

Customer Says Car Wash Worker Wrote “B*tch Is Crazy” On Her Receipt
I don’t work in human resources, but if I did I’d be sure that all applicants had to respond to the following hypothetical: “You’re annoyed at a customer (the reason doesn’t matter) and you have the opportunity to express that annoyance to said customer by scrawling an offensive note on a receipt that he or she will almost certainly see. Do you do it?” [More]

Iowa Taco Bell Closed For Decontamination Due To Meth Components In Utility Room
At least one Taco Bell employee may have been planning to cook more than Quesaritos inside the building, according to local police in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Police say that two men were responsible for the “active meth-making ingredients” found in a utility room at the restaurant, but don’t know for sure whether the men actually cooked any methamphetamine in their makeshift lab. [More]

Pizza Hut Employees Fired For Writing “KKK” & Drawing Swastika Inside Pizza Box
If your racism runs so deep that you feel compelled to spell it out for people on the inside of fast food containers, maybe you shouldn’t be in a job that involves serving food to other human beings. Perhaps the three Arkansas Pizza Hut employees who were fired for this sort of behavior will remember that when they look for their next jobs. [More]

Pizza Hut Completely Screws Up Customer’s Order, Accuses Him Of “Getting Physical” With Driver
Even the best pizza places will completely botch the occasional delivery order, but what sets a good one pizza joint apart from the bad ones is how it handles those gaffes. But it looks like one Pizza Hut decided that it is fine with being on the wrong end of that customer service spectrum. [More]

Starbucks Is Really Sorry That This Employee Flipped Out On Customer (And That It Was Caught On Video)
There’s a widely held misconception that customer service used to be perfect “back when,” and every retail transaction was straight out of a 1960s sitcom. The fact is that customers and store employees have been going at each other since the first paleolithic entrepreneur tried to upsell his neighbor on a thrashing stick to go with his bludgeoning stone. But now we all get to see and hear about these retail rows and foodservice fisticuffs — and companies are often compelled to apologize for them — thanks to social media. [More]

Start Your Week With This Video Of Fired McDonald’s Employee Trashing Kitchen
Are you unhappy to be back at work after the weekend? Do you dream of running amok in your office and maybe going hog-wild on the printer? We don’t advise that you actually do that, but you can maybe get some vicarious release by watching a fired McDonald’s employee wreak havoc on the eatery that dismissed him. [More]

Comcast Is Also Changing Customers’ Names To “Whore” And “Dummy”
This is not how Comcast wanted to end a week that saw it having to explain how a supposedly rogue employee could change a customer’s name to “A**hole Brown.” Other customers have since come forward claiming they also had their names tweaked for the worst by Comcast staffers. [More]

Domino’s Customer: I Wasn’t Trying To Get “Go F**k Yourself” Manager Fired
You may have heard about the recent incident in which a since-fired Domino’s Pizza manager was caught on camera calling a customer a “retard” and telling her that his manager’s name was Mr. “Go F*ck Yourself.” Now the customer who shot that video is saying it was never her intention to get the man fired from his job. [More]

Foot Locker Employee Admits To Filming Women In Restroom
A Foot Locker employee in New York City faces possible jail time after being caught using his smartphone to record footage of women while they used the store’s toilet. [More]