Man Takes Kids To Chuck E. Cheese’s For Wholesome Purse-Snatching Fun

(Bob Reck)
KOMO News in Seattle reports that an Olympia, WA, man has been arrested for allegedly using three kids — ages 7, 8, and 10, who may or may not be related to him — for his own felonious gain.
One particular Chuck E. Cheese’s location in the area had been the site of between 15 to 20 purse thefts in recent months. A look at security camera footage from inside the eatery eventually pointed to footage of youngsters pilfering purses from distracted moms and then bringing them to an older man in the bathroom.
Then this past Wednesday, an employee at the restaurant called the police after spotting the man from the security footage and his trio of sticky-fingered moppets.
The modern-day Fagin and his artful dodgers had already left the restaurant by the time the police arrived, but quick-witted workers had made sure to get a description of his vehicle, which was soon pulled over by an eagle-eyed police officer. Inside the car were the three kids and a woman whose relation to this whole mess is currently unknown.
The man was arrested for suspicion of driving on a suspended license and an outstanding felony warrant.
If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go train a group of local Boy Scouts how to install card skimmers on an ATM before we go for a lunch outing to Dave & Buster’s.
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