When you get the “Bank Error in Your Favor” card in Monopoly, there should be a subsequent “Criminal Investigation into Your Spending” card that follows. Maybe then kids today would know that it’s not wise to go on a spending spree when an employee at their bank goofs and accidentally deposits someone else’s $31,000 into their account. [More]
bank error in no one’s favor

Top 6 Examples Of Why No One Trusts Banks These Days
Seems like in the last few years that big banks make embarrassing errors as often as criminals commit crimes at Taco Bell. So it was no small feat for the editors over at CNN Money to whittle it down to their list of 6 Biggest Banking Blunders of recent years… By the way, three of them involve Bank of America. [More]

BankAtlantic Launches New Online Banking System That Um, Doesn't Work
BankAtlantic, based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, launched a new online banking system over the weekend. Everything went just fine if you don’t mind your new online banking system not actually working. Glitches in the system prevented many users from logging-in and apparently caused a panic among online gamblers. [More]