It’s nearly Halloween, which means costumes, candy, parties, pumpkins, and — again — candy. But just because you’re all jacked up on a sugar high — or by the mere thought of your eventual sugar high — doesn’t mean you and your family can’t be safe this Halloween. [More]

Cop Dressed As Batman Stops Walmart Shoplifter With Copy Of ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’
In Texas, there’s a real-life cop who moonlights as a superhero. While off-duty, he dresses as characters including Batman, Iron Man, and the Incredible Hulk, and visits children in hospitals. While he was visiting a safety event at a Walmart store, though, he foiled a real-life crime. [More]

Guy Dresses As 12-Foot CVS Receipt, Redeems Costume’s Discount Code At Actual CVS
We’ve seen creative consumers poking fun at CVS for its infamously long receipts in the past, but one Halloween reveler took the idea a bit more literally by dressing as a giant CVS sales slip, complete with working discount code. [More]

Walmart Pulls “Suicide Scar” Halloween Costume Makeup Kit
Already this fall, several retailers have pulled Halloween decorations and costumes from their shelves and online stores because they were too dangerous, too creepy, or could be used to further a rash of suspicious incidents involving people dressed as clowns. Now, Walmart is joining those ranks: the retailer is removing what it calls an inappropriate “suicide scar” costume makeup kit. [More]

Disney Pulls ‘Moana’ Polynesian Costume Amid Claims It’s Offensive
Disney apologized on Wednesday and said it would be pulling a boy’s costume for a Polynesian character in the movie Moana, after backlash from Pacific Islanders who compared it to blackface. [More]

Walmart Now Has An Internal “Swat Team” To Prevent Embarrassing Costumes From Hitting Shelves
Walmart and its website have a spotted history when it comes to questionable Halloween costumes, like the “Naughty Leopard” outfit for toddlers, or the entire section of dedicated to “Fat Girl Costumes.” In an effort to pre-empt this sort of embarrassment, the retailer now has an internal team tasked with heading off offensive costumes at the pass. [More]

Is A Kilt A Costume? Busch Gardens Says So, Denies Entry To Man Wearing Scottish Garb
UPDATE: Busch Gardens says kilts are now welcome at the park, whenever guests want to wear them. [More]

Police: Walmart Shopper Doused Halloween Costumes With Lighter Fluid, Set Them On Fire
There always has to be someone – or something – that tries to ruin everyone’s favorite spooky holiday: the thief who wiped out a preschoolers’ pumpkin patch, the wild boars that threatened to put a damper on trick-or-treating, and now a California man who allegedly set an aisle of Halloween costumes on fire at Walmart. [More]

Walmart Finally Removes “Fat Girl Costumes” Section Of Website
Almost a week after it was first called out for having a section on its website dedicated to “Fat Girl Costumes,” Walmart has finally removed the category and replaced it with “Women’s Plus Size Halloween Costumes.” [More]

Still Looking For A Halloween Costume? Here’s One For Just $1.6M
Some people might rummage through their closet or head to the local Halloween pop-up store for a clever, or sultry costume to prowl the streets in. But apparently someone might just go a different route, shelling out more money for a costume than many consumers would pay for a house – or two, three, four, five, or more houses. [More]

Now We Know What Happened To That Creepy Burger King Mascot
If, like me, you were plagued with nightmares of that super-creepy, mammoth-headed “King” character from those Burger King ads that ran on TV (and in print, and in video game form) for far too long, then you may be sad to know he hasn’t gone away. He just works behind the counter at Taco Bell now. [More]

Party City Saves Money On Models, Just Makes Photos For Plus-Size Items Wider
If you’re a costume store and have both misses’ and plus-sized tights and leggings to sell, there are two things you could do. You could hire models who fit into each respective product line, and take photos of their legs in each item. Or you could take pictures of a misses’ size model wearing the tights, then stretch out the images to create the illusion of a plus-size model. Party City did one of these. [More]

Sorry, Plus-Size Women: You’re Too Fat To Dress As Fat Disney Character For Halloween
I always loved Disney villain Ursula, the portly six-legged sea-witch who swaps the Litte Mermaid’s tail for a pair of legs in return for her lovely singing voice. And you’d think that dressing up as Ursula, or as the inevitable “sexy” Halloween version of Ursula, would be an option for women who are actually shaped like the character. Nope, not so fast! [More]

Batman Costume Package Vs Reality
It’s not exactly the kind of crime the caped crusader would go after, but reader synimatik was a bit pissed when she opened her son’s Batman costume and found it didn’t match up with the image on the outside of the package. [More]

Toddler Costume Tag Admits It's Dangerous To Toddlers
Remember those find-however-many-things-wrong-with-this picture puzzles? Well, here’s something that could easily pass for one of those. [More]

What Are Some Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas?
The personal finance blog Moolanomy posted a list of 25 cheap Halloween costumes, including ones that make no sense (see “Soup and crackers”) and ones that sound borderline dirty (see “Facebook wall”). The list made us realize that our readers probably have a lot of equally cheap, and equally-or-more creative, costume ideas of their own.

Now Available For Halloween: "Sexy" Costumes For Dogs
Last year, we highlighted sexy Halloween costumes for inappropriately young girls, but costume makers have decided to take it farther. To sexy costumes for dogs.

Forget about that $2600 urn that’s shaped like your face. Thanks to commenter microcars, here’s the original manufacturer’s website, where the same stuff sells for a lot less. Plus, here’s a creepy video of the end products! [That’s My Face]