Stock photos are images that photographers produce in case an advertiser or publication might need them one day and pay for the photograph. Nobody can predict every kind of image that every designer might possibly need, which means that there are a lot of weird stock photos. Really weird. Totino’s decided to use some of these photos to promote their frozen pizza rolls, and the result is even more disturbing than the original pictures. [More]
this looks shopped

Party City Saves Money On Models, Just Makes Photos For Plus-Size Items Wider
If you’re a costume store and have both misses’ and plus-sized tights and leggings to sell, there are two things you could do. You could hire models who fit into each respective product line, and take photos of their legs in each item. Or you could take pictures of a misses’ size model wearing the tights, then stretch out the images to create the illusion of a plus-size model. Party City did one of these. [More]

Well, Someone Already Pirated Adobe Photoshop CC
That was fast, and not entirely surprising: even though Adobe Creative Cloud was supposed to make it harder to pirate the world’s most-pirated program, someone did within a day of its release. Yes, there is reportedly already a pirated version that reportedly works. (No, we’re not going to tell you where or how to find it.) [More]

Great, Now Demi Moore's Torso Is Missing
In all of the chatter surrounding the Demi Moore W cover controversy, many people have insisted that her vanished hip is part of a perfectly natural pose. They were correct. The photo shows the natural standing pose… of a runway model in her mid-twenties. It appears that Moore’s head, legs, and arms were superimposed on the hips and torso of model Anja Rubik.
Fashion Thunderdome: two models enter, one magazine cover leaves.

Fashion Photographer Offers $5,000 Reward For Demi Moore's Hip
Demi Moore and W cover photographer Anthony Citrano disagree about whether the infamous picture of Moore was modified to Photoshop out a chunk of her hip. They took their argument to the court of public opinion: Twitter.