Walmart Finally Removes “Fat Girl Costumes” Section Of Website

As of Monday morning, still featured a “Fat Girl Costumes” section. It has since been replaced.
A Twitter user in Florida first called out the nation’s largest retailer for the Fat Girl category last Tuesday:
To which the company’s not-at-all-automated Twitter account replied, “Your comments and suggestions are important to us and help make Walmart even better. Thank you.”
Obviously, this didn’t get up the ladder at Walmart HQ, because the controversial section was still up on the site as of this morning.
But after much to-do over the labeling of these costumes, it finally appears as if Walmart has removed the “Fat Girl” label.
“This never should have been on our site,” a Walmart rep told ABC News. “It is unacceptable, and we apologize. We are working to remove it as soon as possible and ensure this never happens again.”
Of course, with every journalist and looky-loo going to to search for “Fat Girl Costumes” this morning, the website now automatically fills in that search term for users when they start typing:
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