Overall, Groupon’s transition from a company that sells discount vouchers to a company that sells discount merchandise has gone pretty well. Yet some news from Australia caught our attention when we learned that Groupon in that country sold counterfeit condoms on their website. Now the Australian government is alerting consumers who purchased those condoms that they should probably not use them. [More]

Appeals Court: Forcing Porn Stars To Wear Condoms Doesn’t Violate First Amendment
Even though many adults in non-monogamous relationships are using condoms, the porn industry has long held that using the prophylactic devices in sex scenes is a buzzkill. And in recent years porn auteurs have argued that laws mandating the use of condoms on XXX sets is a violation of the First Amendment. But yesterday, a federal appeals court said a rubber requirement isn’t enough to claim restriction of free expression. [More]

Coke And Mentos Geyser Tests The Limits Of A Condom
It probably isn’t necessary for us consumers to test the structural integrity of our condoms, but this video published last week features a bold Italian experimenter doing just that. [More]

Porn Company Digitally Removes Condoms From Video
In 2012, voters in Los Angeles County narrowly approved Measure B [PDF], a law that requires porn performers to wear condoms. Some fans of adult film fans complain that the use of condoms is distracting, and a number of studios are either ignoring the law or shooting outside of L.A. County. But one porno producer is going the high-tech route, digitally removing the prophylactic devices from its performers’ phalluses. [More]

Target, Where Condoms Are A Suggested Substitute For Antacid
Is your unruly stomach keeping you up at night? How about some Trojan condoms to help you get some rest… You say that doesn’t make a lick of sense? Welcome to the wonderful world of Target’s inane suggested substitutions. [More]

Oh, Great: China Busted A Counterfeit Durex Condom Mill
Two Chinese entrepreneurs came up with a brilliant business idea: they bought regular old no-name condoms from a factory in one province, and bought packaging material with the globally recognized brand name of Durex, as well as Russian name brand Contex and China’s own brand Jissbon. When all of these big brand condoms started hitting the market at cut-rate prices, the authorities noticed, as the authorities tend to do. [More]

Flavor Wizards Behind Bacon Salt And Sriracha Lip Balm Announce Bacon Condoms
The flavor wizards over at J&D’s Foods began their empire with Bacon Salt, a product that is vegetarian and certified kosher, yet tastes exactly like bacon. They expanded their product line to include other flavors (Sriracha hot sauce, malt vinegar) and products that aren’t food (caskets, envelopes, shaving cream.) Now a new product joins Bacon Lube in their series of non-edible Bacon After Dark items: bacon condoms. [More]

Whatever This CVS Has Planned Tonight, Count Us Out
It makes sense for a store to place small impulse-buy items on the shelf next to related merchandise. Say, cereal and bananas. Beer and Ping-Pong balls. Cold medicine and tissues. Tampons and chocolate. Those choices all make sense, but this impulse buy found at a New England CVS left us, and tipster Jena, scratching our heads. [More]

Our New Favorite Drinking Game: Condom Brand Or Android Device?
There once was a time when popular cellphones had names like StarTAC, meant to appeal to early adopters and the tech-savvy. But today’s smartphones are now equal parts communication device and fashion accessory, and the names have gotten sexier to match that change. But have they gotten so sexy you can’t tell whether you’re buying a phone or a condom? [More]

Store Attempts To Dissuade Customers From Trying On Condoms Before Buying
There is already a great deal of information for consumers printed on boxes of condoms, covering everything from proper use to possible allergic reactions to effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and transmission of infectious disease. But one store felt the need to post its own advisory about condoms: That you shouldn’t crack open a box to try one on without paying. [More]

Avoid Walmart Receipt Check By Loudly Declaring That You Bought Condoms
At Walmart, it’s not just electronics that have anti-theft tags: it’s any small, desirable item. Like a box of condoms. Patrick found a way to use this information to his advantage and avoid a receipt check at Walmart. Whether anyone should do this, especially after they’ve tripped the alarm, is a matter for debate. [More]

Looking For Free Condoms? There's An App For That
Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” like free condoms. That must be why the New York City Health Department picked today to unveil its new condom-locator app for iPhones and Android devices. [More]

On A Hot Date But Low On Cash? Don't Steal The Condom Machine
A man in Hungary found himself banned from a bar after he got caught attempting to exit the establishment with an entire condom vending machine under his coat. [More]

Man Settles With Burger King Over Used Condom In Whopper
Old school Consumerist readers may remember the 2007 story of the Vermont man who sued Burger King after claiming he found a used condom in his Whopper. Three years later, a lawyer for the man has announced that the matter has been settled out of court. [More]

Kid Gets Herpes From Condom He Found In Hotel Room
Last month we wrote about the 4-year-old boy in Atlanta who mistook a used condom in a hotel room for a balloon and put it in his mouth. An STD test confirmed the family’s suspicions that the boy contracted herpes from the condom. [More]

This Condom Warning Label Arouses Confusion
A reader bought this box of condoms from her local Safeway, and she says this sticker was underneath the outer packaging. People be freaky, but is there anyone who would want a raw chicken condom that you have to keep frozen until use? (Meh, probably.) [More]