You might be be surprised how much air a condom can hold, or water (try 25 liters). But which holds the most before bursting to pieces? Our friend Theresa at Consumer Reports donned a lab coat and glasses to find out which brand of condoms came out on top in their durability tests.

Man Claims To Have Found Condom In Soup
A man in Mission Viejo, California, says when he began eating his french onion soup over Easter brunch at the restaurant Claim Jumper, he bit into something rubbery. He “spit out the piece of cheese only to discover he had been chewing on what his wife claimed was a condom.”

“Condom!” is a free ringtone for your phone. It’s being promoted in India as part of a campaign to normalize condom use, but there’s no reason you can’t put it on your own phone to impress and amaze fellow diners, bus riders, church goers, etc. It’s also catchy! [Crave]

Would You Like A Condom Ad In Your Beer?
Maybe the bottom of a beer glass isn’t the best place to advertise a jimmy cap. Do you really want to drain the last of your beer and suddenly be reminded of Stiffler from American Pie? Yeah, we didn’t think so.
Man Finds Used Condom In Southwestern Whopper, Sues Burger King
Van Miguel Hartless is suing the owner of a Rutland Burger King after biting into a Southwestern Whopper that contained a used condom. When Hartless complained to the manager, he “laughed off the incident.”

Used Condoms Recycled Into Hair Bands?
Used condoms as hair bands? We’re all for recycling and everything, but this story pushes boundaries of good taste… and public health.

Washington D.C. Gives Away Uncool, Defective Condoms
We’re sure that Washington D.C. meant well when it started giving away free condoms in order to help stop the spread of H.I.V. in the US city with the highest AIDS rate. One problem: The condoms suck.

Crazy Lady Spills Condoms All Over Aiport
Mellisa May attended an AIDS conference and stuffed her luggage to the brim with free condoms. Disaster struck at the airport, as she tells the New York Times.
Morning Deals Round Up
•’s Famous Valentine Day Sale is back, featuring 100 assorted condoms from brands including Durex, Trojan, Lifestyles, Okamoto, Viva, and Beyond Seven for just $20.