Avoid Walmart Receipt Check By Loudly Declaring That You Bought Condoms

At Walmart, it’s not just electronics that have anti-theft tags: it’s any small, desirable item. Like a box of condoms. Patrick found a way to use this information to his advantage and avoid a receipt check at Walmart. Whether anyone should do this, especially after they’ve tripped the alarm, is a matter for debate.
On my last trip to wal-mart, I found out that the electronic tags that set off the alarm at the door are actually not only on electronics and dvd’s, but also on condoms.
As the alarm went off during my departure, I was puzzled as to what could have set off the alarm. The receipt checker walked toward me, and asked if I had any electronics. In my sick sense of humor, I exclaimed particularly loudly in a crowded entrance area that it was probably a sensor in the CONDOMS I PURCHASED.
He exclaims “that would do it” turned around and walked away quickly. Victory was mine.
Calm Man Successfully Buys TV And Denies Walmart Receipt Checkers
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